Military industrial hegemony

Chapter 222 Wang Xiaoqiang's Story: His Name Is Cockroach

Chapter 222 Wang Xiaoqiang's Story: His Name Is Cockroach
Five People's Liberation Army vehicles with a cover were slowly advancing on a road. The road condition was very poor, causing the vehicles to be very bumpy.The people in the car couldn't sit still with the bumps again and again, and they all lay in the car.It is now September, but the hot weather has not subsided at all, but has become more intense.Everyone said that Qiuhu was Qiuhu, and it seemed that what he said was true.The shed of the Jiefang truck is actually a layer of tarpaulin, and the situation inside can be imagined in such weather.No one in the car pulled the tarp from the rear of the car or poked their heads out, because doing so would be punishable.The people inside didn't know anything about the whereabouts of these cars. They only knew that they had passed the initial test and came here to participate in the selection. As for where they went, they didn't know what they were doing.After arriving in Anxi, they were concentrated in a middle school in Anxi. At two o'clock in the morning, they were woken up and stuffed into the car, and then drove until it became hot inside.

In the third truck that was driving, there were more than a dozen soldiers sitting. Everyone was obviously tossed by the hot weather.A few soldiers took off their coats directly, and played poker with a few soldiers with their chests exposed.A few people were still sitting in the corner of the vehicle, leaning against the wall of the vehicle with their eyes closed, chatting without saying a word.Next to these people was a soldier who looked very young. His name was Wang Xiaoqiang. He was only 19 years old this year. Regardless of his young age, he was also a veteran who served for two years, and one of them was spent on the front line of the round of battles. of.The living conditions on the front line were very difficult. Many of his comrades died there, but he survived.

The unit he was in was a very ordinary infantry company. The squad leader of his squad was called Shi Jin. He was an authentic Northeast man with a very heroic personality.And he likes to drink very much, basically no one has seen him get drunk.With a bold personality and the ability to drink, the combination of these two things made Shi Jin feel like a duck to water in the army.He joined the army and soon became the squad leader, and the regiment was still studying how to promote him and train him as a top player, but an unexpected round of battle interrupted the original rhythm.So this out-and-out northeastern man came to the southern border where he had never been before, and started a year-long battle with the Nanman monkeys.Shi Jin is not afraid of suffering, because his family is a peasant family, and he has helped his parents with farm work since he was very young, so this hardship is nothing.He is not afraid of sacrifice, because there are more than a dozen scars on his body, and he always said with a smile, what kind of injury is this, it is not as severe as the frostbite in winter in the Northeast.He said that he was the only person in his village who fell into the frozen lake and climbed out by himself, so he was too fateful to die. If Lord Yan wanted him to die, he would have died in the frozen lake.

Of course, there are things that can scare Shi Jin, and that is the high temperature and sweltering heat.Let a person who has lived in a cold area for a long time suddenly run to a hot place, no one can stand it.So when everyone saw Shi Jin on the battlefield, he always only wore a short skirt and showed his chest and belly.On the border, most of the frontier positions of our army are the southern barbarian army. It is impossible to build large-scale military fortifications. The distance between the two sides is only a few hundred meters. It takes a long time to build large-scale fortifications.Therefore, the positions of both sides are mainly small and medium-sized anti-blasting holes.The anti-gun performance of Maoerdong is very good, and our army suffered few casualties in the defense.But the disadvantage of cat ear piercing is that the space is small, hot and humid.The border area has a subtropical climate, and even living in a well-ventilated bamboo building is unbearable.

The cat's ear hole is no more than a few meters long and wide, and less than one or two meters long and wide. Most of it is underground, with only a narrow exit outside, and it is impossible to ventilate.The temperature inside the cave is high, generally over 40 degrees, and some as high as 50 degrees, which is almost unbearable for normal people, and people with poor physique will become unconscious within a few minutes after entering.In fact, the high temperature is not more serious, the worst thing is the high humidity.The inside of the cave is wet everywhere, not only unbearable, but also clothes and food will soon become moldy, weapons are easy to rust, and even the special moisture-proof quilt is damp.It is impossible to wear clothes in the cave, because the humidity is too high, and the clothes are wet and easy to stick to the body. In addition to making people very uncomfortable, they are also very prone to skin diseases and even fester all over the body.

Therefore, many soldiers of our army in the cat ear holes are completely naked, and they don’t even wear underwear, because they can’t wear them at all. The humid climate and harsh living environment have caused many soldiers to wear rotten crotches. To solve this problem, the general manager urgently produced a batch of skirts with better ventilation performance than trousers and sent them to the frontline positions.The soldiers here are all young adults in their 30s and [-]s. Of course, they disdain this kind of skirts that only women wear at first, and they all refuse to wear them.But seeing that his guy's appendages and body started to have sores, he didn't care about his face anymore and wore them on his body one after another.So this kind of male soldiers wearing skirts came about under such extreme conditions.

What troubled Shi Jin more than the heat was a soldier in his squad named Wang Xiaoqiang.This Wang Xiaoqiang is very timid, and he is terribly afraid of death when doing anything.So over time, his comrades nicknamed him 'cockroach' and comforted him by saying that cockroaches are tough and can survive in a very difficult environment, so he will definitely be fine and will come back alive.Under Shi Jin's care and teaching, Wang Xiaoqiang gradually grew up quickly in this one-year round of combat life. From a timid soldier who was afraid of fighting, he has grown into a brave fighter who sits and fights. A personal second-class merit, so that no one dared to underestimate him.Wang Xiaoqiang was very happy about this, and he was very grateful to his monitor, Shi Jin. It can be said that he had regarded Shi Jin as his own brother during this year of hardships, and Shi Jin was so caring and caring for Wang Xiaoqiang. Forged a deep relationship with Wang Xiaoqiang.

The time is fast, and the round of battles will soon be over. Everyone is very happy, because they are all glad that they are still alive at this moment.While the big guy was waiting for the company commander's instructor to read out the handover and evacuation order, he did not expect that the instructor brought a combat order.The instructor told them that most of the roads in Nanman territory were damaged in the "Autumn Sowing Operation" (Jiang Chen's plan, if you don't remember it) that our army carried out in Nanman territory last night. They support front-line operations, so they are required to cooperate with the main force to seize the enemy's position on the opposite side.Although the big guys were a little disappointed, their morale was high, especially when they heard that the enemy positions were now isolated and helpless, each and every one of them screamed, saying that they would come to vent the anger of the past few months.

 The name-calling activity for the Special Warfare Brigade has started. Anyone who has a good name or suggestion can leave a message for me by leaving a message or joining the book friend group of this book. I would like to express my gratitude and give him the right to name an important character in the special warfare brigade. I hope everyone will actively participate.

(End of this chapter)

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