Ace's Sims

Chapter 107 Big Failure

Chapter 107 Big Failure

When the red dog in the distance saw this scene, he almost exploded with anger.

This hateful little ghost left behind these clones, so it was all in preparation for escape?


Under the perception of knowledge and domineering, he can clearly distinguish who is the main body and who is the avatar.

The one who is fighting with himself now, whether it is the Ace in the air who controls the orange-red transparent giant, or the Ace on the sea who manipulates the sea water to deal with him, are just clones.

The avatar disappears, what will happen to the main body, Akainu doesn't know.

But he only knows one thing, that is, no matter how many clones he kills, this guy Ace will never die, at most he will only be severely injured.

Otherwise, that kid wouldn't have kept these clones to restrain him.

"How could I let you run away with peace of mind—"

Akainu turned around, and the lava right hand burst out suddenly, and the whole arm was also infinitely stretched, chasing Ace at a terrifying speed.

This time the plan was for Wu Laoxing to cross the Warring States Period and directly issue orders to himself.

If it messes up, not only will it be difficult for the Warring States side to explain, but it will also disappoint those five old guys.

After all, if he wanted to take the position of marshal, the support of those five old guys would be indispensable.

It is completely impossible for him to rely solely on Sengoku's recommendation, because that guy is actually more optimistic about Aokiji than himself.

What's more, Ace is too dangerous, even if he doesn't have the task of arresting Venus, he still has to get rid of this kid here.

If he is allowed to continue to grow, it will be a great threat to the harmony of the sea and the justice of the navy.

Therefore, in terms of emotion and reason, public and private, he must get rid of Ace here.

"Mighty dog--"

The lava fist caught up with Ace in an instant, hitting Susanoo's back heavily.

This punch full of anger and power was so powerful that it even directly smashed a spider web of cracks on Susanoo's back.

At the same time, Ace, who was in control of Susanoo, was also blinded for an instant, and almost closed Sharingan directly.

Two lines of blood and tears oozed from the corners of his eyes. It was obvious that both Susano and Ace had been severely injured by this punch.

No, I can't fall down here yet, absolutely not.

Ace gritted his teeth and insisted that even if he wanted to fall, he couldn't fall here. He had to fly a long enough distance to avoid Akainu's pursuit completely.

But soon, a strong pain was released from the inside out, deeply hurting his internal organs and all parts of his body.

Ace knew what was going on without even thinking about it.

Those doppelgängers disappeared.

Whether it was the fire clone or the shadow clone, they all disappeared in the attack of Akainu venting his anger.

Gritting his teeth and persevering, Ace didn't know how far he flew. Finally, in the blur of consciousness, his eyes went dark, and he passed out directly, and Susano almost disappeared in an instant.

Together with Ace, the sailboat drew an arc in the air and fell towards the sea.


Venus in the cabin let out a loud roar, transformed into a broken cabin, and flew towards Ace.

After catching Ace with his mouth, he turned his huge body back to the sailboat, firmly grasped the sailboat with two dragon claws, and then swung his wings desperately enduring the pain to slow down the falling speed of the sailboat.

In the end, when the sailboat stopped on the sea intact, Venus also fell into a faint due to the great pain, and lay unconscious on the deck with Ace.


When Deus saw this scene, he slapped himself severely.

They didn't participate in this battle from the beginning to the end, and they were always protected by Ace.

Even in the end, when Ace fainted from the pain, it was the 14-year-old Venus who jumped out to protect them.

The three of them didn't do anything, and they couldn't do anything.

On the other side of the sea, the mood of the navy is not very good.

Akainu stood on the deck with a gloomy face, looking at the three subordinates lying there, in a very bad mood.

Dauberman was severely injured by Ace in the Kingdom of Stadi, and now his injuries are compounded.

The mole and the ghost spider, as Ace said, all the bones in their bodies were broken. If they don't spend a few months or even half a year to recuperate, then they can declare early retirement.

Of the ten warships, only one was lost, and the other nine were intact. This is the only good news, because this is their smallest loss in this battle.

As for those navies who were buried in the sea because of the destruction of warships, Akainu simply ignored them.

"Have you tracked Fire Fist Ace's location?"

Akainu looked at a school-level officer beside him, and asked impatiently.


The field officer replied tremblingly.

"A group of trash, the world government has already installed tracking phone bugs on their ships. You only need to find their location based on the signal of tracking phone bugs. Can't you even do such a simple thing?"

Akainu picked up the school-level officer and angrily reprimanded him.

"Report to General Sakasky, tracking the phone bug, tracking the phone bug, seems to have lost contact, since half an hour ago..."

The school-level officer replied tremblingly.

"Trash, it's all a bunch of trash..."

Akainu threw the school-level officer casually, cursing angrily.

If it was just a defeat in a battle, he would definitely not be so angry like he is now, because of the existence of tracking phone bugs, he can catch up with Ace and the others at any time, and kill that nasty kid.

But now they can't even receive the message of tracking the phone bug, which means that they have failed in this operation, a complete and complete failure.

Ten warships, three lieutenant generals, and one general, combined together with a force that is more terrifying than the Demon Slaughter Order, failed to take down Fire Fist Ace, and even allowed them to escape without loss. So, where should he put his face?
Injuried?If it is not a permanent injury, what if it is a severe injury?

Losing face is still a trivial matter.

If Wu Laoxing's mission is messed up, that's a big deal.

A mission mess up meant that the position of the next Marshal had nothing to do with him at all.

"Blu blu blu, blu blu blu..."

The phone bug rang, and Akainu frowned and walked over.

But as soon as the call was connected, a voice that Akainu didn't want to hear the most had already rang.

"Sakaski, what's the matter with you bastard? You privately dispatched ten warships to go out for action, but you didn't report to me. Do you not pay attention to me as a marshal at all?"

An angry reprimand sounded, it was the voice of Marshal Zhan Guo.

Akainu stared silently, his face was very ugly, but he didn't dare to make any rebuttals, because this matter was his fault.

"Sakaski, after the mission is completed, return to Marlin Vandor as soon as possible. I need to talk to you face to face."

Seeing that Akainu didn't answer, Sengoku sighed faintly and said.


Akaken's face sank, and he said unwillingly, "It failed."


Sengoku suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, and Akainu performed the mission himself, but it still failed?

(End of this chapter)

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