Ace's Sims

Chapter 71 Leave it to me

Chapter 71 Leave it to me
A figure suddenly appeared, standing in front of Venus.

Obviously right now, his body is several times bigger than the guy in front of him, but in Venus' eyes, the not-so-tall figure in front of him stands like a giant standing in front of him.

It was none other than Ace.

Of course, behind Ace, Deus also appeared beside Venus.

Ace turned his back to Venus, turned his head sideways, and after showing a bright smile at Venus, his eyes quickly became sharp, looking directly at the man in the suit in front of him, and the piercing flying slash.

"Yang Yan—"

Ace pointed forward with his right hand, hot flames rising, extending forward in a spiral shape, burning everything in the path.

The terrifying flames lit up the sky like a volcanic eruption.

After touching the Flying Slash, Ai Siyangyan's power seemed to be even stronger, directly melting the ferocious Flying Slash, and then continued to attack the man in the suit.

"Ayes the fire fist--"

The man in the suit let out a roar, his armed domineering power instantly covered his whole body, his body passed through the flames, and he came to Ace with his fists waving.

"A senior agent of the World Government?"

Ace's face darkened, and the armed domineering completed the cover on the spot, and punched out.

The two pitch-black fists collided, and a wave of air suddenly swept away, washing everything around.


Venus' voice was weak, but also a little surprised.

He couldn't figure out why someone like him would come to save him.

But thinking of what Ace said before, and the fact that he gave himself the devil fruit, he felt that all this was very reasonable.

"You don't need to talk for now, leave the next battle to me."

"As for you, you can completely trust Deus. He is also my partner and the doctor on board. With him, your life will not be in danger."

After forcing the man in the suit back with a punch, Ace grinned brightly, and even the white teeth were shining brightly under the light of the flames.

But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore, and his face immediately became gloomy.

On Venus's thin and small body, apart from those hideous wounds, there are also densely packed scary scars all over the place, which are all the beatings he received in the past.

From his chest to his back, there was no good skin to be seen on his body.

"Deus, you take him back to the boat first."

Ace's voice was low, and a burst of anger began to erupt in his heart.

"I see."

Without any hesitation, Deuss took off his windbreaker and wrapped it around Venus after receiving Ace's order, then picked up the little guy and ran away.

Things like fighting should be left to those who are good at it.

As the deputy captain, as the ship's doctor and think tank, he should be responsible for other things.

"You have insulted the great Creator, do you think you can really continue to live?"

When the man in the suit saw this, he left Ace alone and chased after Venus.

"You want to kill him, dreaming."

The body turned into flames, and Ace, driven by the flames, came to the man in the suit in an instant, and swung out his fists filled with flames simultaneously.

"Ace, don't think that I can act recklessly because I like you!"

The man in the suit smashed out his pitch-black fists at the same time, and his whole body burst into a violent roar.

"Really? Then I really want to thank you——"

Ace didn't take it seriously, Tianlong's lackeys were optimistic, he really didn't need it.

Whether it's Shichibukai or the navy, it's absolutely impossible for him to become one.

As for world government agents or something, he didn't even think about it.

The two fists collided, sparks flew all over the place, and the flames, led by the air waves, attacked all around.

"Since you don't accept my kindness, I can only kill you and deal with that garbage."

The man in the suit stared, and the killing intent in his eyes was released directly through the mask.

After a brief contact, he distanced himself from Ace, and jumped directly from the ground into the air.

"Land's Foot·The Shape of the Moon——"

The man in the suit shouted softly, and he spun around in the air, and two ferocious crescent-shaped flying slashes shot out instantly, falling from the sky in an almost overlapping form.

Its target is naturally Ace on the ground.

"If your strength is only like this, then it's better not to say these big words, because I can't help but laugh out loud."

Ace sneered back, disdainful of the man in the suit's attack.

Although this attack was much more powerful than the previous slash, it was still not enough to threaten him.

Before going to sea, when Ace was still training on Gorbo Mountain, the benchmark of strength was the world's top combat power, such as generals or four emperors, not these little guys.

So, back then in Rogge Town, he could handle Smoker easily.

Similarly, here now, he can also easily deal with the senior agents of the world government.

"Flame Ring·Fire Pillar—"

Accompanied by Ace's violent shout, the flames rose instantly, wrapping Ace tightly, and then as his hands twirled, all the flames were also guided by Ace to fly into the sky, forming a thick pillar of flame.

The cylindrical rising flame was extremely fast, colliding with the flying slash of the man in the suit in an instant.

But this time, Ace's attack was still better.

After a brief stalemate, Yan Zhu also directly burned the Flying Slash, and then continued to attack the man in the suit.

Only at this time, the man in the suit was gone, disappearing from mid-air.

"Six Types of Mysteries, Six King Spear—"

The man in the suit reappeared, standing there firmly as if his feet were rooted in the ground.

His upper body also began to swell abnormally, and his muscles were full of strength.

Clenched hands together into fists, and together, accompanied by the loud shout of the man in the suit, the terrifying power erupted instantly.

Before the fist arrived, the shock wave took a step ahead.

This is an attack that can penetrate the epidermis and directly cause huge damage to the internal organs.

"you are too slow--"

Under the perception of knowledge and domineering, the actions of the man in the suit have nowhere to hide in Ace's eyes, and all actions are almost carried out under Ace's nose.

The moment the Six Kings Spear appeared, Ace also folded his hands together, and the temperature also rose instantly at this moment, baking everything around him.

As early as the end of the first Sims, Ace had considered the issue of fighting Akainu in the future, so he has been thinking about developing new moves, but on Gorbo Mountain, there are dense jungles everywhere, he There is no way to practice it.

But here, he doesn't need to worry about these.

Even if the fire broke out, none of the people around were innocent.

"Shenhuo Kagutsuchi Spear—"

(End of this chapter)

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