Chapter 271

"Ah Yue, come here."

The road ahead was blocked by a person who suddenly appeared, pulling her to the side, speaking with distressed expression.

"Those humans have really bad tempers, they are arguing and insisting on seeing you."

"I wanted to see Shi Zi, I thought, your identity in the human race is Shi Zi, so I came over and said."

The person who spoke was a disabled mutated plant body. She failed to evolve, resulting in incomplete transformation. She was a transparent person working in the base with an ugly appearance.

"Clearly, you should know how to deal with disobedient prey."

Clearly confused, but quickly reacted.

"Understood, let's go."

Ah Yue walked towards the interior of the base. Everything was thought of here, and it was ten times, a hundred times more advanced than the technology of the human race.

The source body of the mutated plant is the gene carried by the meteorite.

She learned later that the mutated plants are actually people from another planet. They have over-developed technology and developed many secret weapons that can destroy the planet.

In order to develop, over-exploiting energy, destroying the laws of nature, causing frequent natural disasters on the planet, resulting in the destruction of one's own planet, and the destruction of the creatures inside.

At the time of destruction, all the most advanced interstellar culture will be preserved in a digital form, hidden in chips, sent to the spacecraft, and escaped from the planet at the fastest speed.

I don't remember how many light-years I have been floating in the universe. I only know that under the guidance of mysterious forces, it fell on the planet in the form of a meteorite and began to develop a destroyed civilization.

They don't have their own bodies, and they start to use nearby plants to create their own bodies. In the eyes of the interstellar people, this is called mutation, which is heresy and will be destroyed.

"I want to see Shi Zi! Let her come out to see me!"

The most annoyed person is her trusting partners. These people were led into the abyss step by step by her, and they were imprisoned as guinea pigs, studied and controlled by some monsters without bodies.

"Yell again, and sew your mouth shut."

The mutated plant next to it was overwhelmed by the noise, picked up the iron rod next to it, and slapped it on the door twice.

"I want to see Shi Zi!"

"My lord, you can see me, just stay inside."

These captured people are all test subjects.

They are currently working on how to integrate their people into this container, so as to become the people of this star.

"Shi Zi is a traitor, thanks to me for treating her as my younger sister."

"That is, the less conspicuous a person is, the deeper he hides. I thought the inner ghost was someone else, but I didn't expect it to be Shi Zi, whom we have never been prepared for."

"Brother Ling, what should we do now?"

"The signal of the communication equipment is interrupted, and the call for help will not work, so we can only save ourselves."

Brother Ling walked back and forth worriedly, without saying a word, there was too much pressure.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain, let them disperse, and defeat them one by one.

I have to say that Shi Zi is very good at acting.

"Now that I think about it, it's clear why she has the ability of space and prophecy at such a young age. She is not human at all, she is our enemy!"

When the few people next to them thought that they were being played around by a child, they suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

"I can't escape." Brother Hao had a few scars on his face, and his speech was weak, as if he wanted to die.

He had been taken out and alone, and they didn't know what had happened to him.

After returning, brother Hao was delirious, gave up struggling, and looked down on everything.

"Brother Hao, you were the loudest before, why don't you talk now!! They took you out to brainwash you, why don't you tell us not to resist?"

(End of this chapter)

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