Chapter 107

Charlie Black was sent directly to the interrogation room because of this, and Delano and Serra's mission was finally completed, and they could get a moment's respite from the original tense atmosphere...

The two walked side by side in the corridor of the Magic Congress, surrounded by silence without any sound.

Because of this incident, almost all the relevant personnel of the Magic Congress moved, and the originally bustling Magic Congress building became silent for a moment, or everyone was hiding in their offices and filling out various documents. , or be sent out to investigate various clues.

Few people can walk instead of run like Serra and Draenor.

"I don't understand!" finally, in the silence, Sela spoke.

She looked at the senior beside her, frowning, and her small face was full of puzzlement.

"What?" Delano answered casually as he walked on his own.

"I don't understand why you were talking to those two people just now..." Sera seemed to be thinking of an adjective to express what she was thinking at the moment.

"Humility?" Draenor stopped and said

"Yes!" Sera nodded and stopped.

"Huh..." Under the sunglasses, Draenor's expression was never seen, he just exhaled and said lightly.

"What do you say? What should I do."

"We are obviously Aurors! We should severely punish evil and protect the safety of the magic world. Based on this principle, no one can shake our will! This is what we should do, not to give Those know what? You just looked"

Sera still didn't say the last word in the end, but what she meant was self-evident.

Delano twisted his body so that he could face Serra.

His tone remained unchanged, still as flat as ever, and he didn't answer Sera's question.

"Do you know who that old man is?"

Before Serra could answer, he continued

"His name is Peter Muller. He is a well-known rich man. He has countless businesses. He is also a glorious partner of the Magic Congress. He maintains a large amount of financial assistance to the Ministry of Magic every year. Even the members of the upper echelons When you see him, you should also eagerly call dear old Muller."

Sera didn't speak, but the suspicion in his eyes obviously didn't decrease a bit.

"I know what you want to say... Sierra Stewart."

Delano laughed, but there was great sarcasm in his smile... He took off his sunglasses, looked at the girl in front of him with complicated eyes, and said slowly

"But you have to know, I'm different from you. I'm just a wizard from an ordinary family. To be able to do what I am today, to become an Auror of the Magic Congress, is already my great luck! I I don't have the ability to think about other things...

do you know?If my father's surname was Stuart, I could also pursue the justice in my heart and be a naive idealist like you. "

After Delano's voice fell, he ignored Sera and walked forward. His back was still the same, but he seemed a little lonely.

Sera's expression froze, and she didn't know what to say for a while... She looked at the direction in which Draenor left, and opened her mouth, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

Draenor left, and the corridors of the Magic Congress returned to silence again.


In the interrogation room of the Serious Cases Investigation Division, Charlie sat on the interrogation chair that was almost the same as in the TV series. He was not in a panic, but rather curious.

Due to his special status, the Aurors didn't even put him on the simplest shackles, they just let him sit on them and accept the interrogation.

In the dark, narrow and silent space, only the desk lamp placed on the interrogator's table provided a small amount of light.

This is a common interrogation method, relying on the background of the scene and the atmosphere to increase the pressure of the interrogated, so as to achieve the purpose of breaking the opponent's psychological defense faster... Although it is very simple and the reason is easy to understand, but I have to say , which is still an extremely practical approach.

"Charlie Black?"

Sitting opposite Charlie was a black Auror who was tall and thick.

He held the hot documents that had just been printed out in his hand, glanced at Charlie, and asked in a deep voice
"It's me." Charlie nodded, and replied in a warm voice.

"Do you know what brought you here?"

The Auror in charge of the interrogation still didn't take his eyes off the document in his hand, as if he wanted to make full preparations before formally confronting the other party.

"No..." Charlie spread his hands and replied with a shake of his head.
"Actually, those two Aurors left after they brought me here. They didn't tell me anything else... Until now, I still don't know why I came here."

"Using mass destruction magic, possessing and using unregistered wands, homicide, serious crimes against the order of the magic world..."

The interrogation of the Auror was clearly anticipated, and while flipping through it, he casually narrated a series of crimes.

After listing nearly a dozen charges, he finally stopped.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and with a "snap", he threw the document on the table in a gentle manner, with a somewhat ironic smile on his face, and continued to say
"You've pretty much committed all the serious crimes in American wizarding..."

However, Charlie also laughed when he heard the other party's words.

While smiling, he shook his head, his tone did not change at all, and he still replied gently

"Sorry, sir... I don't understand what you're talking about. I'm just an ordinary businessman who happened to come to the United States for a business visit. You can't force these charges on me."

"An ordinary businessman? Forcibly placed?!" The interrogating Auror narrowed his eyes, his eyes shot out from the gaps in his eyelids, and he stared straight at Charlie, as if he had heard some great joke.

He first repeated what Charlie had just said in a weird tone, and then retorted:

"The file in my hand has recorded a lot of deeds about you... Charlie Black. Or compared to an ordinary candy merchant... the title of the founder of the House-Elf Liberation Front seems to be more suitable for my upcoming things to say."

"First of all, as you who were the leader of a third-party force in the second wizarding war in the British magic world, you have enough ability to kill nearly forty dark wizards in a short period of time!"

"Secondly, not long ago, according to our information, a house elf from England had a conflict in the Blind Pig Bar, causing him to be seriously injured... According to our careful investigation, he is an employee of your factory .”

There was a gleam in his eyes

"And just after what happened, less than a week later, you entered the American magic circle on the grounds of a business visit.

In my opinion, your motives for committing the crime are extremely sufficient. In addition, at the time of the incident, you were alone in your hotel room and did not come to Mr. Muller's company until nine o'clock the next morning. Here During this period, no one can prove what you did...

You see, it's so simple that it doesn't require any extra deduction. "

The interrogation Auror said, with a relaxed expression, leaning on the back of the seat in an almost arrogant posture, spreading his hands to Charlie, and said with a smile
"Whether it's the motive of committing the crime, the time of committing the crime, and the corresponding ability to commit the are a perfect fit. Do you have anything else to say?"

Charlie listened to his words calmly, without interruption from beginning to end, and even the expression on his face did not change in the slightest.

When the other party stopped, he opened his mouth slowly.

"So?" Charlie smiled, as if there was no difference just now.

"So what?"

"Where is the evidence? These are all speculations... Even if it fits well, how can you prove that I did it?"

For a moment, the narrow and dark room fell into silence.

The originally relaxed interrogation Auror frowned, his upper body straightened, as if he really knew Charlie in front of him.

"Okay...the other party is a master, and it looks like it will be a tug of war."

silently thought in his heart

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the two of them were like this, struggling from night to day.


With a "click", the interrogating Auror pressed the switch of the lamp on the table, turning it off completely.

The light was gone, and what was also gone was the original expression on his face.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes were bloodshot, and he did not hide his exhaustion at all.

And looking at Charlie who was sitting opposite him, he still had the same smiling face, which hadn't changed a bit from the beginning to the end.

"Huh..." A foul breath spewed out from the mouth of the interrogating Auror, and he closed his eyes so that he could relax and not have to see the man in front of him again.

"...Are you really not going to say anything?"

Maybe even he himself didn't realize the frustration he felt when he said these words.

Charlie's neck was a little stiff, he barely moved when he heard the black man in front of him, and then he just left a light sentence

"I do not know what you're talking about……"

This sentence was like a fuse, directly igniting the powder keg in his heart.

"Peng!", the interrogating Auror jumped up from his seat, and was knocked down even with the stool under him...

"..." Charlie's eyes were extremely transparent at this moment, and he even felt like an outsider, just quietly watching the Auror's every move.

Seeing him staring at her, his chest heaving and panting heavily, watching his fists clenched tightly, even the back of his hand was bruised.Watching his irritability that he had accumulated all night come to a critical point...

Truth be told, Charlie was rather happy to see the interrogating Auror in such a mood.Even if the other party actually beat him, that would be the best ending. It could help him end this lengthy farce with a predetermined result in advance, and he could also be forcibly brought back by the Ministry of Magic after he strongly condemned the Magic Congress. U.K.

Even in terms of rhetoric, newspapers and publications can be controlled a little bit, causing quite a lot of disputes... It is also possible to use this wave of events to stir up enthusiasm for Bingmei Sweet Candy, which has not yet been sold.

It's a pity that Charlie's idea is good, but the other party is not a fool.

He took a deep breath, and after a long time, he managed to calm himself down and let go of his fist.

"Hmph... just take care of yourself, Charlie Black." After coldly leaving a sentence, the interrogating Auror turned his head and opened the small door leading to the outside world behind him.

"It's useless no matter how hard you talk... I will apply directly to the higher-ups to use Legilimency later."

After speaking, he walked out of the interrogation room without looking back.

With a sound of "Peng!", the door of the interrogation room closed.

Charlie's smile faded away, staring at the door the other party left, as if thinking about something.

As in the past, after rubbing the ring on his hand for a long time, he murmured:

"One should be about the same."

Immediately, he closed his eyes, and he no longer concealed the tiredness on his face.Just leaning against the horizontal table in front of the interrogation chair, he began to take a short rest...

At this point, he can already be said to have no pressure at all... Because of the next thing, someone will naturally take action to help him out.

Whether it was Muller, Fudge, or even Ryan who had prepared himself from the very beginning...they would not sit back and watch themselves being locked up in such a place.

Maybe these three people who are out of touch will never meet in this life under normal circumstances, but under Charlie's plan, everything seems to have a new track.


In the office, Mueller looked up at the clock hanging on the wall.

"Morning..." His mouth under the beard moved, and he said to Andre who was also in the office

"They still haven't let Mr. Black go." Andre didn't have a city mansion like Mueller, and he walked around the office anxiously while talking.

Ever since Charlie was taken away by the two Aurors, Muller had been waiting. From the beginning to the end, he didn't sleep even for 10 minutes.

You know, this is not an easy task for an old man.

Not long ago, he also had a phone call with those funded congressmen and told them to get Charlie out directly.

But the replies I got were surprisingly slow-"I'm very sorry, dear old Muller, I can't do this."


Suddenly, Muller had an idea.His eyes lit up, and he took out a ice plum candy from his pocket, put it in his mouth, and confessed to Andre:

"Go to England! You go to England right away! You will go to Mr. Black's factory and tell that Luo... Luo..." Mueller paused for a while, without thinking of the name.

"Russell!" Andre quickly reminded.

"No matter who it is! Anyway, you must pass the news!"

"Is this... useful?" Andre hesitated
"Even you didn't let those congressmen release them, Mr. Black's personal assistant... what can I do?"

"You don't even understand! Anyway, let's set off immediately, and we must pass the news in the shortest possible time!"

(End of this chapter)

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