Harry Potter: Charlie's Candy Factory

Chapter 159 The Roaring Troll and the Three Dracos

Chapter 159 The Roaring Troll and the Three of Draco

I don't know how long it has been...

In the auditorium, the young wizards from the four colleges had all gathered together, sat at their respective long tables, and began to enjoy the sumptuous delicacies specially prepared for them.

The skin of the grilled chicken is shiny and shiny with a sauce mixed with honey.After the fat is baked, it overflows the skin that has become crispy.At the same time, the taste of tender chicken marinated with French incense, red wine, lemon juice and rosemary spread in the air and filled the entire auditorium.

The meat steak is grilled to lock in its full juice.After cutting it, just squeeze it with a knife to make it flow out wantonly.

In addition, there are French fries baked until golden brown, cream cake dotted with fiery red cherries, mashed potatoes wrapped in thick cheese, fresh and sweet juice and cheese, etc...

However, facing the dazzling array of delicacies in front of her eyes, Hermione couldn't whet her appetite at the moment.

She turned her head subconsciously and glanced at the empty seat beside her - this was where Ron was sitting.

For some reason, the annoying voice that used to be nagging in her ears non-stop every meal has really disappeared now, and it made her feel uncomfortable again.

Immediately, Hermione raised her head again, looking beyond the dining table between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, and cast her gaze towards Slytherin, who was farthest away.

Sure enough, the seat where Harry and Draco used to sit most often was still empty at this moment.

Among the neatly arranged little wizards, the two adjacent vacancies looked particularly obvious, and she could easily find them without much effort...

Just when Hermione saw that all her familiar partners were gone, and felt a little empty for a while.Suddenly, from her side, a roommate who was also in the same dormitory suddenly called her.

"Hermione... are you okay?"

As if noticing Hermione's abnormality at the moment, Parvati Patil put down the cake in his hand, cast a concerned look at her, and asked softly

Hermione was startled by the intruding voice, she hurriedly brought her thoughts back to her eyes, and turned to look at Parvati beside her.

"No...it's just that I don't have any appetite."

She forced a smile and didn't say anything, but simply answered.

"Hmm... well, if you need anything, you can call me."

Parvati raised her eyebrows, and after returning a smile, she turned her attention back to her eyes, ignored Hermione beside her, and began to enjoy the delicious food.

Hermione, who had lost her appetite, didn't stay at the table for too long. After taking a few mouthfuls of mashed potatoes and salad in front of her to fill her stomach, she got up silently and brought a few dollars for the three of them. The prepared cake left the seats and walked out of the auditorium door without a sound.

A group of young wizards who were in a lively atmosphere naturally would not notice when one of them left him.Everyone was still eating, playing, and making noise, enjoying the little time left for Halloween.

However, from the seat directly above the auditorium, Dumbledore saw the little girl's movement clearly.

It's just that he didn't say anything, just smiled slightly, then continued to droop his eyelids, and began to do his best to deal with the steak in front of him...


"I guess now, the auditorium must be very lively..."

With a "choke", Ron, who was exhausted, threw the tools in his hand aside casually, panting heavily, and wiped his sweaty cheeks with his rolled up sleeves.

At this time, the original robes on their bodies have been taken off, and when they are sweating profusely, they can only hang them in a relatively clean place, and ignore other things.

Seeing that the cleaning was almost done, Draco also put down the tools in his hand and took a deep breath after listening to Ron's complaints.

He lowered his head, looked at the stains on the originally neat trousers, and looked at the red palms of his hands. He didn't know what to say for a while.

Among the three, only Harry and the first one didn't change much. After cleaning for so long, their breathing was still as normal, and they didn't even drop a few drops of sweat.

"Thank you for your hard work, let's rest for a while, and leave the rest to me."

Seeing that both Draco and Ron were exhausted and stopped, he just smiled, and while talking relaxedly, he continued to skillfully operate the mop to handle the little work left.

"Oh my god... isn't Harry tired? Stop and rest for a while, it's not too late!"

Ron leaned against the cleaned wall, his eyelids trembled, and he said in amazement.

Even Draco cast a questioning look, and couldn't help but nodded, which was rare in agreement with what Ron said.

"Ha... Actually, I got used to it when I was at home. The current workload is actually not bad for me, and it's not particularly tiring."

Hearing Ron's stop, Harry stopped. While supporting the top of the broom handle with his arm, he touched his nose and said a little embarrassedly.

"Did you make all these things at home?"

There was an inconceivable expression in Draco's eyes... As a child of the Malfoy family, he really couldn't imagine what kind of family it was that could make the child "accustomed" to such a heavy workload.

Immediately, he subconsciously glanced at Ron next to him, and seeing Ron's indescribable expression, Draco was really sure that this was indeed not a normal phenomenon.

"Well... When I was at my uncle's and aunt's house, I would clean the house every day when I got up early, and sometimes I would prepare lunch or dinner for them..."

"You never told us that your uncle and aunt abused you so much!"

Ron regained his energy all of a sudden, stood up abruptly, his eyes widened, and he clenched his fists, as if expressing his anger for Harry...

However, Harry shook his head. Just as he was about to explain something to the two of them, he was suddenly interrupted by a "boom" from the ground.


The tremor and sound seemed to come from not far away, and it seemed a bit hollow when it spread through the corridor... But it still didn't stop, it seemed to be going on continuously according to a certain rhythm.



"what sound?"

Draco first glanced at the slightly rippling water waves in the sink, and then turned to the outside of the toilet, in the direction of the corridor.

I saw that the corridor was still pitch-black... only a few dimly lit candle lamps were shining with light.However, these alone cannot pierce the darkness of the corridor, nor can they see clearly what is making such a sound.

"That sound seems to be getting closer—is it footsteps!?"

Harry also seemed to notice something, his eyes fixed on the darkness at the other end of the corridor, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Don't scare me... what makes that sound when it walks, Hagrid?!"

Ron looked around and saw that the expressions of Draco and Harry beside him became more tense and serious, and his heart couldn't help beating a little faster.



Sure enough, the footsteps became more and more clear.By this time, the vibration had become extremely obvious, and with a great sense of oppression, it slowly approached in the direction of the three of them.

"Pick up the wand!"

Draco said, the original tiredness in his eyes was swept away in an instant, and he took out the wand from the pocket of his clothes, and his whole temperament changed.

Listening to his words, the two people who were a little frightened reacted, and hurried back to take out their respective wands from the coats they had just taken off, and held them firmly in their hands.

After a few more steps... a vague figure finally appeared in the dark corridor.

Its head almost reached the ceiling, its body was strong, its arms were long and thick, and it was holding a vaguely shaped stick...

"It's a giant!!!"

The moment he revealed his figure, Ron was the first to recognize the other party's identity. His eyes widened, his legs trembled violently, and then he couldn't help but let out a shrill cry.

"Damn it! Shut up Ron!!!"

Draco felt that his heart was firmly grasped by an invisible big hand, and suddenly tightened.

Hastily saved up, covered Ron's mouth firmly, and cursed secretly
He had actually seen the troll, and that was when his uncle was visiting and resting at Malfoy Manor.

Uncle Blake practiced the superb transfiguration technique, turning a peacock raised in the manor into a giant monster in front of his face.

At that time, the image of that hideous, ugly monster rushing towards him with a stench was deeply imprinted in the depths of his mind.

However, he never thought that the second time he encountered a real troll would be in school! ! !
He is stronger than the giant monster that his uncle created! !

That was the only thought on Draco's mind at the moment.

However, even though Draco covered Ron's mouth for the first time, there was no doubt that the movement here still attracted its attention.

On the other side of the corridor, the huge monster stopped and paused.

In the next second, as if he had identified some target, he let out a loud roar violently.


Immediately, with strides, as in the Forbidden Forest, waving a huge wooden stick and running, he ran straight to the toilet where the three of them were.



The roar of the troll was like thunder, exploding in the castle of Hogwarts.

For a moment, even the surrounding portraits couldn't help showing a look of fear, and quickly moved along the frame to a safe place, so as not to be affected by the terrifying wooden stick in his hand...


Outside the auditorium, Hermione, who just got rid of the noisy and crowded crowd and returned to calm beyond the gate, seemed to hear something faintly.

Holding three pieces of cake in her hand, she looked to the side with some doubts, but after seeing the silence around her, she couldn't help but began to wonder if she had heard it wrong.


"Serpensortia!!! (Oolong out)"

Facing the sudden crisis, Draco's reaction was faster than that of ordinary little wizards of the same age.

I saw his magic wand trembling extremely fast in his hand. Following the burst of smoke, he immediately transformed into two pitch-black pythons. He straightened up fearlessly, opened his mouth, and issued a yell at the approaching monster. Roaring and roaring, he hurried towards his direction.

It has to be said that in just half a year, Draco has become more and more proficient in mastering the spells taught to him by Professor Charlie.Not only can it guarantee the success rate of use, but it can even more than double the size of the two black long snakes originally summoned by the Transfiguration technique!
However, Draco's progress was immediately useless when facing the giant monster with rough skin and thick flesh that didn't reject its fangs at all.


Facing the attack of the two pythons, the troll naturally wouldn't make any concessions or compromises.

He breathed heavily out of his nostrils, and weighed the wooden stick in his hand twice, as if looking for a suitable feel.

The next moment, there was a sound of "Boom!!!"—the wooden stick was lifted high up to his shoulders by him, and then he exerted force suddenly, piercing the air and sweeping obliquely towards the obstacle in front of him.


It was like the sound of a wooden stick smashing flesh and blood. In the blink of an eye, only the tail of the two pythons remained. The remaining head and most of the body were turned into flesh in an instant, without a trace.

At the same time, it is also a good warning to the three people who have not confronted him head-on: if they are hit by him, then I am afraid that I will not be much better...

The dead boa constrictor quickly regrouped in the smoke, retracting into Draco's wand and becoming the tip again.

"Gudong... run!!!"

Swallowing the saliva in his mouth, without the slightest hesitation, Draco dragged a person with one hand, turned his head and rushed towards the interior of the toilet, hoping to effectively stop the movement of that huge body in the narrow and closed space.

After all, if you really want to escape, the spacious corridor, according to the speed at which the giant monster crossed the corridor and approached them just now, the three of you are undoubtedly incomparable... It is better to be in the most dangerous environment than to die so easily. Next, find a way to break the situation.

Taking a deep breath, he managed to calm down his spirit and calm his beating heart. He turned his head and looked at Harry and Ron, who were already bewildered... It seemed that they had been killed by the troll. The blow of the boa constrictor was frightened.

"Wake up!!"

Time was running out, and he couldn't help but think too much, so he could only shake them awake, and while holding on to their collars, he gave orders word by word.

"Now...if you don't want to die, you two better be more energetic!"

(End of this chapter)

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