Harry Potter: Charlie's Candy Factory

Chapter 171 Cheers to Dudley

Chapter 171 Cheers to Dudley

Slowly putting down the letter in his hand, Charlie shifted his gaze to these two seemingly unpretentious pillows again. For a moment, his mood was inexplicably complicated, and he didn't know where to start to complain...

You know, unicorn fur is no ordinary gadget.It is the most famous magic material in the entire magic world... Even if it is not the highest quality tail hair, it is just ordinary hair, if you take out a bunch of it casually, and put it in Knockturn Alley, you can easily sell a few extra hairs. Long price!
And like Hagrid, using unicorn hair as the inner core, the two pillows are filled to the brim.Don't talk about Charlie, even if Lucius came over and saw it, he would still give him a shout out!
Thinking of this, Charlie couldn't help shaking his head, showing a somewhat helpless smile.

After thinking for a long time, he carefully put away Hagrid's letter first, and put it in the drawer where he had been storing letters.

Then he picked up a pillow on the desk and placed it behind his office chair, making it just right against his waist.

After the adjustment was completed, he tentatively leaned back——sure enough!In the next second, an invisible feeling supported his lumbar spine in an instant. It was gentle but still strong, and calm but full of ups and downs...

"Huh..." Charlie closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and didn't have anything to say.I just felt the unparalleled comfort, and my waist, which had been strained for many years, returned to the relaxation of my youth in a trance.

After enjoying this wonderful feeling for a while, he slowly opened his eyes, and then looked at the other remaining pillow.

"Snap!" There was a crisp snap of fingers, and Russell was instantly summoned to his side.

"I heard that Grandpa Du Lu accidentally injured his muscles and bones during the strenuous exercise yesterday?"

When Russell stood still and looked at himself, before he could say anything, Charlie asked first

Russell was taken aback for a moment, and soon recalled what happened yesterday in his mind.

The corner of his mouth twitched for a while, and after hesitating for a moment, he had to reply in a complicated tone.

"If you want to talk about strenuous exercise, Grandpa Du Lu's exercise yesterday was quite strenuous..."

Charlie nodded when he heard the words, as if he didn't understand what Russell meant, he said casually
"It's true, how old are you, and you still don't pay attention to recuperation...Go, Russell, help me send this to Grandpa Dulu."

"Okay, master."

Russell honestly took the pillow from Charlie's hand.Although he clearly felt the special place of the object in his arms at the moment, he didn't say anything.

It's just a precious item that Master Charlie specially found for Grandpa Du Lu.After being moved, I turned my head and wanted to send it over.

As a result, just as he was about to leave, suddenly, Charlie seemed to think of something again, and called Russell to stop.

"Hey, wait..."

Russell slapped his ears twice, but the foot that had just stepped forward hadn't landed.asked suspiciously.

"Is there anything else I need to do, Master Charlie?"

"How is Peng Peng, he should have started working in the workshop today?"

Hearing Charlie's question, Russell paused for a moment, thought for a while, and then replied

"Yes, yes... I saw Kobe dragging him to the workshop this morning."

"Although the expression on his face still showed reluctance, he still went in in the end, so there should be no problem."

"That's it...as long as there is no problem." Charlie stroked the armrest of the office chair, looking up as if thinking about something.He just muttered to himself, and didn't say anything else.

"Master... Actually, I don't understand."

Russell hesitated, and gently put the pillow in his hand back on the desk.Then, as he spoke, he took out the small notebook that he always carried with him from behind.

After turning around a few times proficiently, he found the place where the latest information was recorded, and then couldn't help asking
"Is it really appropriate to send Peng Peng to the workshop where those Muggles are working?

I think you also know...Pumpeng is probably the elf who is most resistant to humans among the few of us because of the excessive abuse he suffered before, I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, Russell paused, and did not continue talking. Instead, he raised his head and looked at Charlie who was very relaxed on the office chair with a bit of worry in his eyes... The meaning is self-evident.

"Are you worried about what might go wrong. For example, the conflict between Pumbaa and the Muggles turned into a vicious incident?"

Charlie smiled warmly, no different from usual.He casually pointed out Russell's thoughts, and then cast his gaze along the way.

Seeing that Russell did not refute, he nodded and admitted
"I have no doubt that he will do such a thing..."

Charlie didn't answer him directly, but stood up and stretched.

After hearing the familiar "click, click" sound from the bones, he put down his arms in satisfaction, and said unhurriedly

"It's because he hates humans that I put it in a Muggle factory..."

Charlie patted Russell on the shoulder, and there was a bit of inexplicable melancholy in his tone.

"You know, the factory can't keep Muggles and elves in two different areas forever... This was decided from the very beginning when we agreed to recruit Muggles to work here."

"For this, we have many things to overcome. Not only the attitude of Muggles towards elves, but also the way some elves think of humans!"

Russell raised his head, looked at the familiar face blurred under the sunlight, and nodded thoughtfully.

"Elves should remember that their enemies are only those noble wizards who have enslaved their souls, not ordinary low-level wizards, let alone Muggles in the same factory. The goal of elves is to strive for a certain social status." status, not against all human beings, do you understand?"

"Understood." Russell nodded seriously, and at the same time kept moving his hands, and began to quickly take what Charlie said today as a wise saying, record it in the record, and plan to find an opportunity to spread it in the future.

"Only by clarifying the goal, who the enemy and the friend are, will the efforts we have made before be worthwhile..."

After saying this, Charlie sat back on the chair, then looked at Russell who kept writing "shua, shua, shua", and said word by word.
"To be honest, if Peng Peng can really learn something from the Muggles' factories this time, then my original intention will be achieved. At that time, I will let him return to the technical department and be his director."

"Of course...if it doesn't work, then the result can be imagined."

Russell's rapid writing stopped abruptly, he raised his head in disbelief, his round eyes stared wide open, and looked at Charlie.

It wasn't until he saw the seriousness in his eyes that Russell confirmed that his master was not joking this time.

"I see, Master Charlie."


At ten o'clock in the evening, the sun was setting, and as the bell in the factory building symbolized the end of get off work, the crawler tracks that were still in operation also stopped.

The Muggles who had worked all day put down the candies they had in hand and stretched their waists. Accompanied by casual chatting and faint laughter, they walked down from their posts one by one and headed towards the Go to the exit of the factory gate.

"Come on! Vernon, go have a drink!"

A distance away from an assembly line, Andrew shouted to Dursley while unbuttoning his cuffs.


Vernon turned around and waved to his companion as usual.Immediately he raised his leg and wanted to leave here.

However, before taking a step, Dursley suddenly remembered something.

He turned his head and couldn't help but glance at the elf next to him.After hesitating for two seconds, Dursley tentatively called out the other party's name.

"That... Peng Peng?"


Peng Peng was still the same, although he didn't have the huge reaction at the beginning, but after squinting at this unusually fat human being, his response was still extremely blunt.

Dursley didn't care about Peng Peng's tone, after all, he was contacting the other party with a purpose, so he could naturally tolerate his attitude.

The smile on his face remained unchanged, and his eyes were narrowed until there was only a gap left. He continued to ask

"What are your plans for tonight?"

Hearing this, Peng Peng didn't pay much attention to it.He jumped off the thing he used to cushion his feet.After looking up and down, he casually said

"No comment."

After finishing speaking, he clapped his hands, swaggered into the bustling crowd of people, and walked towards the exit.

The short and thin figure walked away in the crowd, and Dursley just took a deep breath and didn't say anything more.

But I can't help but think in my heart, it seems that the difficulty of this plan is not very low...

Just as he was feeling silently, Andrew, who had greeted him across the assembly line, had already come to him.

"What are you doing?!"

Andrew raised his eyebrows, first looked at Dursley, then followed his gaze to look at the back of Pumbaa who was about to disappear, then couldn't help but scratched his head, and asked puzzledly

"Isn't this the little elf called... Dangdang or something like Peng Peng? What do you want him for?"


Dursley snapped out of his own thoughts and came back to reality.Hearing Andrew's doubts, he first groaned.

The fat fingers habitually rubbed the bushy beard under the nose, and then answered inscrutablely:

"... If I remember correctly, you don't have any children yet?"

Although he didn't understand why Dursley would suddenly ask this question, after being stunned for a moment, Andrew nodded honestly and replied:

"Yes... the two of us don't plan to have children so early."

"In that case, there is nothing to say!"

Hearing Andrew's answer, Dursley proudly raised his fat chin, then straightened his neckline, imitating the way Peng Peng left just now, and followed the crowd towards the door in a swaggering manner.

"I can't understand it with a childless person like you! I'd better wait until the tavern and talk to old Jordan!"

Unsurprisingly, Andrew was a little bit off guard, so he had to walk a few steps quickly to keep up with Dursley's pace, while chattering
"What's going on? Are you being discriminated against even if you don't have children?!..."

"It's not my reason! It's Julie who said that she must enter the Ministry of Magic as a civil servant, otherwise she won't have children... But I haven't seen her enter after almost five years of exams!"

"What can I do, I'm also desperate..."




In the Leaky Cauldron, there was still the smoky atmosphere that hadn't changed for a hundred years, and there were still noisy sounds that seemed to never stop.

But after several months of baptism, these muggles working in the candy factory have already adapted to these characteristics that are different from ordinary society, and even the degree of openness is even higher than that of some wizards and.

"Old Tom! Two more glasses for this table!!"

Andrew's face flushed from drinking, he waved his arms and gestured to the emaciated Tom behind the counter.

Jordan was still the same as before, wearing his hood that didn't know what it was for, smiling with his arms around Dursley's shoulders, and speaking inarticulately.

"I heard...Andrew said that a house... elf came to your post today?"

Although he was drinking, Jordan didn't get confused where he should be sober. He followed the employees in the factory, calling them elves and throwing away the word "domestic".

"Yes!" Dursley took a sip of his wine, nodded violently, and then pursed his mouth quite aggrieved, as if he had suffered so much.

"A bloody racist! He despises us..."

Jordan was taken aback by Dursley's words, and the raised wine glass was suspended in mid-air, and he didn't know whether to drink it or put it down.

After a long time, he couldn't help sighing

"Elves who discriminate against humans are really rare... However, in Charlie's Candy Factory, it is not impossible."

"But I still intend to maintain a good relationship with him."

Ignoring the meaning of Jordan's words, Dursley lost himself in his own world and continued to describe his plan.

"Because I can only rely on him... He has a relationship with Mr. Black... If I want to change my son back to his original state, I seem to have to go his way."

Jordan took a sip of his wine and began to think along Dursley's words.Not long after, he also nodded, then raised his own glass, and slammed it heavily on Dursley's.

The wine splashed and fell on the robe made of linen, turning into drips of wine stains, which fell on the floor with a little foam.But no one pays attention to them.

"I wish you good luck, my friend. Although I have heard that Charlie Black is a weird guy... But I think no matter how weird he is, he will be moved by your father's love! Your son is called What's going on?"

"Dub... Dudley Dursley."

"Okay! Let's drink to Dudley Dursley! May he not be treated as a suckling pig at Christmas, hahahahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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