Harry Potter: Charlie's Candy Factory

Chapter 193 Merry Christmas

Chapter 193 Merry Christmas

Farewell to Bellatrix Lestrange, when he was led by Scrimgeour to the second cell, another relative he "heart and heart" finally after more than ten years later, Appeared in front of him again.

However, today's Sirius is far from the unruly and high-spirited...

When Charlie stopped at the door of the iron prison, he was curled up in a corner of the prison, just like the other prisoners he had seen before.

Black beard and hair grew wantonly on his face, sticking together, covering his originally handsome face.

His eyes were not as bright and charming as before, and what was left was only the bleakness that could not be seen...

"Merry Christmas... Sirius Black."

With inexplicable complexity and emotion in his heart, Charlie subconsciously put his hand into the pocket of the windbreaker, then opened his mouth, and whispered the greeting that he had already prepared.

Hearing the sudden sound, under the tattered prison uniform, Sirius's thin body with almost only bones left seemed to be stimulated by some kind, and began to tremble uncontrollably.

Afterwards, the upper body slowly turned the neck that had been stiff for an unknown period of time, and looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

For a moment, the pupils that were originally as dark as the living dead began to have some different waves.Complicated... Emotions that have not been revealed for a long time are gradually intertwined, and finally, a more anxious pain is formed.

Looking at the bright and well-dressed man in front of him who was out of place in this dark prison, the muscles on Sirius' stiff cheeks twitched.

There have finally been several different changes in that expression that has been gloomy for ten years. Although it is still not happy, it is just a bleak smile, but it is still as if he has exhausted all the strength in his body, which is amazing. There is an indescribable awkwardness.

After a long time, his trembling Adam's apple finally called out Charlie's name in a voice as thin as a mosquito.

"Charlie Black... why are you here?"

Hearing this call, Charlie couldn't help showing a relieved smile... The original emotions and complexities in his heart also disappeared.


At the same time when Charlie and Sirius met, in the Leaky Cauldron, Dursley's thoughts were going on in an orderly manner...

Probably due to Sunday, even though it was only afternoon, the bar was already full of excitement.

People wantonly raised their wine glasses high, or shared the good things they brought with them amidst the noise.

"Hey, friend, what is this...?"

A wizard was leaning crookedly on the table, probably because he drank too much wine, and his tongue began to lose its ability to speak.

He squinted his eyes and looked towards the direction of the next table, where sat a Muggle who also drank a lot.

At this moment, he was taking out a small rectangular paper box from his pocket, then took out a brand new cigarette, and put it in his mouth...

"Marlboro... one?"

Hearing the wizard's inquiry, the Muggle was not stingy, and boldly took out another cigarette from the case, and handed it over with a smile, motioning for the other party to catch it.

"Thank you!"

The wizard took the cigarette naturally, looked around first, put it into his mouth with a grin, and politely said thank you to the Muggles beside him.

Immediately after some groping, he found his wand, accompanied by two muffled sounds of "Peng, Peng".

The Marlboro in the mouths of the two people burned slowly, bringing up faint green smoke, floating upward, and converging with other smoke on the roof...

"Wait...after you smoke this one, you should try mine, which has newt legs..."

"Of course, of course..."



After several months of running-in, in this bar, Muggles and wizards can no longer recognize the gap between each other.

After all, they are just ordinary wizards, not pure-blood nobles. The so-called theory that wizards are superior to Muggles is just for fun. They have one nose and two eyes anyway. If you can become friends with your appetite, why bother to care about so much?

Behind the counter, as the business boomed, the smile on Old Tom's face gradually became more vivid, and even his stooped waist straightened a bit.

He looked around and looked at the smiling guests around him, and he couldn't help but nodded sincerely.

Nearly [-]% of the regular customers who visit the bar today are workers working in Charlie's Candy Factory, probably because it is the first stop after coming to the wizarding world, and now it has become a recognized place for them to go after get off work.In any case, it is necessary to drink two cups before going home satisfied...

Muggles are friendly and enthusiastic. Even if they are drunk, they will not wantonly smash or destroy like those wizards, but will give a lot of tips generously.

It can be said that these guys he has never been in contact with have given new life to the centuries-old antiques and injected young blood into them.

Every time he thinks of this, Old Tom can't help but express his heartfelt thanks to Mr. Charlie Black... If it weren't for his recruitment plan, the Leaky Cauldron would never have seen what it is today!

"Tom, hurry up! Come on, we don't have enough wine here!!"

Suddenly, a sudden voice broke old Tom's thoughts.

He turned his head and saw that on a table in the corner of the bar, Dursley was raising his fat arm and waving it as a gesture, while embracing the shoulders of the young man next to him, looking very unhappy.

"Got it, Dursley."

After he replied casually, his hands also started to move.

He took out a few empty glasses and filled them up in front of the wooden barrel full of beer, and brought them to the table where Dursley and the others were sitting before the dense white bubbles dissipated.

"The wine you want."

He put the beer on the table and took away the empty wine glass. Just as Tom was about to walk away, suddenly, the young man sitting next to Dursley caught his attention.

His footsteps paused, and his drooping eyes opened a little bit, and he looked at this guest he had never seen before.

Black hair, high nose bridge, deep eyes that seem to be pregnant with stars, although there is still a drunken blush on the cheeks, but you can still see a deja vu aura... It's like... It's like It's like Charlie Black...

At this moment, the young man was smiling recklessly, clutching the wine glass tightly in his hand, and pouring a small amount of beer into his mouth, while talking vaguely to the other people about something they couldn't understand.

"Is this your friend?"

Surprise flashed in his heart, Old Tom stopped, stretched out his hand and patted Andrew who was puffing away, and asked.

Andri first blew out a smoke ring, then shrugged his shoulders unhurriedly, and replied
"I don't know him well. Dursley insisted on bringing him out of the factory."

"Is that so..."

Old Tom nodded thoughtfully, and without further questioning, he picked up the empty wine glass and walked back to the back of the bar silently.It's just that from now on, his eyes will always drift towards that young man unconsciously, intentionally or not.


Peng Peng had a great time, gradually getting ahead amidst the cups of beer and the noisy and lively atmosphere, without the slightest disdain and doubt that he showed when he was in the factory not long ago.

Even having fun, he let go of his restraints, lifted his hood boldly, revealed the face that didn't belong to him, and played around wantonly...

"Come on! Peng Peng, have another drink!"

Sitting next to him, a new friend graciously delivered the new beer to him.

Naturally, Peng Peng would not refuse anyone who came, unceremoniously grabbed the full glass of wine, drank it, and then slammed the large wine glass on the table with a "boom", and shot out A loud belch.


Wiping the foam from his mouth, the smile on his face became brighter, and he muttered to himself
"The pub is a nice place. When I get back, I should talk to Mr. Black and ask him to open one in the factory..."

Hearing this, Dursley's eyes lit up a little, although he didn't show it on the surface, but in private, he couldn't help clenching his fists excitedly!

Sure enough, just as he thought, the relationship between Pumbaa and Mr. Black is indeed very close!

Seeing that Peng Peng was enjoying himself and the time was almost over, Dursley finally planned to start talking about the serious business.

He put down the handle of the cup that had already been rubbed so brightly by his fingers, and held Peng Peng's free hand... Then his eyes became sincere.

"Peng Peng...Actually, I hope you can do me a favor..."


The raised wine glass stopped at Peng Peng's lips, his bewitched eyes opened a little bit, regained a little clarity, and then looked suspiciously at his friends around him.


When Charlie came out of Azkaban, he had a faint smile on his face.

Except for Scrimgeour, no one knows what he said to his cousin in prison, but it can be seen that the communication between the two must be better than that of Bellatrix Rice. Trange is much more harmonious...

At the last moment of parting, Charlie took out the second pack of Christmas candy from his arms and handed it to Sirius himself.As for him, his lips trembled, and finally he said "thank you" with difficulty

Then he took the bag of candy that was still warm in Charlie's arms...

Hearing the gate behind him close with a "squeaky" snapping sound, Scrimgeour greedily sucked the salty sea air from the outside to ease the gloom left in Azkaban and discomfort...

After a while, he looked at Charlie, with a bit of relief on his serious face, he couldn't help saying
"This trip to visit family is not a pleasant experience, is it?"

"Actually it's fine..."

Charlie shook his head, and while strolling seemingly casually towards the Auror who was waiting for the two of them not far away, he said softly

"After all, before I came, I already had a rough prediction for this journey."

Listening to his words, Scrimgeour didn't speak any more, but thoughtfully stroked the bushy beard under his nose, and at the same time paced to keep up with the other party.

Finally, led by the waiting Auror, the two returned to the gate of the sentry post when they came.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Charlie stopped.

"By the way, Director Scrimgeour..."

Hearing Charlie's voice, Scrimgeour, who was thinking about it, came back to his senses, raised his head and responded
"Huh? What's wrong."

"Looks like I haven't told you Merry Christmas yet..."

Charlie said, as if by magic, he took out the third bag of candy from the pocket of the windbreaker, and handed it to the other party.

"And mine? . . . Thank you, Charlie."

Scrimgeour raised his brows, but he didn't hide the surprise on his face. After glancing at the other party, he didn't choose to refuse, but took it naturally, and then calmly nodded his thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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