Sprint champion: start standing on the Olympic field

Chapter 232 Berlin World Championships

Chapter 232 Berlin World Championships

"This World Championships, the Chinese track and field team has a total of 36 players, including many world-class players.

Like Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang, the Olympic champions who are familiar to everyone, as well as Bai Xue, a female marathon athlete that you may not be familiar with, Wang Hao, a male 20km race walker, Liu Hong, a women's 20km race walk, and Gong Lijiao, a female shot put athlete.

These are athletes with the strength to win gold medals. The lineup is the strongest since the Chinese team participated in the World Championships. I believe they will not disappoint the country and the people. On August 2009, 8, the swearing-in meeting of the Chinese national team for the No.5 World Athletics Championships was held in BJ. Director Zhang of the General Administration of Sports personally presided over the departure ceremony, delivered a speech, and answered questions from reporters.

"The third row, the second reporter."

"Hello, Director Zhang. I'm Wang Yu, a reporter from the Beijing Times. What do you think about Su Feng's gold medal in the men's 100-meter event? Can Su Feng win the men's 100-meter gold medal?"

"This?" Director Zhang coughed and took the opportunity to organize his thoughts. They knew that someone would ask this question, and they had prepared a plan, but how to say it had to be adjusted according to the other party's question.

"It's like this, all of us believe in Su Feng, but for the results, because of Bolt's reasons, none of us can guarantee.

I think everyone can understand that the best results of two people are 9 seconds and 59 seconds. These are amazing results. There are only two people in the world who can run it so far, and one of them is One is Chinese, which is already rare.

If we ask Su Feng to win the gold medal, it would be a bit unreasonable, and it would put unnecessary pressure on the athletes.

I can see Su Feng's hard work during training, and his winter training every year, even journalist friends and audience friends know, in terms of time, it is longer than most athletes.

Moreover, after each winter training, Su Feng's performance will have a breakthrough, and this time he broke through the 9 mark in one fell swoop!This is enough to explain Su Feng's efforts during winter training.

So, regarding Su Feng, I think everyone just needs to wish him well. I won't, my colleagues won't, and I don't think the reporters sitting here and the audience in front of the TV will make a clear statement on Su Feng's achievements. Require.

Also, don't put all your eyes on Su Feng. Even in the 100-meter event, apart from Su Feng, there are two other people in our country who have reached the A standard of the World Championships. They are Zhang Peimeng and Su Feng's younger brother Su Bingtian.

That is to say, in this World Championships, the Chinese team will set a record with three people standing on the 100-meter stage, which is enough to prove the achievements of my country's track and field sports. "

The press conference lasted for an hour and a half, and finally ended in victory.

Shortly thereafter, 32 athletes including Su Feng, 55 staff, coaches and medical staff got on the plane and flew to Berlin, Germany.

As for the other 4 people, including Liu Yuxiang, they are already in Europe, so they don't need to come back, they just meet together at that time.

After more than ten hours, everyone got off the plane a little tired, then got on the bus provided by the organizer and headed to the reserved hotel.

The World Championships will start on August 8th, and we still have 15 days for adaptive training.


A total of more than 213 athletes from 2500 countries and regions participated in the competition. The number of participants and the number of countries set a record in the history of the World Championships.

There are a total of 47 gold medals in this World Championships, including 24 for men and 23 for women.

The track and field stars who signed up include Russia's "Queen of Pole Vault" Isinbayeva, Jamaican "Lightning" Bolt, Jamaican star Powell, American star Gatlin, Tyson Gay, China's Liu Yuxiang, Su Feng, Ethiopia The long-distance runner Bekele, the German high jumper Friedrich and so on.

The mascot of the Olympic Games is the lovely Bolin, which is similar to Bingdundun in later generations of China.

"Pick up!" Liu Yu's voice sounded at the Berlin University Stadium. Because the noise is too loud in the real arena, athletes have to get used to shouting loudly even during training, which attracts the frequent glances of people in the distance.

However, none of the four people on the field paid any attention to it. After Su Feng took the baton, he began to accelerate with all his strength, and soon crossed the finish line.

"Coach, how are you?" The four of them returned to the starting line where Coach Tian was, looking at the computer on his desk.

"37 seconds 77!"


"It's great!" The four people clapped their hands together to celebrate. It is already very good to be able to run this result in training.

Coach Tian looked at the four of them and nodded, his military spirit was available.

After several years of training, the tacit understanding of the four of them is already perfect at this time, and there is almost no time wasted in handing over the baton. In fact, this can already be seen in the Olympic Games.

However, after being tempered by the Olympic Games, I believe that several people will perform more freely on the court.

This is one of the reasons why Liu Yu is still assigned to the relay team even after Su Bingtian's best time has reached 10 seconds and surpassed Liu Yu.

However, after this World Championships, or after the subsequent Asian Championships, the main team of Su Bingtian's relay team should speed up the process.

Coach Tian believes that with Su Bingtian's strength, if there is enough time to adjust, the lineup will be stronger than it is now.

In fact, even the current results of the four are better than those in the pre-Olympic training, but the main reason is Su Feng's progress, and the rest will be handed over to Coach Tian to find more and better sprint talents to join. The relay team can further improve the performance of the relay team.

With Su Feng's support, the current performance of the Chinese relay team will rank third in the world without any problem if they perform normally.

The original Japanese and Thai teams can compete with the Chinese team, but with Su Feng, the Chinese team is also skilled and perfect, so it is not a problem to beat them.

But if you want to go one step further and win against the US team and Jamaica, especially the Jamaica team, then the Chinese team must have one or two players in the early [-]s, but even if this is the case, there is only a chance.

And this opportunity refers to the US team. If it is against the Jamaica team, Coach Tian really can't imagine that scenario.

The Chinese team can win the US team. In addition to technology, the key is Su Feng's ability to recover the last shot of Gatling's time of more than 0.2 seconds.

But to win the Jamaica team, apart from Su Feng fighting off Bolt's advantage, the Chinese team must have another athlete who can run around 9 seconds.

"But this is really difficult to do." Coach Tian murmured in his heart thinking about the athlete profiles he had read recently.

It is unbelievable that the Chinese team has an athlete like Su Feng. It is the dream of many relay coaches in the world to beat Bolt. How can there be another athlete who can compete with Gatlin Powell?

(End of this chapter)

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