Chapter 87
At this time, there are a total of eight athletes standing on the eight tracks from the first track to the eighth track.

It has been a while since the renovation of the Chenggong training base, and the news of Su Feng's training here has been widely advertised, so now many outstanding athletes from various provinces have moved in, especially sprinters, and even A few people from the national team also came.

"Xiaotian, you have been running 200 meters for a while, but I will run with all my strength for a while. Take it easy. Assistant Jiang will take you to participate in some provincial competitions. Don't get hurt."

For an accurate test, it is naturally better to find a few people to run together, which can increase the atmosphere of the official competition.

Therefore, He Jun talked to a few sprint coaches he was already familiar with, and the other party happened to have a special 200-meter athlete under his command, so he naturally agreed to compete with Su Feng, which was what many people dreamed of.

Su Bingtian was also called over by He Jun, and the reason was naturally the same.

Being able to compete with a world-class master like Su Feng in advance is very beneficial to the growth of an athlete, especially the psychological growth.

Even if he meets a domestic or international master, even a master like Asafa Powell, can he be better than Su Feng?

But Su Feng knew Su Bingtian's desire to win, and he knew from his expression that he would run with all his strength, so he gave a warning.

After Su Bingtian's high-standard training for this period of time, his strength has made great progress, the speed of progress is so fast, and the potential shown by the growth curve is so great that even He Jun, who watched Su Feng grow up, was surprised.

This kid has now improved from the original 11 seconds to the current fastest 7 seconds, close to the level of a national first-level athlete, and his growth rate has not peaked yet!

This made He Jun pay more attention to Su Bingtian, so he felt that it was time for Su Bingtian to show the results of his training.

Only after the competition can the athletes make better progress.

However, at this time, He Jun hadn't thought about the fact that Su Bingtian could break ten. A person also has the potential to break ten.

"Su Feng, is this your junior brother? Take care of me so much. I read from the newspaper. His name is Su Bingtian. How is his grades now?"

At this moment, an athlete in blue sportswear on the fourth lane, which was on the left of Su Feng, heard the conversation between the two and asked.

It's just an ordinary training match, so everyone is naturally not very nervous.

Su Feng glanced at the other party strangely, "He has just been able to run under 11 seconds at the fastest, which is not far from a first-level athlete, but with your accent, where are you from?"

"Haha, I let you know. I'm from Sichuan, Qiang nationality. I live in a remote family. I didn't get good grades in school, and I didn't learn Mandarin well. You're laughing at me."

"Sichuan, the Qiang people?" Su Feng was taken aback when he heard the other party's words, and then fell silent.

"The preparations for the race have begun. Get on the starting blocks." At this moment, a coach in charge of the race came over and shouted.

After all, it's not a regular game, so there's not much to pay attention to.

The conversation between Su Feng and that Sichuan boy was interrupted, the two stopped talking and started to step on the starting block, but Su Feng's brows did not loosen.

"Everyone on their positions!" Seeing that everyone was getting ready, the referee in charge of issuing orders began to give the password.



As soon as the gunshot rang out, the game began.

Su Feng got off to a slow start because of something on his mind, but given his advantage over other people's acceleration ability, this distance was quickly caught up.

The 200-meter run is similar to the 100-meter run. There is no energy storage, and you need to sprint with maximum energy throughout the whole process.

The first 30 meters is also to sprint as much as possible. Before reaching 150 meters, we must pay attention to breathing evenly and maintain a certain rhythm.

However, 200 meters is almost a curve, so even if you sprint with all your strength, it is impossible for athletes to run at their highest speed.

After nearly half a year of training, Su Feng's cornering skills can't be called perfect, but at least he won't hold him back. Coupled with his own strong strength, during the cornering stage, athletes were overtaken by him one after another. .

Then there is the curve and the straight. Su Feng's 100-meter flying ability is naturally fully released here. Even in the international arena, the last nearly [-]-meter straight sprint is his absolute advantage.

After entering the straight track, Su Feng's speed began to accelerate further, and he slowly reached the peak. In the last 50 meters, this is also the place where 200-meter athletes often lose their speed. Powerful, but started the final sprint.

Cross the line!

After Su Feng crossed the finish line, he took a deep breath of fresh air, but once the race was over, people familiar with him could see that Su Feng's face turned into a look of disbelief, obviously not thinking about it.

"How's the result?" At this time, many people watching the game gathered together and looked at the referee who was in charge of timing.

The referee looked at Su Feng in a daze, and thought about Su Feng's current identity so he didn't yell out directly, but he still said excitedly: "20 seconds 00, a full 20 seconds, this directly broke the 20 seconds 03 Asia It’s a record, but it’s a pity that it’s not an official game.”

"Wow..." There are a large number of young people here, but even the older coaches look shocked at this time.

20 seconds exactly!Is this Su Feng's strength?After serious and systematic training for 200 meters for the first time, without any stimulation from opponents of the same level, he directly ran for 20 seconds.

That is to say, facing Su Feng, if it was someone else, they would have been unable to resist going up and patting each other to congratulate him.

However, Su Feng's previous achievements were there, which calmed them down a bit.

"Su Feng, good job, this trip to the United States, we must let the people of the American emperor restrain themselves."

He Jun hasn't used the title of American Emperor for a long time since he became a coach. The main reason is that the American media made too much noise this time, which also made him angry.

Now Su Feng's grades gave him enough confidence to say these words.

The happy He Jun didn't notice Su Feng's strangeness, but after the game, Su Feng didn't practice any more. He first went to chat with the Sichuan athlete just now, then returned to the dormitory, and then directly contacted Su Feng, who was in charge in the capital. Jiang Yihan, another member of Su's team who was in contact with the outside world.

Jiang Yihan is in her 30s this year, and the establishment also belongs to the General Administration of Sports, but she doesn't often go out with Su Feng to compete or train.

Her job is mainly to be in charge of Su Feng's external business cooperation and advertising invitations in the capital, as well as some external liaison matters.

Jiang Yihan was currently sorting out some of Su Feng's endorsements and advertisement invitations in the office of the Field Management Center.

After the last batch of endorsements by Su Feng, apart from Cadillac being cut off by Mercedes-Benz, several other big brands renewed their contracts with Su Feng at a higher price.

However, under Jiang Yihan's insistence, apart from the Mercedes-Benz with sufficient sincerity, the other seven contracts were signed before the 08 Olympic Games, and at most gave the priority to renew the contract with the same conditions. If you want to sign a contract after 08, Not enough price is impossible.

I have to say that Jiang Yihan, as a woman, is absolutely decisive in handling things while maintaining meticulousness. If she really goes into the business field, she is also a good hand.

"Su Feng?" Jiang Yihan was a little surprised when she suddenly received a call from Su Feng. At this time, shouldn't Su Feng be doing training and stamina reserves for going to the United States and Europe for competitions? Why would she call her even if something happened? It should be He Jun calling.

"Sister Jiang."

"Is there a problem?"

"How much money is in my account now?"

"Ah, wait a minute, it should be about 2 million, why are you asking this?"

"It's like this. Today I met an athlete from Sichuan Province, a Qiang nationality. I heard from him that there are many poor places in the mountainous area there. The children have to walk forty or fifty miles to go to school, and the school is windy in winter and summer. Leaking rain, I want to donate a few hope primary schools, can you help me contact the relevant organizations and estimate the cost, what I want is a high-standard building, the kind that can be used as a century-old building.

I just went to Tsinghua University a few days ago. Many buildings there are still solid after a hundred years, but there is a sense of vicissitudes.

We don't need to be so beautiful, but the quality must be good. "

"Donate to Hope Primary School?" Su Feng's words were a bit unexpected to Jiang Yihan, but considering Su Feng's identity, doing so would be very good for his image, and it was a good deed after all, so Jiang Yihan agreed very easily.

At this time, she didn't think about the scale of the donation Su Feng mentioned, and thought it was just one or two schools.

(End of this chapter)

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