The Prince of Taiyin Covering the Sky

Chapter 86 The late arrival testimonial

Chapter 86 The late arrival testimonial
It was put on the shelves yesterday, with great trepidation

I drank a little beer wine today, so I wrote a testimonial on the shelves
It is indeed the first time for me to write an article. I am very honored to be affirmed by the editor and many book friends. I am very grateful
Writing a fanfiction book that overshadows the sky is probably something I wanted to do a long time ago. Everyone in our generation has a fairy dream in their hearts, and I am no exception

Thanks to every book friend, subscription is very good, I don’t ask for a reward

Today, I told a friend who is a book friend that I will not forget my original intention and write [-] words a day.
This book may be written slowly, but it will not be pigeonholed, so you can rest assured

Regarding the problem of adding more, I don’t set up rewards for adding more, because after all, I am a social person, and rewarding and adding more is really digging a hole to bury myself, and I may not even pay it back.

I am the type to write more if I have spare energy, and guarantee the bottom if I have no spare energy. Subscriptions and comments are already the greatest support for me.
Thanks again to my editor, Penglai, and every friend who read Qidian and QQ

I wish you all progress in your studies, raise your salary at work, and travel across different worlds with the Imperial Army!
(End of this chapter)

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