I'm looking for fairyland alone

Chapter 112 You Are Too Gentle To This World

Chapter 112 You Are Too Gentle To This World

Zhang Chulan took a deep breath: "Boss, what do you... think I should do?"

"Zhang Chulan, you are too gentle to this world." Lu Zhen walked down the mountain, "You have to know that you don't owe this world anything, even if your grandfather is one of the so-called 36 thieves, he never did it." have done anything evil, so don't put yourself in a vulnerable position to be accused."

"This... I don't seem to be weak with my mentality, right?" Zhang Chulan followed Lu Zhen's footsteps.

Lu Zhen squinted at Zhang Chulan: "What if someone claims to be the family member of the victim who died at the hands of your grandfather and comes to you for revenge?"

Zhang Chulan scratched her head: "No way... My grandfather has been dead for so long. When he died... After my identity was exposed, no one seemed to come to seek revenge."

"He also killed so many people when he died. You also know that those people have forces behind them. If those people come to seek revenge on you, or if they don't take action, they will definitely be very hostile to you. What should you do?" Lu Really said lightly.

"I...I don't know either." Zhang Chulan hesitated a little, "If I come to take revenge, I...should also kill."

"Should..." Lu Zhen glanced at Zhang Chulan, "Then what about senior Tian Jinzhong? You are investigating the Jiashen Rebellion, so if you find the murderer who tortured senior Tian Jinzhong, what will you do?" What will you do?"

Zhang Chulan pursed her lips and said nothing.

Lu Zhen smiled sarcastically: "Did senior Tian Jinzhong make any mistakes? Your grandfather didn't make a big mistake back then, but after all, he was sorry for Tianshifu, but is there anything wrong with senior Tian Jinzhong?"

"Now that the old man dies, those things can be buried in the ground so easily with the old man? Zhang Chulan, if you knew who the murderers were, what would you do?"

Zhang Chulan gritted her teeth and said, "Boss, you...do you know who the murderer is?"

"I don't know." Lu Zhen shook his head, "But I can guess after a while. Those who have the motive and ability to act are the big forces in the alien world. Once the old senior Tian Jinzhong dies, they may finally relax a bit. Tone."

Zhang Chulan sighed deeply, and said bitterly: "I'm just a college student now. I made up my mind to kill for the first time an hour ago, but I haven't gotten used to it... Even if I want to kill, I don't have the ruthlessness to kill with one blow." .”

"I kept reminding myself that I should get rid of the laziness and peace of being a student as soon as possible, adjust my mentality as soon as possible, and adapt to the identity of a fighter. When I was determined to kill the first person, my heart beat faster and my mind was a little blank, but I didn't Nausea, no vomiting, I think I've done a good job."

Lu Zhen suddenly patted Zhang Chulan on the shoulder, and praised: "You did a good job. Few people can do as well as you when fighting for the first time, and few people can adapt to different situations so quickly. A life-and-death struggle in the human world."

Zhang Chulan shrugged: "Compared with you, my mentality is a bit hypocritical."

Lu Zhen smiled: "I'm different, you don't have to compare with me."

"Indeed, the boss is different from ordinary people." Zhang Chulan's expression was a little dazed, "Boss, do you know what was going through my mind when I saw someone die just now?"

"At that time, I didn't know how to discover that life is really a miracle. Every minute and every second from our birth to our growth is a miracle. As long as there is an accident, this miracle can be terminated."

"We have lived until now, and it can be said that we are composed of countless miracles, but as long as we make a move, we can end the miracle in our own hands."

Zhang Chulan looked at her hands: "The miracle of life is so fragile..."

Lu Zhen comforted: "The alien world is like this. It has never changed since the history of mankind. Miracles end all the time. You don't have to feel too much."

"Well, sometimes I just can't control my overthinking. To put it bluntly, it's hypocritical." Zhang Chulan chuckled, adjusted her mood, and said, "To be honest, I don't want to be so envious of Master Tian. I let it go easily, but now I have the heart and no strength, I can't resist those big forces in the alien world."

Lu Zhen patted Zhang Chulan on the shoulder again: "With the speed of your cultivation, it is not difficult to become stronger. After all... you are the protagonist."

"What kind of protagonist am I? The boss is the protagonist template in the movie!" Zhang Chulan clicked his tongue, "And I can't protect myself now. I haven't clarified about the source of my body. I don't know how many people are still there. It's my idea, don't talk about revenge now, don't talk about my grandpa, it's already an extravagant hope to live in peace."

"Don't worry about the origin of the body, someone has already shared the attention for you." Lu Zhen glanced at the mountain, "In the next period of time, it is not you who will be in trouble."

"Is there someone to share the pressure for me?" Zhang Chulan's eyes lit up, and then she said in embarrassment, "Isn't the boss talking about... yourself? I admit that the contact with the boss and the exchange of exercises are intended to involve the boss ..."

"You are really sincere." Lu Zhen laughed a little, "Of course I have big goals now, but not many people dare to attack me, so it is not me."

He suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant topic: "You have also seen the battle where Daoist Wang Ye beat Zhuge Qing. Both Daoist Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing were warlocks. How do you think Daoist Wang Ye won?" of?"

"Those two half-immortals are really powerful!" Zhang Chulan recalled, "I only know that Zhuge Qing came from the Wuhou family, and he seems to be using some kind of Wuhou Qimen. He is very powerful. If I were his opponent , completely incomprehensible to his abilities."

"Hey, then Daoist Wang Ye is even more powerful." Zhang Chulan lowered his voice, "If it wasn't for the reasonable use of external moves, it will definitely be the little uncle and Daoist Wang Ye competing for the championship of Luo Tian Dajiao in the end. I am a little sure nothing."

"Wang Ye's strength is strong." Lu Zhen agreed, "It's a pity that I haven't learned from him..."

After a pause, Lu Zhen continued: "The reason why he can easily defeat Zhuge Qing is more because the skills he practiced restrain Zhuge Qing's family-inherited skills. If you have read the list of 36 thieves, then you You should know that one of the 36 thieves came from Wudang."

Zhang Chulan's eyes widened, and he said in shock: "Big Brother, what do you mean... Eight Wonders?!"

"You can ask Wang Ye yourself, he is willing to talk to you." Lu Zhen stopped and looked at Zhang Chulan, "Just send it here, you can go up the mountain, Longhu Mountain has been destroyed like this, it is very difficult. Need manpower."

(End of this chapter)

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