Chapter 222
The night was dark and there were no stars in the sky.

Everything seen in the city of Nuristan seemed to be an illusion.

But Lu Zhen knew that everything he experienced before was a real thing.

Mahdi...Allawi...Sara...Worshipers of Nuristan...

All kinds of images flashed in Lu Zhen's consciousness, and the great contrast with the silent night in front of him made Lu Zhen unable to calm down for a long time.

He didn't know where he was now, but he was sure that he was no longer within the range of Nuristan City.

In an instant, he was moved to an unknown place outside the city of Nuristan by mysterious means...

Allawi in that state is definitely not something he can compete with.

"Seven years... the final judgment..."

Lu Zhen sat down cross-legged, all kinds of questions flashed in his mind.

Apart from what Allawi said, he only cared about one question - did Allawi succeed?
If successful, what is the state of Allawi now?Is it God or man?
It wasn't until dawn that Lu Zhen calmed down.

Looking around, he found that he was already tens of kilometers north of Nuristan City.

To the north is the Wakhan Corridor and the national border, and to the south is the city of Nuristan.


At dawn, the entire city of Nuristan was still in silence.

No one spoke, no one moved, and everyone was immersed in a paradise on earth where the pain disappeared.

When the sun rose, Samim, who was praying sincerely on the roof, opened his eyes: "According to the plan, take countermeasures... No, first go to the temple to confirm whether the elder is still there, confirm whether the Mahdi has come, and then immediately notice me."

The young soldier standing behind him gave a military salute and hurried downstairs.

Samim looked down at the entire city of Nuristan.

The reason why he agreed to use the price of a city to cooperate with Karzai's actions, in addition to various sectarian factors, the biggest reason is for his own ambition.

Regardless of whether the so-called Mahdi can come or not, as long as there is a vision in the city of Nuristan, his prestige will be greatly increased.

Things have been developing in the direction he expected.

Such a big vision was born last night, and within a short period of time, it will definitely spread to all parts of the country, and even spread to many surrounding countries with the same belief, which will greatly increase his prestige as the ruler of Nuristan City.

With such a great religious prestige laid the foundation, his influence can naturally expand rapidly.

But at this moment, there was no ambition in Samim's eyes, only pure piety and complexity.

If the heaven of Allah has come to the world, and the whole world can become as harmonious as in Nuristan, then it is a good choice to be an ordinary person even if you abandon those ambitions.

But how long can everything last?

"Is the Mahdi a success or a failure?"

Samim sighed complicatedly.

The "time is not up" that the elder said before disappearing has revealed the cruel truth.

"Fighting, fighting, blood, hunger, pain, disease... When will they disappear from this land?"


In front of the monastery, Sara stood there with her eyes closed, without moving a bit.

The morning dew hung in her hair, shining like tiny pearls.

"I want to know what happened at the last moment?" Karzai walked out of the monastery. "Sara, tell me, did the elder succeed?"

The elder finally disappeared into the sky, but appeared in front of Sara, coupled with the miracle that affected the entire city of Nuristan, no one knew what happened in the end.

Of course, except for the last time Sala, who had seen the elder, let out a long breath: "Karzai, you should go."

Karzai continued to walk towards Sara: "I want to know what the elders mean when they say that the time has not come."

Sarah said softly: "The Mahdi didn't come, of course it's because the time didn't come."

"So, did the elder fail in the end?" Karzai looked into the sky where the elder disappeared.

The first ray of sunlight shines on the dome-less temple, and the scene is solemn.

It's a pity that there is no longer a shining elder in that place.

"The elders have not failed..." Sara opened her eyes and looked at Karzai.

Her temperament has changed drastically, there is no pity in her eyes, only deep and pious, like a black hole, as long as she looks at it, she seems to be able to see through the other person's thoughts.

In the past, there was always weakness in Sarah's eyes, but now the weakness has disappeared, and only tenacity and incomparable strength are revealed inside.

Although he has a completely different temperament from the gentle and tolerant elder, when Karzai saw Sarah's eyes, he seemed to see the elder.

"You..." Even the peaceful Karzai couldn't control the vibration in his heart.

"Get out of here, Karzai." Sara said meaningfully, "I have seen the right path pointed out by the elders, I will follow the path of the elders, and you will also face your own destiny. "

"No matter what the outcome is, it is a gift from God and a price to pay for the choices we have made."

Karzai restrained himself: "Sarah, do you want to break with us completely?"

Sara bowed her head with a pious expression: "Karzai, under the witness of Allah, we will each go our own way, and only Allah knows the final outcome."

Karzai stopped talking.

Taking a deep look at Sarah, he walked out of the city.

Every street in Nuristan was filled with worshipers prostrate and praying. Even when they heard Karzai's voice, no one looked up at him.

"Is this the paradise of Allah? It's a pity that the Mahdi has not yet arrived..."

Standing outside the city of Nuristan, Karzai looked back at the peaceful city of Nuristan, and his repressed emotions took over again, and he became the frightening Karzai again.

"Nurristan, I will come back again..."

It's not that he is unaware of General Samim's strategy, but he still spent a lot of effort in arranging such a big game here, so he naturally has his own considerations——

In any case, most of the residents of the entire city of Nuristan have become his followers and supporters of his cause.

Among them, as long as a small half of the residents choose him when there is a conflict between General Samim and him, then this place will become an important stronghold for his expansion.

A fanatical smile appeared on Karzai's face, and when he turned around... he froze in place.

A young man with an oriental face was walking towards him, as if he had traveled a long way.

"Karzai, we meet again." The young man's footsteps became faster and faster, and his smile enlarged rapidly under the rising sun.

The temperature dropped rapidly, and four pitch-black spirit bodies emerged from Lu Zhen's body, including a tall spirit body that looked somewhat similar to Mamel.

A huge sense of oppression came to his face.

Suddenly, Karzai seemed to understand the meaning of what Sarah said just now.

"Oriental, you really hold grudges...can't even the elders dispel the murderous intent in your heart?" Karzai finally realized what it means to be helpless.

Last night, even with the home court advantage he had arranged for many years, he did not do anything to Lu Zhen. Now that he walked out of Nuristan City, he knew that he was no match for Lu Zhen.

But Karzai also knew he had no escape.

O Allah, will your servant finally enter your kingdom?
Karzai sighed inwardly.

The greatest value of life is that you can still choose in the future, and you can correct your own life and the path you have made.

But once you die, this life is fixed, and there is no chance to change it.

Then Karzai will take the answers he has made to see Allah...

Moments later, last night's unfinished battle continued outside Nuristan.

It's just that there is no special environment in Nuristan City to support Karzai, and there are not so many believers as spectators to witness this battle with their own eyes.


Ten minutes later, Sara walked out of the gradually recovering city of Nuristan, looking at Karzai's body lying in a pool of blood with a complex expression, and Lu Zhen, who was standing beside the body, gasping for breath.

" knew I was coming?"

Even though it was the first time he saw Sarah's true face, Lu Zhen recognized Sarah at the first sight.

But Sarah at this time is somewhat different from the Sarah he perceives from those possessed persons.

It seemed that a radical change had taken place overnight, causing her own soul level to evolve. This Sarah's eyes showed more wisdom and calmness.

She is no longer the elegant and noble eyes of Sarah, who is actually weak.

One approached, and one adjusted breath.

"You are unwilling to accept a little favor from others, and you are unwilling to have any communication with the recipient, and of course you will not let go of any enemies."

Sarah's deep eyes flashed with wisdom: "You are a lonely person, and you never want to have too much entanglement with the world, whether it is with your relatives, friends, or your enemies, so you will retaliate with an eye, so that you An eye for an eye, kindness for kindness."

"Then you know... I will kill you?"

With a distance of five zhang, Lu Zhen suddenly disappeared on the spot, his figure turned into a flashing white lightning, and after several flashes, he arrived in front of Sara.

The huge lightning spread, submerging Sarah in it mercilessly.

The burnt smell came out quickly, but Sarah remained indifferent, looking at Lu Zhen calmly with a pair of wise eyes.

His right hand moved forward, piercing Sarah's heart, but Lu Zhen was not happy at all, but frowned.

Sarah's body fell, and like Karzai before him, disappeared into nothingness.

"Karzai needs to use formations to do it, but I... am stronger than Karzai." Another Sara walked out of Nuristan, "Wherever faith exists, I will not be destroyed."

"Can't it be killed? The legacy of the elders?"

Lu Zhen took a deep breath, left a huge footprint on the ground, and disappeared in place again.

He reached forward with one hand, and it was already on the top of Sarah's head.

With a slight "poof", Sarah's seven orifices were bleeding, but her eyes were still calmly staring at Lu Zhen: "You...should..."

Sarah's body collapsed.

The black qi gushed out of Lu Zhen's body and entered Sarah's body, but Sarah's soul was not found.

As if it was an empty shell.

"Gift from the elders... I have come into contact with the highest being, Easterner, you can't kill me." Another identical Sara walked out of Nuristan, her eyes were deep, as if she contained endless wisdom, "Kill Karza I didn’t stop you when Karzai died, now that Karzai is dead, that’s enough...the elders don’t want any more dead people.”

"Not enough, far from enough... The elders have the principles of the elders, but I have my own principles."

Lu Zhenyi pointed at his forehead, and Karzai's memory, which he had digested little by little, quickly shattered and turned into a torrent impacting his consciousness.

In the Nuristan incident, only Karzai and Sara surfaced, and many more people were hiding under the surface...

His eyes were in a daze for a moment, and Lu Zhen's figure moved, passing Sara like a gust of wind.

Sara, who was outside the city, flew backwards dejectedly.

When it landed, it had become a broken corpse.

"Karzai's death is far from enough..."

The harmony of Nuristan City was broken, and Lu Zhen, who looked indifferent, rushed towards the tallest building in Nuristan City in an extremely violent gesture.


"General Samim, I can't stop him."

On the roof of the tallest building, Sarah appears behind General Samim.

"Even you can't stop him? I didn't show my face, why does he know of my existence?" General Samim turned to look at Sarah.

No matter how many times he looked at this face, he would always feel amazed.

Now, added to the worldly beauty was an unearthly wisdom and holiness, an ineffable charm that captivated him.

"He seems to be able to get the information he wants from the dead in some way." Sara turned a blind eye to Samim's gaze.

Samim frowned and said, "He shouldn't have killed Karzai."

Sarah shook her head: "Actually, I can't stop him."

"So, in this country, can anyone stop him?" Samim looked towards the city of Nuristan.

The whole city has been resurrected under the rising sun, exuding vitality, just like his ambition, which has reached its peak and is about to enter a new stage of development, but the person he sent to inquire brought him There was a piece of bad news that chilled his heart.

And now Sarah brought him even worse news.

A factor that has never been considered seems to be able to turn his ambition into a joke at once...

"Sarah, is it true that no one can stop him?" Samim asked again.

Sarah was silent.

"I have planned the entire city of Nuristan, and in the end the elder can only be regarded as half successful...but can I be reconciled?" Samim looked sideways at the young officer not far away, "Raja De, can you stop him?"

The young officer gave a standard military salute to Samim, and jumped down from the top floor without saying a word.

"He can't come back." Sara sighed softly, "This is your base, you should know where is the best place to hide."

"The underground passages here are complicated and shaped like a maze. There is no one to lead the way, and he will never find a safe room." Samim smiled wryly, "But, as you said, he can get the information he wants from the dead. There are no secrets to him..."

His tone was filled with anger: "Sarah, he is a messenger sent by the devil in hell! Try hard to Stan City... Our career has just started to improve, but he is coming to destroy our career."

"This oriental man must be a devil crawling out of hell! A devil who opposes Allah!"

After calming down a bit, he said again: "You said that he followed the original principle of an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, that is to say, he must kill all the relevant personnel before he will be satisfied?"

Sara said softly: "I think so. You were present when the plan was made and implemented. I don't think he will let you go... But, I will try my best to protect you... It's too dangerous to stand here, you should borrow Living in complex terrain..."

Gunshots sounded suddenly, followed by piercing and intensive gunshots, as if two armies met on a narrow road, and they entered a fierce battle state as soon as they came into contact.

The blood and fighting tore apart the tranquility of Nuristan City once again, letting everyone know that this place is not yet a paradise, but the terrible world they are familiar with.

But this time, even the residents near the tallest building did not flee, but prostrated themselves on the ground, praising "Mahdi".

Under the miracle like last night, they gave them infinite confidence, making them believe that the Mahdi they have been thinking about has come, and will definitely come out to save them at the most dangerous time.

Even Sarah and Samim standing on the top of the building heard the shouts of "Mahdi" that could not be concealed by the gunfire.

Samim turned his head to look at the figure that was approaching quickly like a god, with his whole body shining with golden light under the hail of bullets, his eyelids twitched.

"Sara, did you hear? They were calling for the Mahdi, now that the Elder is gone, we are the Mahdi..."

Sarah corrected: "Everyone is a Mahdi."

"Everyone... Heh... Sarah, there are always some people who are leaders..." Samim's eyes were nailed to Lu Zhen's body like a nail.

Seeing Lu Zhen passing over the minefield without touching any of the buried mines, Samim's expression became more dignified.

There is an open space of nearly ten meters between the wall of this building and the surrounding houses. It was originally a minefield for defense against foreign enemies, but it is useless now.

However, after operating here for many years, Samim certainly does not only have this preparation...

That unstoppable figure forcefully broke into the wall that was used as a cover by the soldiers, and the place where it passed was filled with blood, and the wailing of the soldiers continued.

The sound of gunfire immediately became chaotic.

Samim did not relax at all about his safety when he entered the city of Nuristan this time.

In addition to Nuristan's soldiers, he also brought fifty or sixty soldiers who had experienced many battles, many of whom were practitioners themselves and knew how to deal with different types of practitioners.

But now, dozens of heavily armed elite soldiers were suppressed by one person.

If the other party wants to, they can even kill everyone in a short time.

"At their level of cultivation, ordinary weapons are no longer of much use to them," Sara said.

Lu Zhen has already approached 20 meters away from the tallest building.

Sara and Samim could already see Lu Zhen's indifferent expression.

Samim's breathing has begun to become short of breath: "Karzai, Mamel is definitely not as strong as him."

Lu Zhen was already 15 meters away, he paused, and looked up at the two of them.

"Here, only the elders can barely suppress him." Sarah looked at Lu Zhen and said, "General, if you have any means, you should use it to stop him."

"Look, Sara, he will never stop our cause alone!" Samim said through gritted teeth, "I will never let him turn our cause into a joke!"

Ten meters away, Lu Zhen killed several people again and crashed into a row of unknown huts in front of the tallest building.

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded...

(End of this chapter)

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