Chapter 144
Ren Hongyou drifted away, already realizing his original intention.

Lin Zhuming used Xiao Zhoutian again to transfer the essence, and he felt that his cultivation level was almost the same as that of Zhao Chengwen, and he had stepped into the realm of immortality.

It's just that human immortals are also afraid of firearms. Although they have six Ding Liujia as family generals, they have no soldiers and horses.

I had to see if Zhao Chengwen could come up from below after he was buried. The first was to see if he could buy some soldiers and horses refined by the Fengdu devils, and the second was to see what was going on in the underworld.

After the Dragon Boat Festival, the days get longer and the nights get shorter.

But halfway through Yinshi, it was already light, Lin Zhuoming came out to welcome Ziqi to practice and exhale, and saw Ying Ning who was leaning against the door and already asleep: "She is carefree."

Lin Zhuming got up to practice, and Zhao Zhongxin followed.

He printed some Jade Emperor Tongbao last night, and soon his thoughts faded away, so he meditated and cultivated, and now he is on the right track of practice, knowing that his youth should not be wasted in vain.

Lin Zhuming closed his eyes and opened his eyes, facing Dongfang Yubai.

Tongue on top of palate, chest up, head raised, anus retracted.

Liujia and Liuding, with the spirit of the gods, wandered through the twelve serious channels in Lin Zhuoming's body.

Waiting for the purple air to come from the east, he took a long breath, the purple air entered the throat, warming it, stimulating the production of body fluid.

Lin Zhuming began to swallow it, and Liu Ding Liujia carried it, and the seeds of true energy entered the danding and were refined and burned by the Yang fire.

After swallowing about nine mouthfuls of immortal wine, Lin Zhuoming finally finished his morning exercises.

It's just that after the practice, Lin Zhuming didn't want to stop.

The sun was already hot on my face.

Previously, Lin Zhuming only visualized Jielin flying to the moon at night, driving the chariot of six dragons to Taiyin Immortal Mansion.

But the number of times to visualize Yu Yi flying to the sun is extremely limited, the Taiyin refines the form, but actually refines the soul, and the sun refines the spirit, but actually refines the soul.

Soul, essence, blood, the three combine to form a body.

Lin Zhuming's soul is too strong now, his spiritual sense is too much, and his body's life skills are vaguely inferior to his sex skills.

Therefore, Lin Zhuming planned to visualize driving Xihe's sun chariot to go to the Sun Immortal Mansion to collect and refine the sun essence.

It was easy for Lin Zhuming to get into samadhi, and soon he saw a carriage flying down from the sun.

The six celestial horses pulling the chariot are all transformed into celestial dragons, shining brightly all over, and a celestial rooster stands on the shaft of the sun chariot, which is majestic.

"Oh oh oh!"

When this rooster crows, all the roosters in the world crow.

Between reality and illusion, there is a goddess with a blurred face on the carriage.

This is exactly "inviting the sun", it is Lin Zhuoming's own Shaoyang Qi, which senses the Taisu Xuanqi above the sun, thus forming the appearance of a goddess.

Lin Zhuming got on the divine chariot, and Shensi rushed to the Sun God Palace.

The palace seemed to be only nine miles high from the ground, and the chariot of heavenly horses circled up, Lin Zhuming also felt hotter and hotter, as if he was sweating.

But in fact, it was just the dregs of Lin Zhuoming's soul being baked out by the real fire of the sun.

After Zhao Zhongxin breathed out, he practiced boxing and kicking routines beside him, the method of raising and refining five animals.

Suddenly, I felt extremely hot around me, as if a stove had been lit.

Seeing Lin Zhuming exhale and inhale, white air came out from the top of his head.

"Brother, what are you doing? Why is there smoke coming from the top of your head?"

And Lin Zhuoming sat in the chariot of Tianma and arrived at a fire mulberry forest.

There are fire silkworms and many fire birds in the fire mulberry forest, and many fire mulberries grow on the branches.

Beside the mulberry forest are large and small fire swamps.

Lin Zhuming recognized that he borrowed the power of this fire marsh to refine his soul, and what he used was the breath of the real fire of the sun.

The carriage eventually stopped next to a plaque.

I saw "Zhuling Mansion" written on it, so I dismounted here.

Lin Zhuming saw many fire officers and generals in the mansion talking about fire in the world.

But where and where, when there is a big fire, which mountain forest, because of a drought and thunder, there is a wildfire, how long will it take to burn.

What can I hear again, which palace is on fire...

After hearing a few words, I didn't know anything.

So I just found a place where no one was around, bathed in the fire swamp, used the real fire of the sun to refine my spirit, and picked a few fire mulberries.

I just felt that I was sweating profusely, and I could hardly resist it.

He drove the chariot of heavenly horses back to his physical body.

After such a set of visualizations, Lin Zhuming only felt very hungry, and his body became very light, as if some damp and evil energy had evaporated through the pores.

It was the reconciliation of yin and yang that completely refined the Yuan Dan of the wolf demon, and the originally obstinate essence of Taiyin gradually merged and transformed into Lin Zhuming's own good fortune.

After drinking two bowls of water, Lin Zhuoming felt a little better.

"Senior brother, are you practicing some magical skills again?"

"Where is the magical skill, it is just some internal practice method that is refined by the sun and the moon."

Lin Zhuming played another set of Five Elements Fist and Sword. Since he understood the "Rain Festival" of Water Element Sword Qi last time, he now also has his own opinions on Fire Element Fist and Sword.

The sword seems to have a temperature.

Sun, Shaoyang.

Taiyin, Shaoyin.

Men and women correspond to Shaoyin and Shaoyang, and the sun and moon correspond to Taiyin and Sun.

After collecting and refining the essence of the sun and the moon, women still need to borrow the energy of Shaoyang to practice, and men also need the energy of Shaoyin.

A lonely yin does not grow, and a lonely yang does not grow.

However, Lin Zhuming did not intend to use the method of dual cultivation.

After all, looking for true yin and true yang inside, picking yin to supplement yang is an evil way.

It's just that at this time, the yang qi was accidentally collected and refined too much, so it was very restless.

But it’s not a problem, Lin Zhuoming divides the lust caused by the sun’s anger into three parts, once it enters the heart, it will strengthen the heart, and if the heart is full, it will be strong.

The second enters the kidney. Although the kidney is the house of water and stores essence, it is actually the house of fire, which can also store fire essence. The kidney is full of fire and energy.

The last ball is guided into the bladder, and the bladder is filled with fire. This fire can sterilize the poison and vent the flames, and guide the body.

This is the practice method of Samadhi True Fire.

The king of ignorance is on fire; if you sit at a banquet with your breath closed, and guide it with your heart, everything will burn.

In the middle of the fire, raise the waist, ribs and abdomen, and walk with the breath closed, everything will be reached.

Fire down the people's fire; raise the mechanism, and the golden tortoise will breathe out flames, and everything will rise.

These three fires are the key to burning alchemy and refining mercury in the inner alchemy method, and mastering the heat is also the most important thing.

Slowly recovering, the temperature of Lin Zhuming's body gradually returned to normal.

"Junior Brother, go and feed the cow some fodder, and then find a cart. Later, you can take Brother Zhao's slough to Zijin Mountain for burial."

"Okay, I'm going to find some men to help."

Zhao Zhongxin quickly found some people and together they carried the coffin onto the bullock cart.

Taking all kinds of funeral things that had been prepared long ago, they went up the mountain together.

Because I was afraid of trouble, I didn't advertise it widely, and my relatives and friends expressed their condolences.

But the surrounding people still have some recognition for Zhao Chengwen, and there is a long team.

Zhao Zhongxin held the soul banner, Lin Zhuoming scattered paper money, and they went up the mountain like this.

Lin Zhuming suddenly remembered that the Taoist master had come, and the mourning hadn't been done like this before, it was all cremated, in a small jar.

He sighed again: "I don't know what kind of achievements the old Taoist has, whether he has ascended to the immortal heaven."

(End of this chapter)

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