Liao Zhai Zi is silent

Chapter 171 Tiger Cat Guardian

Chapter 171 Tiger Cat Guardian
"Haha, although this plague is more terrifying than floods and beasts, aren't people who make a fuss about this plague even more terrifying?"

"What is Hu Shanzhang afraid of this plague? No matter if there is a plague, there are medicine stones to cure it, but aren't those who use the plague to make a fortune, get promoted, and make it flood, aren't they more terrifying?"

Hu Jiezhou said: "Why don't you be afraid, if you get the plague, I'm afraid I can't help it. Master Lin should take them in quickly."

Lin Zhuming shook his head, and moved the pool of water away.

Same as last time, the fire pool was turned into solar fire, and the pool was turned into yin water.

Drive these plague soldiers into the pool of water and fire one by one.

The plague demon is ruthless, and it is not as ruthless as this water and fire.

Lin Zhuming also threw cinnabar, realgar, and other things to ward off poison and evil in the two pools.

Soon these plague soldiers and plague ghosts were washed clean.

The original yellow-green plague was either dissolved in the pool, or burned by the real fire of the sun.

With a clear spirit, he turned into a medical soldier with the help of herbal medicine.

Among those who died from the plague, there were many old people, children, women, and fewer middle-aged men.

Therefore, after purifying and purifying their spirits, these plague soldiers returned to their original appearance, and they also looked like some old, weak, sick and disabled.

It's just that the true yin and true yang are refined, and all of them return to the appearance of a baby.

However, Liu Ding only found some girls, and the rest of the boys refused to be included in the queue no matter what.

"My lord, we have the body of Xuanyin, but we can't see the energy of Shaoyang. We sisters lead the souls of these girls, and we can still strengthen ourselves, but the shape formed by the souls of these men is really impossible to cultivate." Zhu Mei said , Lin Zhuming is not easy to force.

But Liujia is even more unwilling to control the old, weak, sick and disabled who died of this kind of plague. Although they have been refined, they are still not considered first-class.

Lin Zhuming called the land to be the owner of the egg. As the land of Tongjing Village, he also had the right to lead a team of soldiers and horses, but he thought he couldn't support him, so he only had a few ghost servants.

Lin Zhuming set aside [-] from here, and he felt extremely pained. He took out a furnace of incense that he had accumulated with great difficulty, and reshaped their souls and bodies into the appearance of strong men.

But he was wearing soap clothes and holding a killing stick in his hand, so he was not like a soldier, but like a fast catcher.

The remaining ones were sent to Dongcang envoys, that is, white mice, to lead the guards to the warehouse. If anyone uses the five ghosts to move the grain, they can find and stop it.

They also sent some to Jiangning Dragon Lord, that is, Shanlong, to fill the water mansion, so as to manage the many water ghosts under the water.

Only that umbrella can absorb the plague gas purified in the pool of water and fire again.

After the bezoar and the fragrant pills, it slowly dissolves and transforms into another mysterious energy, which seems to be specially designed to restrain all kinds of plagues.

"Pang Huang Umbrella." Lin Zhuoming inexplicably thought of a magic weapon in the Romance of the Gods.

But that bezoar is Zhou Wenqing's treasure, but Niu'er still wants to take it back.

But most likely it won't work.

After doing these things, it was almost dark. Lin Zhuoming thought that the evil God of Wealth was powerful and powerful, and his real body was hidden in an unknown place, but he had to be strong to suppress and kill him.

Then he left with a few people, and then went to the Leizu Temple on the Dragon King Mountain to complete Leizhai.

Waiting to go up the mountain, it was already completely dark, Lin Zhuoming walked on the road, but he was not afraid at all.

However, a gust of wind blew, followed by the sound of heavy breathing.

Lin Zhuming saw that it was Maohu, the neighbor, who seemed to be welcoming him.

It turned out that Lin Zhuming had been chanting Baogao, reciting mantras, reading scriptures, and doing exercises in Leizu Temple before, which attracted this cat and tiger.

After going down the mountain for a few days now, the cat and tiger couldn't be found, so he was very anxious, thinking that he had lost his master, and now that Lin Zhuming came back, he naturally had to take good care of him.

Cats are like this, when you are around, they like to ignore you, with a cold look, and when you are gone, they will be very awkward again.

Lin Zhuming understood it, knowing that this spirit beast would not hurt people, so he took the initiative to step forward.

The cat tiger is not afraid either.

Lin Zhuoming patted Maohu's head, patted his back, and then made a "gurgling" sound, obviously very comfortable.

Lin Zhuming laughed and said, "You bastard, you actually have two faces!"

"Follow me!" At that moment, he led it into the Leizu Temple.

Residual incense can be seen in the censer in the temple. I don't know who worshiped here when Lin Zhuoming was not there.

On the mural, the picture of praying for rain and the picture of dragon king walking in rain have been integrated into one.

I just don't know, if the rain keeps falling, will it form another extreme, flood.

The rumors in this mural world are like this, severe drought, severe flood, great plague...

When Lin Zhuming noticed this change, he sighed very much: "The five thunders are so good that the weather is smooth, but now it has entered two extremes."

Reluctant to enter the mural again, Lin Zhuoming shook his head, intending to let Shanlong exercise his ability to move clouds and rain in this mural world, so as to make the mural world smooth.

Then look at "The Picture of Returning to the Palace after Rain", and Shanlong is hugging left and right at this time.

But both Dragon Mother and Dragon Girl were taken down by him.

No wonder Lin Zhuming was a little dumbfounded when he said that the dragon's nature was obscene.

But after all, she was the one who enlightened and ordered her personally, so as long as she wasn't foolish and unreasonable, she would let her go.

Since he doesn't open the harem, why don't he allow "Long Aotian" not to open the harem?
It is even better to have many children and grandchildren, and it is right to reproduce and cherish wild animals.

Then I remembered what the Dragon Mother said at the beginning: "This mural space is the surface layer of the ghost domain, but there is a deep layer underneath. If I don't want to go and see what it is like, if I can get through it and transform it into a Futian. It would be better to manage the land with bad mountains and bad waters, and it would be even better to find some ghosts to train soldiers, and it happens to be the month of Ramadan, so we can explore it carefully."

Going to the back of the Leizu Temple, there is a small door leading to the ground, and there is a magic-suppressing talisman on it.

It was there before the temple was repaired, but Lin Zhuming never opened it, nor did he let the craftsmen who repaired the temple mess around.

Now that I have time to study this talisman carefully, it really has the imprint of "Five Thunders", and also faintly sees the strange-shaped characters of "Zhuxie", it may be the true transmission of the Tao of Heavenly Master.

The tiger cat was beside Lin Zhuming, circling around: "Poop shovel, what are you looking at? You don't even look at this deity! Isn't this deity not good-looking?"

Lin Zhuming pushed him away: "Don't make trouble."

"This talisman is not difficult, but the treasure of the celestial master on it has the meaning of suppression. This should be the entrance to the ghost domain, or suppress some powerful ghost king."

"It's just why, there is no specific biography left, and there are no inscriptions or stone inscriptions, so it is clear what it is."

Lin Zhuming thought for a while, intending to go deep into it to find out, but gently uncovered the talisman and opened the door.

There was no sound, only a black rumble.

Holding a candle, he lowered his head and went inside, closed the door, pasted the talisman back, and then went down to explore.

(End of this chapter)

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