Liao Zhai Zi is silent

Chapter 175 Dragon King Marriage Picture

Chapter 175 Dragon King Marriage Picture

Lin Zhuming wasn't just trying to beat him up. General Skeleton, who wasn't fast at first, now felt more and more jerky in his joints.

The air ban that Lin Zhuming broke into is exactly the legal ban of the "Five Thunders Law".

After waiting for all the places marked by Liu Ding Liu Jia to enter the Qi ban, Lin Zhuming's true Qi was less than [-]% left.

But then, Lin Zhuming slapped out with a palm, and Yin Wulei sent out again.

Then there was an electric arc shot out from the palm, it was palm thunder.



Like setting off firecrackers, the air ban that was injected before was ignited by this palm thunder.

The skeleton of seven or eight feet suddenly collapsed like a building about to collapse.

Seeing this, the mouse woman screamed in shock: "How is it possible, this is the Bone General that I sacrificed so hard, how is it possible!"

"The world has changed now." Lin Zhuming said, "You, a demon who has been sealed here for a hundred years, it's normal that you have short experience."

But he held the jade-like skull in his hand, and the skull was still in one piece: "Blood food...blood food..."

But gradually the green light in the eye sockets went out, as if there was no electricity.

"Where are you going to escape this time?" Lin Zhuoming drew his sword.

The mouse woman will repeat the same trick, and a white light will shoot out.

"Forbidden!" Lin Zhuoming reprimanded, and the Immortal Immortal Forbidden was activated, immobilizing the rat woman.

A sword owl head.

The mouse woman appeared in her original form, she was a mouse the size of a dog, but her tail was like a beaver.

A Yuan Pill emerged, engulfing the Yin God to escape.

Lin Zhuming was already out of his wits when a thunderbolt exploded.

But Yuan Dan was captured by Liu Ding: "My lord, this pill is extremely cloudy, and there is not much essence of the sun and moon in it. I'm afraid it's a cannibal practice, and it doesn't have much value for purification. There is only one thing. There are Dao talisman seeds inside. Contains the white light supernatural power it just emitted."

"Then take it with you, after you go out, cleanse it a little bit, and send it to the Dongcang envoy to understand..."

Liujia dug out the dragon scale from the rat mother's body, blew it up, and handed it to Lin Zhuming: "My lord, the dragon scale."

Dragon scales, dragon bones, dragon horns, dragon balls.

Since ancient times, practicing the way of transforming dragons has been slowly evolving.

This piece of dragon scale contains the aura of a real dragon. For a carp, a carp can become an ichthyosaur. The "flying fish suit" of the previous dynasty is this kind.

The dragon scales have a metallic luster, and there are textures on them. This kind of natural texture gives people a mysterious and ancient feeling.

Lin Zhuming put it away. After all, it is not The Adventures of Little Carp. You can recite the slogan and get the power of a real dragon.

Besides, whether there is a real dragon or not is another matter.

Calmly adjust your breath and restore your strength.

After about a quarter of an hour, Lin Zhuming got up.

Hold the jadeized skull in your hand.

Observe carefully, this magical weapon can release plague ghosts, flying mice, mouse souls, poisonous smoke, and become a powerful bone general, just like the legendary magic weapon.

It's just that it seems that blood food is needed every time it is activated, and it has been sealed for a hundred years, and a lot of spiritual energy has been lost.

"It's a pity that it's a skull, full of evil spirits, and I haven't seen the method of sacrificial manipulation."

"Take it with you. In the future, you can refine Dao soldiers like Yellow Turban Warriors. Maybe you can refer to it."

Lin Zhuming handed over the skull to Liujia, and continued to clear the way.

Liu Ding held the will-o'-the-wisp lantern to illuminate the front, and continued to walk forward, but there was a three-way intersection.

There is a stone tablet on each of the three corridors.

The stone plaque reads: "Heaven kills", "Earth kills" and "Man kills".

But there is no word "live".

"My lord, this place is so weird, I'm afraid it's not a good place."

"These three ways of killing are taken from the Yellow Emperor's Yin Talisman Sutra, which means to change the dynasty." Lin Zhuming said: "There are traces of the murderous intentions of heaven and earth, but there is no trace of human murderous intentions."

Xu Biao said: "But my subordinates have heard that there is nothing to pray for if you are guilty of a crime against heaven, so it can be seen that this gate of heaven cannot be entered."

"Heaven's movement is strong, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement. Although the sky is full of murderous intentions, there should be a glimmer of life and leave a way out for others."

Although it is authentic and virtuous, it also represents real death. All destinations, whether it is loess or yellow spring, all have the meaning of death.

On the contrary, it is not a good place to go.

This is the same as doing a multiple-choice question. It is necessary to fully understand the intention of the questioner.

Is it to choose the day or the person.

Is the way of heaven governing all things, or can man conquer the sky.

No divination required.

Lin Zhuming went straight into the "killing" tunnel.

Entering it, there are lamps on both sides shining brightly, unlike before, it was dark and gloomy.

"My lord, look, there are also murals here."

Lin Zhuming looked at it, and there was a picture of a group of people waiting, with yellow skin and black hair, wearing sacrificial clothes, as if they were holding some grand ceremony.

The forms of the characters seem to be alive, and the enthusiasm, admiration, and fear in the eyes seem to be lifelike.

And the object of their worship is a giant dragon, and this giant dragon has a sense of aloofness that looks down on all living beings.

Among them, the painters are at their peak, their hair and scales are as real as they are.

Even the clouds above seem to have a sense of flow.

"This can't really be the Dragon's Tomb." Xu Biao muttered: "That's really difficult, I won't explain it here."

Lin Zhuming said: "Go ahead, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, why bother to be afraid."

"My lord is kind!" A flattering flattery.

Moving on, the mural began to become festive, with cattle, sheep, pigs, and three animals offering sacrifices.

In addition to the three animals, there are three daughter families, one big and two young, as if the elder sister got married and brought her two younger sisters with her.

"The Dragon King is married." Lin Zhuoming saw what the mural wanted to express.

Lin Zhuming also saw the mouse woman just now, and she became a witch who sacrificed to the Dragon King.

But I don't know how to transform into the appearance of that rat woman. I don't know if it is because of witchcraft reincarnation. After all, there are often many people who are originally human, but because of obsession, resentment, or secret forbidden techniques, they are transformed into monsters.

Lin Zhuming continued to walk forward and saw people pushing pigs, cows, and sheep into the river, and then the three women.

A vortex formed under the water, swallowing everything...

This situation has continued for nine times, and the subtle change is that the priests are getting more and more distressed.

Every family has a daughter, who would like their daughter to sink to the bottom of the river and become the dragon king's concubine?

Everything is so logical, behind the mural is the resistance to the sacrifice.

Just like Ximen Baozhi Ye, this witch was pushed into the water during the tenth sacrifice.

A dark, strong and powerful man began to lead the people to overthrow the rule of the Dragon King...

Then came earthquakes, floods, plagues, and a series of gods' punishments on humans.

The people who were grateful to him became the ones who hated him, and were tied to a wooden frame in the end, and burned alive in the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the Dragon God...

It's like an endless cycle, as if people can't beat the fate of gods after all.

(End of this chapter)

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