Chapter 95

At night, the moonlight was like water, Lin Zhuming's eyes seemed to be dark, and the divine light appeared, his eyes were like two candles, lighting up the whole hall.

However, Ren Hongyou and Tu Di took Liu Ding Liujia to tour around the territory of Tongjing Village, gathered the lonely ghosts one by one, recorded the good and evil, and recorded them bit by bit.

Suddenly, a divine light fell from the starry sky.

In Lin Zhuming's heart, on Ziwei's horoscope, besides the slightly brighter lucky star, the Cunlu star among the Big Dipper is also slightly lit up.

Cunlu, also known as Tianji Star, is the abode of real people, the owner is noble, and he is in charge of people's longevity.

That is the so-called wealth star.

Lin Zhuming said in his heart: "This star lights up, which means that my fortune is good."

Taking a closer look, there are two evil stars threatening each other, taking advantage of the main star.

It is the two evil stars Qingyang and Tuoluo.

"It seems that with this luck of wealth, there will be grievances with others." Lin Zhuoming thought: "Isn't this the entanglement between me, the evil God of Wealth, and Qingliang Temple?"

This Ziwei fate chart is also an afterthought.

With Lin Zhuming's righteous thoughts, the divine light escaped from the courtyard into Lin Zhuming's body. At that moment, Lin Zhuming's Ziwei star became brighter, and there was a faint splendor.

"Destiny in your arms?" Lin Zhuoming was startled.

Immediately, the auspicious star manifested, which meant that Lin Zhuming was bound to turn bad luck into good fortune.

After the change of Ziwei's horoscope, Lin Zhuming saw an illusion gradually appeared in the bright mirror.

What emerges from it is the scene of Lin Zhuoming beheading the blue-eyed fox that day, and then Yuan Dan escaped.

"Taiyin Cleansing and Refining Primal Pill Secrets"

But it can wash and refine the monster Yuandan and refine it.

The moon essence of the lunar moon that the monster spit into the Yuan Dan was refined and turned into a precious medicine.

And this precious medicine can be used by monks.

Similar to "synthetic Emperor Ooze".

This method can not only be used to refine other people's Yuan Dan, but also can be used to purify one's own inner alchemy. If the inner alchemy is polluted, it can be purified by this method.

Even Lin Zhuming can purify Yuandan and purify mana for others.

Seeing this method, Lin Zhuming couldn't help but sigh with emotion: this method combined with the technique of seizing pills, can seize the good fortune of the world, and forcibly graft the penance of different kinds of creatures.

That being said, it is still welcome.

After all, slaying demons and demons also requires capital, and the upgrade materials must be able to burst out, it is important to become a fairy.

Waiting for the cock to crow, Lin Zhuoming opened his eyes.

The white mouse that rubbed against the WiFi wanted to run away quickly again.

Lin Zhuming looked up at the sky, the sky was blue and dark, it seemed to be another cloudless sunny day.

At the same time, a tiptoe voice sounded: "Keep your voice down, wake them up, and this business won't be done."

However, he saw two strong men jumping over the wall and entering, just in time to meet Lin Zhuming.

The six eyes met, the strong man directly took out a firecracker, and was about to hit Lin Zhuming.

But the firecracker is still a pull-cord ignition type, not the kind that will be fired when the trigger is pulled.

At this time, Lin Zhuoming punched him and knocked him to the ground, while another strong man with a knuckle in his hand and fists like iron attacked Lin Zhuoming.

The boxing is fierce and hot, with big splits and big hangs, big openings and big closings.

Lin Zhuming dodged the finger tiger and shouted at the same time: "Zha!"

Immediately, the secret method was transported, and he drank it for a moment, as if there was a thunder in his mind.

Just for a moment, Lin Zhuoming's fists were like bullfighting bulls, one punch hit his heart, and the other punch hit his face, knocking him down to the ground, twitching continuously.

Fisting into the heart is a killer move, and the man's face turned blue soon.

Lin Zhuming took off the other person's blunderbuss, lit it, and fired.

As a result, both of them died.

The means are fierce, and it seems that "the first commandment to kill" is not reflected in Lin Zhuming's body at all.

Not only that, Lin Zhuming also chanted a secret spell to lock his soul.

Wait until the time to ask again.

Zhao Zhongxin was awakened by the gunshot, and seeing two people lying on the ground in a pool of blood, he was so startled that he couldn't speak: "Brother, what's going on?"

"Two thieves came in over the wall, you guard here, I'll go and have a look."

As a result, there was another person outside to watch the two robbers.

Hearing the gunshot, thinking that the robber had already succeeded, he walked to the door, intending to enter the temple and share the spoils with him.

Seeing Lin Zhuming coming out, he was confused, and he couldn't see who it was: "How is it, is it over?"

As a result, Lin Zhuming punched him in the face again, causing his whole brain to buzz and he fell to the ground.

Only then did Lin Zhuming see that there was still a barrel of kerosene.

I'm afraid of setting fire after killing people.

Seeing the kerosene, Lin Zhuming was a little scared. If it started burning, he was afraid that the entire wooden Zhenjun Palace would be turned into ashes.

Dragging people into the Taoist temple, Zhao Zhongxin couldn't even close his mouth: "Brother, this, this, this..."

"Look at how promising you are!" Lin Zhuming said, "This man is not dead, he just fainted. Bring a basin of cold water to see where he came from. He dared to kill and set fire."

After a basin of cold water was poured down, the man suddenly woke up, and was soon choked again, coughing non-stop.

Looking at the corpses of the two companions under the candlelight, fear spread, and the entire crotch was wet.

"Explain it."

"Leniency for confession, strictness for resistance, honest confession, and going home for the New Year."

"Where did you come from? What's your name? Why did you come to me to kill and set fire? Who ordered you? If you don't say anything, you will end up the same as them."

"I said, I said!" That lookout was timid, which is why the two robbers called him lookout.

This lookout was originally a fortune-teller in Nanjing City called Blind Banxian, and these two robbers are proper people in the green forest. I don’t know their names, but they have nicknames. One is called Guoshanfeng. One is called Yinshan Tiger.

What he does is to rob houses and houses, and he is well-known among the nearby green forests.

Usually, I also accept the kind of name-calling, murder and arson, and the business of making money at both ends.

Because he knows martial arts and has firearms, he has never missed a shot.

The blind and half-immortals are their middlemen. If they see any foreign merchants alone on the streets of Nanjing, they will act together.

Lin Zhuming asked him who ordered him, but the person couldn't tell, he just said that someone paid for your life.

No wonder the evil star took the criminal, it turned out to be like this.

Lin Zhuming asked them where they kept the money they robbed.

The blind half-immortal then said: "Guo Shanfeng and Yin Shanhu both got money and went to gamble and went to whoring and prostitution. They don't have much money."

"What about you?"

"I... I bought a small courtyard, please spare me, mage, please forgive me, I have an old man and a young man..."

Lin Zhuming let out a chuckle: "You didn't look like this when you were a hero in the green forest."

Zhao Zhongxin, who was listening on the sidelines, was so angry that his face was crooked, he went up and gave him a kick, which made the blind half-immortal roll on his back.

Except for the evil God of Wealth, Lin Zhuoming couldn't think of anyone who would invite the Green Forest Killer to assassinate him.Among them, the chief envoy must be the Fourth Master Yuan.

With the intention to kill, Lin Zhuoming looked at the firecracker, and immediately had a plan.

(End of this chapter)

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