I am the ex-boyfriend of the Empress of the Three Realms

Chapter 226 The first person in the fantasy sea star field

Chapter 226 Illusory Sea Starfield No.1

"Qin Meng, take back the position of the suzerain of the Tianxuan Sect immediately, otherwise you, the Linghuang, will not be able to do it, and you will even be kicked out of the Qin family!"

As soon as Qin Meng and Qin Yue went online, he was reprimanded by the furious Qin Yue. The stern look of Qin Yue in the picture frightened Qin Meng at a loss.

"What are you doing standing there, don't hurry up!" Seeing Qin Meng staring blankly at her motionless, Qin Yue reprimanded angrily.

"Eldest sister, Le Ming threatened me, if I don't return the suzerain position to him, he will kill me, and I will never come back!"

Qin Meng was about to cry, she finally knew that the problem was very serious, but her life was also very important.

"Are you waiting for the ancestor to come to you in person?!" Qin Yue was no longer angry, Qin Meng was more afraid of Le Ming than his ancestor.

"Eldest sister, the patriarch sent a message to tell Qin Meng to go to the Holy Realm immediately, and let me take over as the Linghuang and be responsible for getting back the position of the suzerain of the Tianxuan Sect."

Just when Qin Meng was anxious and thinking about going the other way, Qin Henyue walked up to Qin Yue's side and said a bolt from the blue.

"Qin Meng, let Peng Qi and Lin Mohan take you to the Holy Realm." Qin Yue took a pityful look at Qin Meng who was completely dumbfounded, and then disappeared from the screen with Qin Henyue.

Qin Meng, whose head was chopped off, suddenly felt endless hatred.

It's all Qin Henyue!
All because of her!
If Qin Henyue knew, she would definitely beat her up so hard that she couldn't take care of herself, even Qin Yue would beat her up.

You can't live by doing evil, and Qin Henyue didn't force you to return the position of suzerain of Tianxuanzong to Le Ming.

The matter of cleaning up the Demon Ape King could only be postponed, Qin Yue and Qin Henyue immediately led people to Golden Eagle Star.

Kunyu also had to return to Tianxuanzong, and Le Ming became the suzerain again. Is he, the Great Elder, still alive?

The news that Le Ming became the suzerain of Tianxuan Sect once again spread quickly throughout the Illusory Sea Starfield at the speed of light, and all the planets exploded immediately.

In the fantasy sea star field, who is No.1?
Not the patriarch of the Qin family, not Tianlong, not the ninth-rank star king of the holy world, but the suzerain of Tianxuanzong.

Although Qin Meng is a puppet, in the eyes of everyone, he is still No.1 in the Illusory Sea Starfield.

Even surpassed the status of the patriarch of the Qin family, because behind her was Daoist Golden Eagle.

The reason why Le Ming was able to lead the monk alliance to rise rapidly in his previous life was because of his status as the suzerain of Tianxuanzong.

It's just that in the endless years, most people have ignored the existence of Daoist Golden Eagle.

Because he hasn't appeared for too long, he has been selectively forgotten by most people, but it doesn't affect his status as coexisting with the way of heaven, or even surpassing the way of heaven.

Qin Meng was one of these people, and her fear of Le Ming made her forget the powerful meaning behind the suzerain of Tianxuan Sect.

On the way Qin Yue and Qin Henyue rushed to Golden Eagle Star, all they heard was the hot topic of Le Ming becoming the suzerain of Tianxuanzong again.

When they arrived at Golden Eagle Star, they heard a strange news that Yingzui Peak, the main peak of Tianxuan Sect, was closed!

The reason is that the Dabi Zongmen does not accept any visitors and must do everything possible to check the cultivation of the disciples.

But Tianxuanzong did not deny the fact that Le Ming became suzerain again, nor did he invite him back to Tianxuanzong.

"Hmph, those old guys from Tianxuanzong must be waiting for the ancestor's reaction!" Qin Henyue immediately guessed Tianxuanzong's intention.

"Should we go to Le Ming directly, or go to Tianxuanzong first?" Qin Yue had a headache, and this matter was very thorny.

"Let's go find Le Ming and let him go to Tianxuanzong with us!" Qin Henyue thought of the best solution to the problem.

Putting aside Qin Meng, this trash, this matter has something to do with both Le Ming and Tianxuanzong, so let Leming go to Tianxuanzong to discuss it.

Qin Yue was already feeling overwhelmed, and her ancestor had already handed over the matter to Qin Henyue, so she could only listen to Qin Henyue.

The two led their men to Phoenix City, but they saw the flames, and the entire Phoenix City seemed to be burning.

"Le Ming has activated the protective array, he doesn't want to see us!" Qin Henyue was furious.

Only when it is attacked, the defensive formation will be activated, otherwise it will consume a lot of resources, and only fools will do that.

Phoenix City was not under any attack, but opened the city defense array for no reason, which was aimed at the two sisters of the Qin family.

"Then what should I do?" Qin Yue also became a fool, his head was empty, and he couldn't think of any way.

"Wait!" Qin Henyue said with a sneer, see how much resources Le Ming consumes, and if you have the ability, keep opening the city defense array.

This really can't afford it, Qin Yue and Qin Henyue waited from morning to evening, and the protective formation was finally closed.

Le Ming stood on the city wall, looking at the two sisters of the Qin family on the high mountain in the distance, and sighed helplessly.

It must be the way Qin Henyue came up with, and I learned it from him, just playing a rogue.

"Le Ming, follow us to Tianxuanzong!" Qin Yue and Qin Henyue flew over quickly, hanging in mid-air, Qin Henyue shouted at Le Ming.

"Tianxuanzong has closed the mountain. My suzerain is working in Phoenix City. If you have something to say, please come to the city to talk about it."

Le Ming stood proudly on the top of the wall, with his hands behind his back, and said indifferently with a boss face.

"Le Ming, the ancestor has named me the Emperor of the Spirit, as long as you give me the position of the suzerain of the Tianxuan Sect, I will definitely help you become the most powerful titled star king in the holy world!"

Qin Henyue had no time to care about Le Ming's pretense, and immediately threw out a huge bait.

"Master Shengzu is moving very fast!" Le Ming showed surprise: "Where is Qin Meng, has he been clicked?"

"Qin Meng has been recalled to the holy world by the ancestor. If you want to exchange Qin Meng's life for the position of the suzerain of the Tianxuan Sect, the ancestor will definitely do what you want!"

Qin Henyue directly made decisions for her ancestors, startled Qin Yue beside her, and quickly looked at Le Ming with pleading eyes.

"Qin Henyue, you really have a heroic demeanor!" Le Ming couldn't help but praise, he really didn't realize that Qin Henyue had the potential of a female devil:

"However, you are trying to frame me for being unkind and unrighteous, and you are trying to make Tianxuanzong bear the evil name, it is really unpredictable!"

"Le Ming, don't talk to me about these things here, give me a quick word, what conditions are you willing to hand over the position of the suzerain of Tianxuan Sect?!"

Qin Henyue was finally irritated by Le Ming's success. She didn't know justice and evil when she was born in her mother's womb, she only knew that it was useful and useless.

"Qin Henyue, I advise you to hurry back to Da Qin Xing and be your emperor well. The water in the spiritual world is too deep, and the Tianxuan Sect is at the forefront. With your temperament, you will only be worse than Qin Meng."

Le Ming persuaded earnestly, that he is really good for Qin Henyue sincerely, and that Qin Henyue's best destination is to be an emperor of the mortal world.

"Le Ming, I know you want to piss me off, but it's useless to me. I'm bound to win the position of the suzerain of Tianxuan Sect!"

Qin Henyue was still irritated by Le Ming, but she couldn't say it out because she had to take back the suzerain position for her ancestor.

"It's so kind to treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs, don't give it away!" Le Ming gave Qin Henyue an angry look, turned around and was about to fly into the city.

"Le Ming, as long as you hand over the position of the suzerain of Tianxuanzong to Xiaoyue, I will tell you a secret about the two of us!" Qin Yue shouted quickly.

"Let's go into the city." Le Ming glanced back at Qin Yue and Qin Henyue who was gossiping, and then flew towards the city.

The secret between him and Qin Yue is about the earth, Le Ming really wants to know.

(End of this chapter)

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