Chapter 375
Sun Qian asked if he knew what the Demon Ape King was doing. Qin Yue and Qin Meng had just arrived at Venus and immediately informed him.

The Demon Ape King is still controlling the Heavenly Demon Formation. Nearly a hundred monks from the Demon Ape Galaxy are merging with the Heavenly Demon. They must wait for them to stabilize before withdrawing from the Heavenly Demon Formation.

"Leader Sun, please come to Thunder King Xing and help me restrain them for a few days!" The Demon Ape King hurriedly asked Sun Qian for help.

"The Demon Ape King, I have warned you long ago that the war will come at any time, are you merging the Heavenly Demon?!"

Sun Qianwen was very annoyed. He could rush to Thunder King Star and lead an army of monks to stop Qin Yue and Qin Meng, but the loss would be increased.

Because the Heavenly Demon Formation would become the target of the Thunder Army's attack, Sun Qianwen not only had to defend the Thunder King Star, but also prevented Qin Yue and Qin Meng from attacking the Heavenly Demon Formation.

Especially the mecha army, Sun Qianwen would not dare to let them lose everything, Le Ming would fight him desperately.

"Leader Sun, once these monks complete the integration with the demon, each of them will become a large formation of demons walking, even if Le Xuan comes, they will not be able to stop them!"

The Demon Ape King was very excited, as if he had already seen the scene where these cultivators fused with Heavenly Demons slaughtered all directions.

"Let them complete the integration as soon as possible!" Sun Qianwen felt helpless and had to rush to Thunder King immediately.

It's just that Sun Qianwen and the Demon Ape King didn't know that Qin Yue and Qin Mengmeng wanted to attack Leiwangxing immediately, but they were stopped by the nine clones of the Nine Infant King.

"Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, Commander, we still need some time. When the nine clans of the direct descendants complete their cooperation, their strength will be greatly enhanced, and they will surely regain the Thunder King Star!"

On behalf of the other eight, the Golden Snake King hurriedly explained to Qin Yue and Qin Meng that they are full of confidence now.

"That is to say, without our sisters, you can take back Thunder King by yourself?"

Qin Meng's eyes widened, wishing he could rush up and slap the Golden Snake King a few times, isn't this just to amuse them.

"Commander, what I mean is that under the leadership of His Majesty the Holy Emperor and you, we can take back Thunder King."

The Golden Snake King hastened to change his words. He had ignored the leader just now. How could he do without the Qin family.

"How long will it take for them to complete the cooperation?" Qin Yue's face is not good. Why did these guys go so long ago? What's the use of holding Buddha's feet temporarily.

"It only takes a few days to return to His Majesty the Holy Emperor." The Golden Snake King looked at Qin Yue cautiously, for fear that this aunt might get angry.

"The sooner the better!" Qin Meng and Qin Yue flew directly to the space battleship, threw down a sentence angrily, and followed closely behind.

"Let them cooperate quickly!" The Golden Snake King immediately shouted, and moved quickly with the other eight clones.

"Elder sister, why don't we go directly to capture Thunder King Star, and wait for their cooperation?"

Back on the space battleship, Qin Meng couldn't help urging Qin Yue because he was in a hurry to go back to Star Zhou to take care of Le Xuan.

"The mecha legion of the Illusory Sea Alliance is on Thunder King Planet. If the strength of the Nine Infant Galaxy can be strengthened, the Thunder Legion and the Sky Shadow Guard will not encounter too much trouble."

Qin Yue wanted to focus on the monks of the Nine Infants Galaxy, and the Thunder Legion and Sky Shadow Guards only played a supporting role.

"Hmph, even if the cooperation is completed, how strong can they be!" Qin Meng was very disdainful. If they could increase their strength, they would have started to cooperate long ago.

As soon as Sun Qianwen arrived at Leiwangxing, he received news from the kite that Qin Yue and Qin Meng did not immediately attack Leiwangxing.

The nine avatars of the Nine Infant King are leading the nine clans of the direct descendants to practice battle formation, and it may take some time.

Sun Qianwen didn't care about it, the nine clans of the Nine Infants galaxy are the nine basic attributes.

Even if they cooperate again, how strong can it be? Can it still block the mecha army? It has fulfilled the Demon Ape King.

The Nine Infant Galaxy is still preparing for the war. Le Xuan, who stayed on the Great Zhou Star to cultivate, received the Reconstruction Pill sent by Sun Qianwen.

This is what Le Ming asked Sun Qianwen to send someone to send. I hope Le Xuan will recover as soon as possible, and the Illusory Sea Starfield is still waiting for him to toss.

The Re-Zao Pill is indeed miraculous, Lexuan soon recovered after taking it, and only needs to practice for a few more days to be fine.

Unexpectedly, Qin Henyue broke into his room directly and asked Le Xuan to go to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and the layout of the space array was completed.

"Deputy leader, do you want me to use the power of the space formation to find the entrance to the secret realm of the Wu Clan?!"

Le Xuan glared at Qin Henyue angrily. Isn't this just looking for trouble? How dare he provoke the high priest Hongyi now.

"Didn't you consume too much last time? If you have space to help, you will definitely be able to completely solve the secret realm of the Wu Clan!"

Qin Henyue's tone is basically an order, she is now the emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the entire Illusory Sea Starfield must listen to her.

"I haven't fully recovered yet." Le Xuan directly refused, what a joke, no matter how many reconstituted pills, his essence and blood couldn't hold it up.

"Are you afraid of the witch clan?" Qin Henyue decided to use the aggressive method, and with Le Xuan's competitive temperament, he would definitely not admit it.

"You're right, I'm really afraid of the witch clan." Le Xuan nodded, then closed his eyes and continued to practice.

Qin Henyue stared at Le Xuanyun for a long time, but she couldn't do anything to him. She came here to beg for help, so she couldn't force Le Xuanyun.

What Qin Henyue didn't expect was that Le Xuan would admit to being cowardly, which made her even more helpless, and no one could do anything about being cowardly.

Le Xuan thought that the matter would be left alone, but Qin Henyue came again the next day.

"I said that I dare not go to the Hundred Thousand Mountains!" Le Xuan immediately continued to admit his cowardice with confidence.

"I'm going to lead the army of monks to the Nine Infants galaxy, can you go this time?"

Qin Henyue didn't care about Le Xuan's anger, she was going to ask Qin Yue to come forward to persuade Le Xuan, and then went to Shiwan Dashan to find the secret place of the Wu Clan.

"I've been afraid of snakes since I was a child, and I dare not go to the Nine Infant Galaxy." Le Xuan simply admitted it.

"Is there something wrong with you here?!" Qin Henyue widened her eyes in surprise and asked, pointing to her head.

"Yes, my head is sick, and I was swallowed by the Gu worms of the Wu Clan!" Le Xuan nodded to Qin Henyue with a proud face.

"Okay, okay!" Qin Henyue clenched his silver teeth, glared at Le Xuan fiercely, turned and left directly.

Le Xuan looked at Qin Henyue's angry back, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Le Ming wanted the three sisters of the Qin family to fall into the quagmire of the Nine Infants Galaxy, so naturally he would not get involved.

Le Xuan was going to lead the monks of Tianxuanzong to subdue other forces. Without the participation of the three sisters of the Qin family, the subdued forces belonged to him personally.

Le Ming has already chosen a target for him, the Qinglong galaxy, although not as powerful as Tianlong, is the deadly enemy of the Tianlong clan and the holy world.

The Heavenly Dragon King wanted to take advantage of the powerful strength of the Heavenly Dragons to subdue all the dragons in the Illusory Sea Starfield, but the dragons in the Qinglong Galaxy would rather die than surrender.

The successive monks sent by the ancestors failed to do anything to the Qinglong galaxy, because the dragon clan of the Qinglong galaxy can arrange a large formation of flying dragons.

Lexuan's devouring power can't help Tianlong, but it still has no problem dealing with dragons in the Qinglong galaxy.

After Qin Henyue led an army of 500,000 monks to leave the Great Zhou, Le Xuan practiced for another day, and then led two thousand monks of Xuanzong to the Qinglong galaxy.

(End of this chapter)

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