Chapter 133

The second brother Yu couldn't help but said: "There are many monks and magicians who study scientific rituals and rituals in the world. I haven't seen a few who can do this. The altar is affected. Especially the evil-slaying thunder, which is majestic and magnificent, has an incomparable power in exterminating evil spirits and monsters."

Mr. Huai Ming pondered for a moment, then turned his head and asked, "Jing Ming, what do you think?"

"Yu Zuo's words are correct." Mr. Jing Ming nodded and said, "I sensed that the yin and yang energy outside the mountain was being stimulated, so I used the skill of lighting candles to vaguely see a line of generals, soldiers and horses in the clouds, and the layout was strict. "

"The method of summoning is not surprising." Mr. Huai Ming said.

"It's not that simple." Mr. Jing Ming shook his head and said, "I've only seen that kind of meteorological pattern on the body of the Tianxia Dynasty Zanzan."

Among the three elders of Chiyun, Mr. Jingming lived the longest and had the most experience. Most of the profound arts passed down in Chiyundu were created by Mr. Jingming.

Even though Chi Yun didn't pay much attention to status, no one would question Mr. Jing Ming on the journey of magic.

"Tianxia Dynasty Praise Officer?" Mr. Huai Ming was thoughtful.

Mr. Jingming said: "Yu Yuzuo, you seem to have something to say."

"When I was following Zhao Mi, I encountered a surprise attack." The second brother Yu expressed seriousness: "The other party used a technique of turning ink into gas, which can not only hide his body, but also send out sword shadows to hurt people. I failed Seeing through the other party's description, I don't want to attract attention, so I can only leave in a hurry."

"This shows that besides you, there are people following Zhao Mi." Mr. Huai Ming said: "I received news earlier that many wealthy and powerful households in many places offered rewards to Zhao Mi in private, and all the evil people in Huaxu Kingdom are eyeing him. In addition He is now in Xinglong County punishing evil temples, and the ghosts and spirits in the counties and counties around Jianjia Pass are probably going to be restless."

Second Brother Yu scratched his head and asked, "Could it be that the other party regards me as an accomplice of evil spirits vying for the reward?"

"Maybe it's just the subordinates of some powerful people." Mr. Huai Ming rubbed the thatch and looked to the south: "Now all kinds of evil spirits in Jiuli Kingdom are also ready to move. As the commander of Wukui Army, Zhao Shu, if he can kill him, It is also good for the advance of Jiuli Kingdom."

"However, in addition to cutting down temples and punishing evil spirits, Zhao Mi's main official business should be to raise money and food for military supplies. As far as I know, large households in Xinglong County were even detained by Zhao Mi in the government office, and they were only willing to release them after asking for money and food." Yu Er brother said.

Mr. Huai Ming asked, "Where is the local county magistrate? Will he allow Zhao Mi to act like this?"

Brother Yu said with a smile: "The county magistrate of Xinglong was immediately taken down by soldiers at the same time Zhao Shu summoned Lei to attack the temple."

Mr. Huai Ming raised his eyebrows: "The action is not sloppy at all. This kind of aggressive approach doesn't look like the sons of aristocratic families raised by high-ranking families."

"Before I went back to Cangwuling, I inquired about some more information, and learned that the Wukui Army is currently dealing with the local officials in Qingyan County." Yu Erge added: "Zhao Mi not only detained the county magistrate, but also arrested him when he left Xinglong County. I met the Qingyan County Sheriff who came to ask for accountability, and after a fight, the Sheriff himself was also captured by Zhao Mi, and he led the soldiers back to the county government."

"Chu Mengchun, the governor of Qingyan County? This man is mediocre, and he is nothing more than relying on the magic weapon left by his father and grandfather." Mr. Huai Ming squinted his flaming eyes: "I understand, their Wukui Army is using the name of raising money, food and military supplies to replace The lord wiped out the influence of the local Chongxuan hall."

Brother Yu said: "I can't say what others will do, but I secretly observed Zhao Mi's actions, and found that he did not target ordinary people when he raised money and food."

Mr. Huai Ming was silent, and Mr. Jing Ming said with a smile: "Yu Yuzuo, do you think Zhao Mi can be recruited into Chiyundu?"

Brother Yu looked cautious: "I'm afraid a person like this will not be happy."

"For a person of his status, if he wants to join Chiyundu, he can't just rely on his willingness!" Mr. Huai Ming said bluntly: "Knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart, can't be just because Zhao Mi once punished evil and destroyed the temple. Just forget that he is still an official of the Huaxu Kingdom, not to mention that he still has a title."

"But..." Second Brother Yu still said, "Zhao Mi even reminded Qiaozhang Village that the imperial court is going to conscript. If he didn't care about the people, he didn't need to say that at all."

Mr. Huai Ming smiled and said: "Maybe it's because you have stayed in Cangwu Ridge for a long time. You have never seen the methods used by nobles and nobles to invite people to buy people's hearts. There are many such people throughout the ages.

Zhao Mi told him in advance that he would recruit men, but didn't he still want to recruit men in the end?Over the years, we have also figured out the general situation of armaments and military affairs in the Jianjiaguan area. If we really want to talk about the number of people, Gao Pinggong has been guarding these years, has there ever been less troops under his command?

But where did these soldiers end up?No, I still go to work for Gao Pinggong and the local rich and noble farmers!If Zhao Mi and the others really have the heart, they might as well ask Gao Pinggong and the rich families from all over the country to donate their trilogy, return the soldiers, and then train them strictly. Why do they recruit extra when the war is imminent? "

The second brother Yu lowered his head and realized that he was still a little naive and short-sighted.

Mr. Huai Ming went on to say: "Also, you said that Zhao Mi raised money and food from big households in the county town, then I have to ask one more question, where did these big households earn so much money and grain?"

Brother Yu was speechless, Mr. Huai Ming said: "At the end of the day, the ministers of the Manchao Dynasty of Huaxu Kingdom only want to be the master of the day, and are reluctant to let their hands and feet get dusty. If the people have no money and food, they will steal it from the powerful.

Then the next batch of rich and powerful households will be raised, and when the fruits are ripe, they will be harvested.Zhao Mi is nothing more than such a person who picks melons. As for whether he is a breeze in his sleeves or a mouth full of oil, it doesn't matter at all.

What's more, Zhao Mi's various actions are all behind the intrigues of the court of the Huaxu Kingdom, how much of it comes from his heart?Can you really know it like the palm of your hand? "

The second elder brother Yu looked blank, while Mr. Jing Ming said, "Huai Ming, what you said is too harsh. There is no need to force everyone in the world to follow our path. Officials in the court are nothing more than honesty and virtue. It is already beneficial.

If Zhao Mi really has the heart to love the people, we should not keep him far away.This kind of person may not agree with us, Chi Yundu, but it does not prevent us from making friends with him, even if there is one more way to find out the news, it would be good. "

Mr. Huai Ming took a deep breath: "I was too radical, since I said that... Yu Yuzuo, how about you take charge of this matter?"

"Ah?" Brother Yu didn't understand.

"Now that the Wukui Army has taken over Jianjiaguan, we also need someone to find out their situation." Mr. Huai Ming said: "Although there are our manpower in Guancheng, there has been a lack of people who can approach high positions in the army."

Second Brother Yu hesitated a little: "Does Mr. Huai Ming want me to go to Zhao Mi's side to find out what's going on? I'm afraid Zhao Mi won't trust me as a foreign monk."

"You don't have to do it yourself." Mr. Huai Ming said, "Isn't the Wukui army going to recruit soldiers? Then we must start from various villages and villages, and our people can take the opportunity to join them. You choose a few suitable ones and try to get close to Zhao Mi , Probing his tone."

Mr. Huai Ming gave Brother Yu a few words of advice, and before he said goodbye and left, he picked up the backpack he had just made up in his hand: "When you pass by Dongtian Village at the foot of the mountain, give this backpack to Xiaomei Liu. She has just given birth and is busy again. It's not easy to take care of the children by working in the fields. Sending a backpack will also save her worry."

Second Brother Yu took the pan and said with a smile, "Mr. Huai Ming is really good at crafting. Make one for me anytime."

"Go, go! I asked each of you to learn at least two or three crafts before, but it was all perfunctory. I was still waiting for you to make straw sandals for me!" Mr. Huai Ming shook his bare feet impatiently.

Mr. Jing Ming said with a smile: "You don't need to listen to his nonsense, Yu Yuzuo. How many people gave him straw sandals before, but he changed hands and gave them to the sergeants patrolling the mountains, saying that they are the ones who walk on their legs."

"Will you be dumb if you don't say a few words?" Mr. Huai Ming waved his hand at Second Brother Yu to drive him away: "Go and go! Do what you should do! Don't stand in front of me all day, I am not a rich man, I have no money to reward you!"

The second elder brother Yu couldn't help smiling, and after saluting the two gentlemen, he took the basket and left Baimaochang.

After the second brother left, Mr. Jingming said: "You are too excited, be careful to teach another Yangliu-jun."

Mr. Huai Ming closed his eyes and sighed: "I just don't want to repeat the same mistakes. How much did Chi Yun pay for being weak and negligent last time?"

"But what's the result of Mr. Yangliu? How many people have been involved because of his blind advance?" Mr. Jing Ming pressed the blindfold, a trace of blood seeped from the gap, and the wind dissipated like boiling water in an instant.

"I've heard of Zhao Mi, is he a student of Zhang Duanjing?" Mr. Huai Ming said, "Zhang Duanjing was so eloquent back then, he advised us to join the Huaxu Kingdom, and later he secretly assisted Yang Liujun in Xingluo County .

Now that I think about it, our Chi Yun's fate is closely related to him. Do I have to question that Zhang Duanjing harbored bad intentions from the very beginning. "

"You don't need to vent your anger." Mr. Jing Ming said: "When Zhanming was robbed in Dongshengdu, he was the first to send a message secretly, so that we could evacuate people in time and minimize casualties. If he had bad intentions, he would have Join hands with the Chongxuan Pavilion to encircle and suppress."

"Have you ever thought that Zhang Duanjing just didn't want to get his hands dirty, and at the same time pretended to be a good person?" Mr. Huai Ming said with a bit of anger: "In the battle of Xingluo County, the Excalibur has clearly been forged, but We don't know what purpose he has kept it for himself!
Now send your own students to Jianjia Pass, what kind of plan is there?If we don't mention such an important thing, can we still trust him? "

"I still trust him." Mr. Jing Ming said firmly.

"What did you see again?" Mr. Huai Ming couldn't help doubting: "When the upheaval happened ten years ago, you claimed to have seen the Danling Fire Mansion, and your eyes were enlightened, and you have never been a mortal. Two eyeballs popped out, Turn into a flame essence and break into the Cangwu Mountains, and become the fundamental spiritual text of the method of closing mountains and summoning clouds, and only then can it block Liang Tao."

"It's really ironic." Mr. Jing Ming caressed the blindfold cloth: "The three of us witnessed the decline of the sect and the suffering of the common people, and grew disgusted with the immortal way. I saw the Danling Fire Mansion and was inspired by Dongdan Yuanjun."

Mr. Huai Ming did not hide his slander: "In my opinion, this group of heavenly immortals are just a group of cold-eyed and cold-blooded inhumans. That Dongdan Yuanjun ignored the decline of Chiyun Mountain's inheritance and decided to guide us. To help heretics who have abandoned the lineage of inheritance.

When we are most desperate, a drop of life-saving nectar seems to be curious about how long we can struggle, and it is completely the heart of a naughty child!If it's really a naughty boy, it's fine. The Taoist family is still so playful, which shows how despicable they are! "

"I don't think Dongdan Yuanjun's insinuation is random play." Mr. Jing Ming said: "Although I lost my eyes, I deeply feel that the past was blind and short-sighted. Zhang Duanjing got the sword and didn't use it. I would like to put all my eggs in one basket. Liang Tao's fate is like a flying dragon in the sky, and right now is the time when he is at its peak, and there is no chance of winning with only the divine sword."

"Flying dragon in the sky?" Mr. Huai Ming laughed out loud, "Jiujiang's Zheng family has fallen, and now the lord uses Wu Kui's army to clean up the children of Chongxuanguan disciples in the southern counties. Do you call this Feilong in the sky?"

"The matter of fate is mysterious and unpredictable." Mr. Jing Ming said steadily: "In your opinion, it is the first decline of the Immortal Blood Yin and Chongxuan Pavilion. How do you know that this is not the burden of the world that Liang Tao wants to part with? And I have noticed that Liang Tao A big move is brewing, so we can take the initiative to show weakness on the surface.”


Zhao Mi stood in the mandala, holding up the token.

The wind inside and outside the mandala was unstable, so the monks in the Jiangzhen Pavilion around them had to hold the flags and flags steady, so as not to lose the waypoints for the officials and soldiers going back and forth to the altar.

Ordinary people can't see clearly with the naked eye. Zhao Mi is now calling the officials and soldiers of the altar to search for ghosts and gods. However, after spending half a day, they still haven't found any ghosts and spirits in the Quartz City area of ​​Qingyan County.

"It seems that he abandoned the altar and fled away." Zhao Mi had no choice but to recall the soldiers and withdraw from the altar.

Seeing that Zhao Mi didn't look happy, He Dangguan asked, "Didn't Deacon Zhao find that Lord Baizhang?"

Baizhanggong is Qingyan City God, but the situation is different from Lao Sanqian, as early as the Tianxia Dynasty, he was already the god of worship.

But when Zhao Mi escorted Chu Mengchun to Quartz City, he found that there was no one in the Temple of the City God who only surrendered, and he didn't feel any response after several attempts.

Apparently Zhao Mi's actions in Xinglong County have greatly shocked the ghosts and spirits in Qingyan County.They did not plan to fight Zhao Mi to the end, but resolutely abandoned the altar and throne, leaving Zhao Mi nowhere to be found.

In this way, General Wei can let the soldiers search these shrines and temples with peace of mind, and confiscate all the treasures that have not been taken away by the evil spirits, and all those temples will be imprisoned, waiting to be released.

Zhao Mi was actually a little helpless, after all, doing so still allowed the evil spirits to escape, but General Wei was very satisfied with Zhao Mi.

When Zhao Mi returned to the place where he was staying, he saw two large boxes sent by General Wei, one containing gold, jade, and silk, and the other containing various spiritual materials and magic weapons. It was copied directly from Chu Mengchun's mansion.

"This movement is really fast." Zhao Mi sighed greatly.

(End of this chapter)

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