Chapter 14

"Zhao Mi, you are ruthless enough!"

After discussing with Boss Wu and making some arrangements, Zhao Mi returned to the guest room, and Luo Xixian came up and said.

Zhao Mi smiled and said, "Otherwise I'm like you, saying that I want to buy Longxuezhi? How can anyone do it like you?"

Xin Shunying was also in the guest room. She had heard Luo Xixian tell the story just now, and she frowned and pondered: "But would this be too risky? We just arrived in Xingluo County, and the manpower from other halls has not yet arrived. According to the original arrangement, we should We must first go to the government office to gather and discuss the matter of suppressing bandits."

Zhao Mi sat down and explained: "We just want to do something before the arrival of the other halls and the imperial army. Let's think about it, the other halls don't know enough about the banditry in Xingluo County, but we can grasp the exact situation in advance We can also intervene in how to suppress bandits in the future."

Xin Shunying asked: "Brother Zhao, do you have different views on the imperial court's strategy to suppress bandits?"

"Could it be relying on the army to push it all the way?" Zhao Shu shook his head: "Frankly speaking, the current situation in Xingluo County may not be the usual riots caused by bandits, but a civil uprising. The common people have no way out. It is inevitable that you will join the ranks of bandits."

Xin Shunying didn't answer, and Luo Xixian said with a smile: "Master Zhao, you are really weird. You were still very vicious just now. Did you use the Shangshi Pengju Gu to scare people? By the way, you really know Jiuli Which Gu lady from the country? Is she pretty?"

"That's scaring people! Where did I get some Gu worms?" Zhao Mi spread his hands together: "As for what Gu lady, I met one by chance when I was young, anyway, I don't want to see her again."

"If you want me to say, you shouldn't be so kind when dealing with this gang of rioters and thieves." Luo Xixian said with a relaxed face: "When the imperial army arrives, kill him to death, and then pick out the culprit and execute him promptly. The rest of the gang will naturally Be obedient."

Zhao Mi said helplessly: "The main force of the imperial court is also used to guard against the two countries of Youxiong and Jiuli. How many people can actually be sent to Xingluo County? If you do it like this, when will the banditry be quelled?" ?”

Xin Shunying asked: "Is Junior Brother Zhao planning to suppress and appease him at the same time?"

"It's not up to me to make a decision." Zhao Mi said, "But even if it's for the battlefield, you have to know the enemy's situation? How many troops are there in Xingluo County now? Which places are they occupying? Are they in secret with the local officials? Tongqian song? Where did they get their money, food and soldiers? We don't know anything about these things now, so is it necessary to suppress bandits like this? That's not how they do hunting in the wild!"

Luo Xixian sighed endlessly: "Great Master Zhao is our military adviser, listen to him, you must be right!"

"Don't put a high hat on me." Zhao Mi didn't like this: "But this matter should not be publicized right now, especially the local officials in Xingluo County should not know."

"You still think the people here are untrustworthy?" Luo Xixian asked.

Zhao Mi sneered: "Not to mention anything else, how can I trust them when the banditry has become so troublesome?"

From Boss Wu's mouth, I learned that Xingluo County was under the rule of Huaxu Kingdom, and the refugees who settled here did not actually live a good life for a few days.In addition to reclaiming the abandoned land, they also have to face the excessive expropriation of the county guard.

The mineral deposits in Xingluo County are not only Yinghuoshi, Panlong Mountain is rich in metal and iron stones, many civilians were forcibly conscripted by the county and counties, and died of exhaustion in the mines.

Therefore, Zhao Mi speculated that the banditry in Xingluo County was not caused by a single group of Jingshan people rebelling, but a civil uprising caused by long-standing malpractice after the war.

As for the matter of Chiyundu, Zhao Mi is still not sure about the specific situation, so he has to go there in person to find out the truth.


"This money was given to me by that Zhao Fu official."

In another guest room, Boss Wu spread out dozens of silver cakes on the table, looked around at the fellows, and said, "You understand what happened, if you don't want to do it, I won't force it, and we will break up after taking the money."

The guys looked at each other, their scarred faces staring at the silver cake, their eyes glowing, but seeing that no one else was moving, they cleared their throats: "Cough! Boss, are you really going to hang out with these imperial court bastards?"

"Keep your mouth clean!" Boss Wu shouted in a low voice, "People have already figured out our situation clearly, and the big fellows also understand the virtues of people in the government. It's easy to talk. If you really want to make them anxious, you and I will be killed directly, thrown the corpses by the side of the road, and taken away with a truckload of goods, and we will have nowhere to redress our grievances!"

There was a dead silence in the guest room, Boss Wu pushed the silver cake: "I won't take the money, I will bring the goods to them to do business with them tomorrow, so please don't follow me."

A young man asked, "Boss, do they want you to die?"

Boss Wu rubbed his face: "Don't ask any more questions. I'll be back in half a month at most. If you want to wait, just wait here at the station. If you don't want to wait, just take the money and leave. Don't wait in Xingluo The county is waiting for a long time, there is going to be a war here."

Scarface looked left and right for a while, raised his hand and picked up a few pieces of silver cakes: "I listen to you, boss, and wait here at the post!"

Someone took the lead, and others followed suit, dividing up the silver cakes on the table.

"Go to bed, I'll leave tomorrow morning." Boss Wu blew out the oil lamp, and the guest room was plunged into darkness.


Boss Wu was tossing and turning in bed, feeling like he had returned to his days in the army.

It has been ten years since the Five Kingdoms War, but those memories are like imprints, deep in my heart, and I can see them once I close my eyes.

The neat and dense army formation, with spears and halberds like a forest, and banners covering the sky, slowly moved forward amidst the excited shouts of the soldiers.

Suddenly the earth shook, and a towering terracotta figurine burst out of the ground, and Boss Wu realized that he was not as high as its knees.

The terracotta figurine holds a three-pointed halberd, like a giant scythe hanging on a palace beam, sweeping across the ground.

With just a slight wave, hundreds of soldiers in the front row of the army were killed instantly.Boss Wu only saw a wave of blood from the three-handed halberd, like a red banner hanging high in the army.

The fellow robes on the left and right ran away crying and trampling each other, lest they fall behind.Boss Wu was stunned in place, just watching numbly the huge pottery figurine harvesting the life of Robe Ze.

When the terracotta figurine came in front of Boss Wu, he raised his foot and stepped on it heavily.


Boss Wu woke up suddenly. He didn't even scream loudly, but was covered in cold sweat and panting heavily.

It was already getting dark outside the window, Boss Wu got up and wiped his face, put on heavy clothes and came to the stable, just in time to see Zhao Mi.

"Zhao Fuli?"

At this time, Zhao Mi changed into an old leather jacket, no longer the green shirt with wide sleeves and white ribbon with Zhu Wen from yesterday, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of dust, and he looked like a merchant traveling all over the world.

"Can't sleep?" Zhao Mi glanced at Boss Wu: "The three souls are restless, and they have recruited nightmares. It seems that people who have experienced the Great War of the Five Kingdoms may not be able to cultivate a strong heart."

Boss Wu didn't quite understand, so Zhao Mi put his arms around his sleeves and asked, "Did you have a nightmare?"

The other party nodded in acknowledgment, and Zhao Mi said again: "It seems that what I said last night reminded you of your experience on the battlefield."

"Zhao Fuli is really... a clever plan." Boss Wu said with a wry smile, "Could it be that you can really see through Xiaomin's mind?"

"Guess." Zhao Mi shrugged and smiled: "Don't worry, I don't like letting others die in vain. The money I gave you last night is to let you settle down the other guys, so that you don't have to worry about it."

Boss Wu was actually a little grateful in his heart, but he couldn't open his mouth.Zhao Mi took out a charm folded into a triangle, raised his hand and handed it over: "Take it with you, don't lose it."

"This is..." Boss Wu took it carefully.

"Great blessings for controlling evil, Anzhen soul." Zhao Mi said: "Commonly known as amulet, you just take it with you, just in case."

Boss Wu stuffed the talisman into his arms and asked at the same time, "Could it be that we will really encounter some kind of monster?"

"I hope not." Zhao Mi turned his head aside, and a dozen or so monks and swordsman guards also dressed in old clothes and disguised came to take the carriage carrying the dragon's blood fat out of the station.

After Zhao Mi thought about it last night, he did not intend to involve Wu Boss' other associates in this matter.Considering the possibility of a battle, these merchants were not skilled enough to deal with the powerful thieves and potential evil spirits, so it was better to bring a group of masters of magic, including Luo Xixian and the few southern swordsmen he recruited.

As for the convoy of the Huaiying Pavilion, they will temporarily stay at the post station for a few more days, and there is no need to rush to Yanze City, the county seat.


The carriage carrying the dragon's blood fat headed northwest all the way to Xingluo County, and did not encounter bandits looting for four or five days in a row.

To be more precise, I didn't meet many living people.

Zhao Mi and his party walked along the official road, ate and slept in the open, and finally came to a small town, where they found that the civilians either fled without a trace or were slaughtered to death.Most of the people who were killed were elderly women and children who had no time to escape. They were either stabbed to death on street corners or stuffed into the stove and burned to death. There were also babies who were hung up by spears and frozen into ice sculptures in the cold wind.

Food and money were looted, and many houses were left with only burned ruins. Carrion dogs and crows came and went from front to back of the house, feasting on them.

"The banditry in Xingluo County is more serious than I imagined." Luo Xixian's face was gloomy when he saw these scenes.

There was no joy, anger, sorrow or joy on Zhao Mi's face. He fled with his grandfather when he was a child, and he had seen rural market towns that had been looted by rebels, and the situation was often more tragic than now.

Compared with other monks of the same age and rich backgrounds, Zhao Mi is used to seeing life and death in the world.Even someone like Luo Xixian, who had personally killed goblins and ghosts, felt nauseated when he saw such a miserable situation, and several other people leaned against the wall and vomited.

"Cultivators should not be close to the filthy and bloody corpses. It is not only to prevent contamination from filth and turbidity, but also to prevent unclean scenery from damaging the tranquil state of mind." Lingxiao reminded: "Cultivators cherish the hut of the flesh and regard it as a treasure to save the world. If you contemplate uncleanness for a long time, you will easily develop a heart that dislikes the human body, and you will renounce the immortal way."

Zhao Mi sighed helplessly: "But I have been used to seeing these things since I was a child. Is it true that I am a cold and heartless person like Wang Miaoshou said?"

"Not necessarily." Ling Xiao said.

"Zhao Fuli." Boss Wu walked over and said in a low voice, "I've looked for it, but the man Chi Yundu arranged for the connector is not here."

"When Chi Yun came to you, did he mean to send Long Xuezhi to this town?" Zhao Mi asked.

Boss Wu looked around vigilantly: "They said that the warehouse in the town has arranged joint manpower and will take us to other places for delivery. I just didn't expect this town... what should we do now?"

"The thieves plundered this place, it should have been a few days ago, and it won't be too long." Zhao Mi didn't have much to do: "Settle in the town tonight and see what's going on."

Luo Xixian also leaned forward, and Zhao Mi smelled alcohol on him: "What's wrong? Can't take it?"

"It's okay." Luo Xixian reluctantly said.

Zhao Mi comforted: "Seeing so many dead people at once makes me feel really uncomfortable. After all, this is not a battlefield, there is no fighting and shouting, no blood and courage, only tyranny and killing. There is not enough viciousness, but there is no accumulation of resentment and filth. Shallow, you are sensitive to the qi mechanism, so it is inevitable that you will feel uncomfortable."

Luo Xixian stared at Zhao Mi and said, "I see you look normal."

Zhao Mi did not answer, but pondered for a moment: "I have a find some corpses."

"What are you doing?" Luo Xixian was taken aback.

"Don't ask, just do as I tell you." Zhao Mi simply rolled up his sleeves, tore off the body of the baby that was picked up by the spear, and put it in the open space in the center of the town.

Not long after, seven or eight corpses were piled together in a nearby house.Zhao Mi said to Luo Xixian, "Keep an eye on the corpse, don't look around."

Luo Xixian knew that Zhao Mi's techniques were endless, so he had to endure the discomfort in his heart and stared at the frozen corpse, while Zhao Mi beside him was chanting incantations in a low voice.

The sound of the incantation lingered in his ears, and Luo Xixian was in a trance for a while, only to feel that his field of vision was gradually filled with corpses, those dead seemed to come to life, with pale and ferocious faces facing him one after another, and they were rapidly decomposing, emitting a pungent stench.

Just when Luo Xixian thought that the corpse had changed, he heard a crisp bell ringing in his head, and then the raging flames engulfed all the corpses, completely burning everything dirty and unclean!

Luo Xixian froze in place, his face was reddened by the flames, as if the flames not only burned the body, but also burned away the filth and uncleanness in his heart.

Luo Xixian just stared at the flames, waiting until the body was burnt to nothing but white ashes, and the filthy and unclean scene in his heart completely disappeared.The cold night wind blows, blowing the ashes out of sight.

Breathing out the turbid air in his chest, Luo Xixian felt that his body and mind were pure and clear. He looked around in surprise, and saw Zhao Mi sitting on a wooden pier beside him in a daze.

"What happened just now? Hey, why is it getting dark?" Luo Xixian asked.

"You have been standing for almost two hours." Zhao Mi rubbed his stiff face, "You don't know much about mental thinking, this is the method of watching fire and burning your body. Practice this method for a long time to quickly ward off evil spirits and gain insight. Inner organs, I just made a little change. First, I used illusion to confuse your mind with the filthy scene, and then burned the corpse with a fire, successfully burning all the unclean thoughts in your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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