Peninsula Steel Love

Chapter 105 Taeyeon's Unwillingness

Chapter 105 Taeyeon's Unwillingness

"Lee Soon Kyu, what's wrong with Taeyeon?" Jessica hurried back to the dorm and asked Sunny while changing her shoes.

"Xika, let's discuss, can we stop calling me by my real name, sunny, sunny, sunny." Li Shungui looked at the iceberg queen speechlessly.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me what's going on with Taeyeon?" Jessica didn't bother to grind her teeth with Sunny.

Upstairs in the dormitory room, Taeyeon in her pajamas was sitting on the floor looking at the big jigsaw puzzle in front of her, motionless. She had been in this state for two whole days since she came back from work except for eating and sleeping.

It's no wonder that Sunny started to get anxious, because no matter how she asked Taeyeon, she didn't speak, but just sat there silently doing the puzzle, which made Sunny feel flustered for a while.

In desperation, Sunny had no choice but to call Jessica from home. She had a premonition that Taeyeon's status must be related to the company, so Jessica must be more suitable than Sunny, after all, Li Xiuman is hers. dear uncle.

Jessica gently opened the door and walked in. When she saw Taeyeon's expression, she was a little surprised. The expected helplessness and despair did not appear, but a kind of self-blame and unwillingness appeared instead. , with a faint trace of anger.

Taeyeon looked up and found that it was Jessica, and the unwillingness in her eyes became more intense. When Jessica sat down beside her, Taeyeon gently buried her little head in Jessica's. arms.

In the past two days, she had thought a lot, and wanted to confide in others, but after thinking about it, the only person she could tell about it was Jessica, so she opened her mouth to tell the whole story, talking A line of clear tears slid down his cheeks.

Since Taeyeon had a deep talk with Jessica, she has had a deep reflection on herself. Although a Pisces girl is a sensitive and soft girl, she also has a strong sense of professionalism, otherwise it would be impossible for her to make her debut Stick to it until now.

However, she has been a bit slack lately, and she even agreed to date someone else in a flash of her brain. When she heard about Jessica's plan, it was like a blow to the head, and she woke up instantly.

Just like Jessica has a dream of being a designer, Taeyeon also has a dream that has been cherished since she was a child, that is to stand on the stage and show her singing voice to the fullest, not just as Taeyeon of Girls’ Generation, Instead, she became a female singer Kim Taeyeon.

Jessica had already started to realize her dream, but what was she doing? Thinking of this, she couldn't help blaming herself for being confused, so she decided to do something to change the current situation.

That day, Taeyeon invited the boy to a small park near the company, just to end their relationship before the incident was exposed, and they both focused on their own careers. The boy did not raise any objections to this, and everything went smoothly.

Unexpectedly, such a meeting was taken by the D Agency reporter. When she was called by Liu Zhuhyuk to the company and asked her to execute the company's plan, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

But this is not the most sad and disappointing thing for Taeyeon, but when she expressed her refusal, Yoo Joo Hyuk directly stated that the company's attitude is that if the plan is not implemented, then the company will reconsider Taeyeon's contract renewal.

This news gave Taeyeon a heavy blow. She has been in the company for ten years since she entered the company as a trainee in 04. There are teachers Li Xiuman and Zheng Chunyuan who she respects in the company, who take care of her like a big brother. Her SJ's seniors.

She never thought that one day the company would tell her so coldly that she wouldn't mind letting her go if she didn't obey, even if she was the captain and lead singer of Girls' Generation, the number one girl group in Asia.

At this time, she remembered what Jessica had said to her. In the eyes of the company, they are always commodities used to realize benefits, unless they are powerful enough to challenge the company.

Does Taeyeon have the confidence?If she is a singer-songwriter, it might be possible. At worst, she might be able to become the second Park Zhenrong if she leaves the company. But until now she has not had the chance to prove that she is an excellent solo female singer, even though she has sung many good songs. OST songs.

Although the SM company is not humane in some places, it is still a top-notch existence in terms of song resources and production, and just like Liu Joo-hyuk said, the company still protects its artists very well, and does not force artists to participate. Messy wine and dinner.

What's more, how good are other brokerage companies? For brokerage companies, only when the artist shows enough commercial value can the company value the artist's ideas. After all, Taeyeon knows that she is not strong enough.

Especially when Yoo Joo-hyuk told Taeyeon that this was not even President Kim Young-min's intention, but Director Lee Soo-man's decision, Taeyeon knew clearly that this matter was settled, and she could only compromise and endure, because No one in the company can resist Teacher Li Xiuman's decision.

Taeyeon returned to the dormitory and she didn't want to reveal anything to Sunny's question. This matter involved Teacher Li Xiuman, and speaking out would not solve any problems, but would only increase Sunny's burden, which was meaningless.

During the time she stayed in the room, Taeyeon's emotions were very complicated. She didn't care about any romance hype or anything like that. Now she was just worried, blaming herself, and unwilling.

She is worried that the company treats herself like this, so she is not so optimistic about Jessica's treatment. The harmony in the early stage may be just a strategy for the company to temporarily stabilize them.

She blamed herself why she didn't think of these possibilities before, and she didn't fight for more for the group because of too many worries in the past.

She was unwilling to be treated like this forever by the company. From the moment she walked out of Liu Zhuhyuk's office, she was determined to make herself better. Everything that happened before her was the best warning.

Jessica hugged Taeyeon quietly and listened to her telling what had happened. She knew that Taeyeon had made her own decision, and now just listening was enough.

"Xika, you are right. We need to become better. From today onwards, I will work hard to become a golden singer, and you will be a successful President Zheng." Taeyeon raised her head and looked at Jessica firmly, just Her flushed face was so cute Jessica almost couldn't resist reaching out and pinching it.

"Hmph... I don't want to be the president. Please call me Director Zheng. As for the title of president, I think I'll leave it to Lee Soon Kyu." Jessica raised her head proudly.

The two fell silent at the same time, because they were both imagining how Li Shungui was wearing a professional suit and sitting in the president's office reviewing documents. It might take less than ten minutes for President Li to take out a wine bottle from under the desk and take a sip.

Thinking of this, Taeyeon and Jessica glanced at each other, with a faint smile showing at the corners of their eyes, even though there were still tears on Taeyeon's face that hadn't been wiped away.

(End of this chapter)

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