Peninsula Steel Love

Chapter 175 Irregular Report

Chapter 175 Irregular Report
The top page was a handwritten Korean manuscript. Zhou Jing turned down and found that there was a Chinese version of the manuscript at the back. Although the Chinese characters were written very awkwardly, it can be seen that the crystal must have spent a lot of effort.

He raised his head and glanced at the crystal on the opposite side of the desk. At this time, she had pulled out the chair and sat down. At the same time, she was staring at the man in front of her with her chin propped on her hands and her pretty eyes sparkling.

Zhou Jing took out the Chinese version of the manuscript from the folder and put it on the top, then suppressed his excitement and emotion and began to read it carefully.

"Respected leader of the company's equipment department:" This look-up has been seen countless times before, but it has a completely different feeling in Zhou Jing's eyes now.

"At present, our company's 2920 project is progressing steadily, and the related equipment preparations are also actively advancing as planned. During the implementation of the current related work, we found that the personal life (single) of Zhou Jing, the company's executive director and director of the equipment department, is seriously damaged. The working atmosphere in the ministry has caused the work efficiency of female colleagues in particular to be affected to varying degrees."

Seeing this, Zhou Jing frowned slightly, wondering what all this was talking about, as if he was harassing his female colleagues all day long, is he such a person?

"In order to ensure the smooth progress of the project and ensure that the task nodes assigned by the headquarters are completed on time, after personal recommendation and passing the relevant review, discussion and evaluation, we recommend Ms. Zheng Xiujing to be the candidate for the girlfriend of Director Zhou Jing. The specific reasons are as follows:"

Good guy, this has been reviewed and discussed, and there is a detailed explanation of the situation. It's pretty decent, but I don't know which bastards dare to discuss and evaluate this matter.

"[-]. Ms. Zheng Xiujing has outstanding appearance, and her height fully meets Director Zhou Jing's criteria for choosing a spouse. Because she has life experience in both the East and the West, she initially has the advantages of both cultures, making her stand out from the candidates; "

There was a typo here, and Zhou Jing habitually picked up a pen to circle the typo, but then he remembered that this was an unserious report written by Crystal, so he smiled and put down the pen in his hand.

"[-]. Ms. Zheng Xiujing has communicated and contacted Director Zhou Jing many times before, and has a certain emotional foundation. It can be predicted that the relationship between the two parties will have a better prospect and future than others;"

"Third, Ms. Jung Soo-jung has a clean family background, she came from a leading company in the SM industry, and has a good brand demonstration effect, which is enough to assist Director Zhou Jing to resist the bad temptations of the outside world in his daily work and ensure that Director Zhou Jing's personal morals are flawless. ;"

Another typo, it can be seen that this document should have been drafted by Xiao Su, but it must have been transcribed by Lin Huizhen, otherwise such a low-level mistake would not have occurred with Xiao Su's Chinese proficiency.

"Fourth, the exchanges between Ms. Jung Soo-jung and Director Zhou Jing can enhance the exchanges between the people of China and South Korea, and contribute to strengthening the friendship between the two peoples."

Are you kidding me, a relationship can reach such a high level, almost becoming an ancient marriage, Zhou Jing smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Of course Ms. Zheng Xiujing has the following deficiencies in becoming the girlfriend of Director Zhou Jing:" This place made Zhou Jing curious. For example, the recommendation report will not only talk about the advantages but must list the shortcomings, but Crystal's shortcomings are also What will it be like.

"[-]. As an artist, Ms. Zheng Xiujing has a busy daily work schedule, and it may be difficult to accompany her for a long time, which poses a major test to the long-term relationship between the two;"

"Second, as a public figure, Ms. Jung Soo-jung may not be able to disclose her relationship with Director Zhou Jing temporarily due to objective conditions, which will easily cause dissatisfaction in Director Zhou Jing's heart."

"Third, the age gap between Ms. Jung Soo-jung and Director Zhou Jing is slightly too large, which is likely to cause groundless speculation and adverse reactions from the outside world."

"Despite the above shortcomings, we have reasons to believe that through the running-in between the two parties, this relationship is very hopeful to be on the right track and reach the ideal situation of both parties."

"To sum up, we believe that Ms. Jung Soo-jung is fully qualified to be Director Zhou Jing's girlfriend, and hereby solemnly recommend it to the leaders of the equipment department, and sincerely ask for approval from the leaders."

"Recommenders: Jung Soo Yeon, Lim Hye Jung"

"Recommended person: Jung Soo-jung"

"Date: June 2014, 6"

Seeing this inscription, Zhou Jing felt even more speechless. It’s okay for Jing Jing to make a fuss when she was young, but why did Jessica join in the fun? Normally, it shouldn’t be that Jessica asked Zhou Jing to ask if she had money to support her. Is his sister, so much older and so inappropriate?

"It's well written, um..." Zhou Jing put down the report and subconsciously praised, but found that Crystal's eyes had obviously dimmed, and quickly added, "Wuli Xiujing's transcription is also very good, but... "

Zhou Jing's last sentence made Jing Jing's eyes shine again. Hearing that the man on the opposite side started to play tricks, she hurriedly leaned forward and asked curiously:
"Ouba, what is it?"

Zhou Jing closed the file folder, crossed his fingers and clasped his fists on it, looked at Crystal with a trace of tenderness in his eyes, and said slowly:
"It's just that this doesn't conform to the process. According to the regulations, there must be three or more recommended candidates, so I can't approve this report."

"Mo? Choose one of the three, Ouba, are you serious?" Jing Jing's face turned cold in an instant, her cold eyes fixed on Zhou Jing who couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

"Silly girl, of course I'm joking with you. I'm very serious about emotional matters. How could I choose one or the other? If you're sure, you're sure." Zhou Jing stood up and walked around The table walked to Crystal's side, looked down at her and said softly.

"Bad Ouba, huh... so we can formally date." Jing Jing raised her head and said to Zhou Jing with a little arrogance.

"This Xiujing, what should I say, those words before were just a joke, but I'm serious about the last sentence, for the time being... I can't agree to associate with you." Zhou Jing gradually put away the smile on his face and his face was serious looked at the crystal and replied.

Hearing what Zhou Jing said, Jing Jing stood up suddenly, her face became very ugly, she looked at Zhou Jing full of unbelievable shock and grievance, and slowly her eye sockets began to turn red up.

Just when Zhou Jing was organizing his words to explain further to Jing Jing, Jing Jing turned around and walked towards the door without saying a word, exuding a decisive aura all over her body.

Zhou Jing knew that Jing Jing might have misunderstood, he didn't expect that the girl would handle things so cleanly and without sloppiness, so he yelled at Jing Jing in desperation:
"Stop for me, don't leave."

This voice startled Lin Huizhen, who had been guarding the door all the time, she didn't know what happened inside, she clearly confessed that it should be a very sweet thing, why did it look like a quarrel.

(End of this chapter)

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