Peninsula Steel Love

Chapter 182 Changes on the Beach

Chapter 182 Changes on the Beach
Shirley sat alone in the corner of the beach, staring at the sea under the sunset in front of her in a daze. She drove the nearly 400 kilometers from Seoul to Busan for more than five hours.

When she arrived in Busan, she went directly to Haeundae, a place where she often ran alone when she was a child. This small world was the only safe haven for her to soothe her young heart.

Shirley's parents are ordinary people. In addition to her two older brothers, there is also a younger brother. When she was a child, her parents had a bad relationship and often quarreled over trivial matters. Although the elder brother was okay with Shirley, she always I feel like she is the most neglected one in this family.

Entering the company at the age of 11 and becoming a trainee, she has to face tremendous competitive pressure every day, so Shirley can only suppress her nature and try to be an obedient and sensible girl. Her heart was exhausted.

After debuting and becoming famous, the pressure on her shoulders was even greater, because she was still underage at the time, and her mother, who had divorced her father, was in charge of all her income. Although Shirley made a lot of money, her mother still only gave her money every month. Just some pocket money.

Even so, her mother was still dissatisfied with the speed at which she made money. Every time she talked to her, she would always focus on the word "money", and even scolded her in front of Shirley for not making as much money as Xiuzhi. Li felt more and more desperate about her family.

Eventually when her mother yelled at her again for worrying about the loss of her income due to her relationship, Shirley decided it couldn't go on like this, so she withdrew all her accounts and kept her mother out of her life, which led to A direct break between the two sides.

The sea under the setting sun is beautiful, the sea water gently lapping on the beach, at the same time seems to be soothing Shirley's heart, making her gradually forget the deep-rooted pain brought about by the deformed family relationship.

"Xia Rong, do you think that person looks like Senior Xue Li?" Zheng Eundi stood on the path beside the beach and looked curiously at the familiar figure in the distance. She is also from Busan and a member of the girl group. Li is really familiar.

Apink didn’t have many schedules during this time, so Zheng Eunji dragged his youngest, Oh Ha Young, back to Busan for vacation. The two of them just went to the pedestrian street in Haeundae to have a good meal. On the way back, Eunji saw the beach by chance. On Shirley's lonely figure.

"Mo? No way, senior Xueli is here alone. I heard that they will return soon." Xia Rong was not sure that that figure belonged to Xueli.

"It should be her. I'm sure I can't read it wrong. Hey Yigu, we'll find out if we go and see." After speaking, he pulled Xia Rong up and walked in the direction where Shirley was.

Chen Zhe prepared a lot of things, fried chicken, local sauce crab, and a lot of beer. The most important thing is that he even brought a bottle of Kinmen Kaoliang wine. Chen Zhe is from Jinjiang, Fujian Province. It is said that this wine is in their store. Everywhere.

"Xiao Chen, we know each other from the joint sea training in 07. It's been seven years since then, and you were still an idiot at that time, haha..." Zhou Jing took a sip of sorghum wine and picked up the sauce crab to eat While joking with Chen Zhe.

In fact, Chen Zhe and Zhou Jing are not in the same unit. Zhou Jing is in the Army Amphibious Reconnaissance Company, and Chen Zhe is in the Marine Corps Marine Brigade. That year they participated in a one-month joint sea training. The two got to know each other and became acquainted.

"Yeah, time flies so fast. Before I knew it, I stayed in Zhanjiang for seven years. When I returned home, I almost forgot how to speak my hometown dialect." Chen Zhe sighed when he recalled the past. , he clinked glasses with Zhou Jing, drank the sorghum wine in the glass and continued,

"Squad leader, I remember that your squad deputy was the one from Langzhong, Shu Province. By the way, his surname was Xu. How is squad leader Xu doing now?"

"You said Xu Yu, he was admitted to the military academy and just graduated last year. Now he is a serious second-in-command company commander." Zhou Jing replied with a smile.

"That's amazing, but if my old man didn't let me go to the military academy, I guess I wouldn't be worse than Squad Leader Xu now."

At this time, there was a noisy sound coming from the beach not far from Zhou Jing and the others. One could tell that someone was drinking too much and went crazy. up the fire.

Taking advantage of the light of the fire, Zhou Jing saw the identities of those people clearly. The U.S. Army stationed in Korea and even the military branch recognized them, because their short-sleeved sweatshirts had a few large English letters "Marine" printed on their chests.

"Let's see, what kind of virtues are those of your colleagues?" Zhou Jing drank the sorghum wine in his glass and said to Chen Zhe.

"Ah bah, who the hell is with them? We are serious people's soldiers of the People's Navy, not hooligans." Chen Zhe didn't get angry when he saw those American soldiers dancing wildly.

Zhou Jing was a little puzzled at first, because he knew that the U.S. military stationed in Korea had frequent cases of drinking and sexually assaulting women. Under the pressure of public opinion, the U.S. Army Command in Korea ordered these American soldiers not to leave the barracks at night.

But he turned his head and thought about it. Today seems to be July 7th, American Independence Day, so it is not surprising. It is estimated that the bosses of these American soldiers also used an excuse to let them come out to let the wind go.

"Forget about the squad leader, don't worry about those shabbys, let's drink ours, by the way, I think of a person, Xiao Zhang, who was always by your side back then, is the one who looks fair, he now What's the matter? You should be discharged from the army too." Chen Zhe said after grabbing the fried chicken and taking a vicious bite.

As soon as Zhou Jing picked up the wine glass and heard Chen Zhe mention the name, he froze there for a long while without making a sound. Chen Zhe turned his head to look at Zhou Jing in doubt, but was shocked to see Zhou Jing holding the cup in his hand. The wine was slowly spilled on the beach.

" way, squad leader, you said that Xiao Zhang sacrificed... sacrificed?"

Zhou Jing didn't speak but nodded lightly, then took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and smoked silently.

"No, when did this happen? I'm sorry, monitor. If I can't tell you, I won't ask." Chen Zhe wanted to ask, but he changed his tone immediately when he remembered the confidentiality regulations.

"It's okay, don't keep it secret, I was in Shu Province in 08." Zhou Jing said slowly in a slightly hoarse voice after taking a deep breath of cigarette.

Chen Zhe suddenly understood, he also picked up the wine glass and poured a full glass of wine, and then slowly sprinkled it on the beach like Zhou Jing before.

For a while, both of them fell silent, and a sense of sadness welled up between them. This kind of emotion made Zhou Jing feel very congested in his chest. He looked at the dark sea in the distance and didn't know. What's on my mind.

The noise of the American soldiers in the distance seemed to have calmed down a bit, but it didn't take long for a piercing soprano to suddenly break this moment of tranquility.

"What are you doing? Get out of the way."

Accompanied by the shout in Korean, the voices of the American soldiers gradually became louder, with whistles interspersed from time to time.

Zhou Jing and Chen Zhe looked at each other, and they both saw the raging anger in each other's eyes, what the hell, they can still encounter such a thing.



Chen Zhe and Zhou Jing jumped up from the beach at the same time, and ran towards the direction where the shouts came from.

(End of this chapter)

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