Peninsula Steel Love

Chapter 433 Is Yin and Yang Really Separated?

Chapter 433 Is Yin and Yang Really Separated?

This large yacht may have been refitted, Zhou Jing visually estimated that it can sail at full speed above 20 knots, and it is impossible for ordinary civilian yachts to have such a high speed.

The situation has changed a lot now. Cai Axiang and others are driving the yacht to the open sea at high speed. They are currently located very close to the edge of the territorial waters of the South Korean side, very close to the peninsula of Lu Province across the sea.

Once the yacht enters the provisional waters designated by China and South Korea, whether the South Korean police have the right to enforce the law is very controversial. If it is not handled properly, it may turn into a serious diplomatic incident.

Therefore, after the police realized Cai Axiang's intention, they immediately reported the situation to the Ministry of the Interior. The Ministry of the Interior was shocked and quickly coordinated the patrol boats in the nearby waters that were performing official duties to rush to the scene of the incident to intercept the incident. At the same time, they notified the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare for negotiations. .

At this time, the three rubber boats led by Jin Zhenying were closely following behind the yacht, and the other two boats had turned around to send Yuri and the injured team members back to the rear.

Although the speed of the rubber boat is much higher than that of the yacht, it is not generally difficult for them to get close to boarding the boat under such circumstances, so Jin Zhenying can only hope that the patrol ship will come to stop the opponent.

And Jing Shang, who suddenly calmed down on the yacht, has formed a defensive circle with the other two SOU members, and the guard object is Han Xiujing who is wounded on the ground.

They were also caught in a dilemma at this moment. Although the speed of the yacht sailing at full speed was only 20 knots, it was almost close to 40 kilometers per hour.

Even though Zhou Jing and Han Xiujing had received professional training, they still didn't dare to jump into the sea rashly to escape, because it would be a very risky one and there might be casualties if they were not careful.

Of course, there was another key factor that prevented them from doing this unless it was absolutely necessary, and that was Han Xiujing's injury.

You must know that there are sharks in the sea, and a small amount of bloody smell can summon swarms of sharks. If the rescue is delayed, Zhou Jing and the others may become the sharks' supper, so they all know that only the other party slows down or is killed. Only when you are forced to stop can you find a chance to evacuate safely.

Not long after, there was a huge roar in the sky, followed by a bright light coming from above, which immediately illuminated the yacht as bright as day.

Zhou Jing looked up and found that it was a Bell 214 helicopter assigned to the Police Department. Unfortunately, this police helicopter modified from an American UH-1H general-purpose helicopter was not equipped with heavy weapons.

As a result, the helicopter had no means to force the yacht to stop despite the loud noise. It could only lock the ship with strong searchlights and warn the other party to stop the ship immediately through the loudspeaker.

Well, let’s consider it a harassment tactic, Zhou Jing was quite speechless about it, thinking that if those people could obediently obey the call, would they still be working so hard here?
Probably annoyed by those voices, the cabin door on the top floor of the yacht suddenly opened and a guard came out with a long and thin thing on his shoulders. Zhou Jing squinted his eyes and took a closer look, good guy, even Stinger anti-aircraft missiles They all showed up.

"Xiba, Tiger Shark, hurry up and tell the helicopter to leave, they have anti-aircraft weapons." Zhou Jing turned his head and shouted at Han Xiujing, then aimed his gun at the guards on the top floor who were about to launch missiles.

When Han Xiujing heard this, she became anxious immediately. She, the team leader, was the only person present who had the authority to communicate with the helicopter, so she hurriedly called the helicopter pilot to leave immediately.

"Stinger" is a very good American-made individual portable anti-aircraft missile. It has the function of forgetting after launch. It can pose a great threat to low-speed aircraft such as helicopters and drones. It is said that the hit rate of a single shot can be as high as 60% %above.

But this kind of anti-aircraft missile also has a disadvantage, that is, the shooter must launch in a standing position, and cannot operate in a squatting or half-kneeling state, which easily exposes the shooter's position when launching.

However, this was on a ship sailing at full speed, and the ups and downs brought great difficulty to Zhou Jing's aiming. After all, he had been out of the army for several years, if he hadn't had any problems before.

Fortunately, the opponent also extended the time for aiming and locking for the same reason. Both sides are racing against time to see who can complete the preparations before shooting first.

Unable to wait any longer, Zhou Jing adjusted his rifle to single-shot mode and took a deep breath. With a "bang" gunshot, the guard's chest shook and he immediately fell backwards.

It just so happened that the opponent pulled the launch trigger at the same time, so the missile did not fly in the direction of the helicopter but shot straight into the sky with a puff of white smoke.

The helicopter pilot who survived the accident almost had a heart attack. He hurriedly pulled the joystick to steer the plane away from this dangerous area, and at the same time cursed in his heart, what the hell is going on, is this a war?It's too scary that there are missiles.

The shooter on the top floor was wearing a bulletproof vest, so although he was shot, he was not seriously injured. On the contrary, the afterflame from the missile engine made him quite embarrassed. In desperation, he threw away the missile launcher and took the gun and pointed at Zhou Jing They are in a hurry.

Seeing this, the remaining three guards also started shooting violently. If they wanted to fight, they would shoot. Zhou Jing and the SOU team members fought back on the spot, and gunshots erupted on the yacht again.

Yuri was still in a daze until she was taken to the shore by the ambulance. At this time, she was out of danger, but then she needed to be sent to the National Police Hospital in Songpa District, Seoul for a physical examination together with the injured SOU team members.

Of course, it's not just the physical examination where the police also asked her to record a statement. Yuli, as a party involved, needs to describe in detail what she saw and heard during the whole incident.

The ambulance was escorted by two police cars with its siren sounding and roaring towards Seoul. On the way, the emergency personnel conducted a simple questioning of Yuli. The preliminary conclusion was that there was nothing wrong with her body, but she seemed a little in a trance.

I don't know how long it took for the ambulance to drive into the hospital. After getting out of the car, Yuli followed the medical staff and took the elevator upstairs as if she was in a daze.

As soon as she got out of the elevator, there was a sound of hurried footsteps in her ear, Yuli looked up blankly and saw Xu Xian and Baoer running towards her.

"Yuli, are you alright?" x Bao'er
"Oni, where's Zhou Jing Oppa?" x Xu Xian
The familiar voice sounded and Yuli gradually woke up. Facing the anxious eyes of Bao'er and Xu Xian, she felt relieved and became paralyzed for the rest of her life after the catastrophe.

"Wow" she hugged Xu Xian tightly and burst into tears. The complex emotions such as shock, fear, guilt and self-blame were mixed together so that she could hardly breathe. Released without hesitation.

The tearful Yuri unconsciously rubbed against Seo Hyun. If Joo Kyung was on the scene, she would definitely be pissed to death by her. That is his favorite windbreaker. Please, can you find some tissue to wipe his tears?Wait, there is still snot.

Yuli herself was crying for joy, but Xu Xian and Quan Baoer suddenly fell into petrification, what's the situation?Could it be that.
Xu Xian stared blankly at the elevator entrance, afraid that a cart covered with white cloth would appear in the next second, while Quan Baoer staggered under her feet, her beautiful eyes lost their luster in an instant.

With the sound of a human body falling to the ground, Quan Baoer came back to his senses and was shocked to find that Yuli and Xu Xian both fainted in the corridor.

"Come on, doctor, someone's passed out."

Hearing Quan Baoer's urgent cry, the doctors and nurses ran to this side one after another, and Xu Yongzhu and Jin Yingzhi followed closely behind the doctor. The old couple fell to the ground at first sight and almost died of fright .

After being in a hurry for a while, Xu Xian and others were pushed into the emergency room by the nurse. It didn't take long for the doctor to come out of the emergency room, and he told the worried Xu Yongzhu and his wife at the door that they were all fine.

It's just that the two fainted because of excessive grief. The doctor has already injected them with sedatives, and then they can rest and rest.

This made Jin Yingzhi finally relieved. Seeing that Xu Xian and Xu Xian were pushed out of the emergency room, the couple hurriedly followed them to the ward to accompany them. The corridor became quiet for a while, but a short body began to feel overwhelmed.

Quan Bao'er couldn't accept the news like a bolt from the blue at all. Not long ago, the appearance of the man's smirk was still vivid in his memory, but now he just said it. Is it true that there is a separation between yin and yang?
Bao'er couldn't bear it any longer after thinking about it, she leaned against the wall and slowly squatted in the corridor, and after a while, a low and suppressed sobbing sound came out.

It took a long time before Bao'er stopped crying and raised her head. The makeup on her pretty face had already been stained by tears. This might be the first time since her debut that she showed such a fragile and embarrassed side.

"Ouba, what you promised me has been done, Xiaoxian and Yuli have returned safely, but why did you." Bao'er murmured to himself.

"Xiujing, Miyane. I love you." These were Zhou Jinglin's last words to Bao'er before leaving.

Do you want to tell that child Crystal?Bao'er stared intently at the ring in her hand that was shining under the light, feeling extremely entangled in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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