Peninsula Steel Love

Chapter 692 Shooting yourself in the foot

Speaking of which, this is not the first time Zhou Jing has appeared on a show. He has participated in programs such as "Radiostar" and "Teddy Seo", but today is obviously different.

One of the two programs above is a talk show, where you just sit and bicker. Zhou Jing doesn't scare anyone. As for the other one, it is jointly participated by DPS Company, and the program team has no say in the content and process.

Therefore, Zhou Jing, a guest on "Roommate", didn't feel confident at all, just because he was not interested in South Korean variety shows. They were too noisy and noisy, and having convulsions was no different from being drunk.

So when Goo Hara and Heo Young Ji walked to the lawn and started dancing without warning, Zhou Jing followed behind and was confused.

KARA just released its sixth mini-album "Day&Night" in August. It was personally produced by the famous producer Erduan Kick, and Goo Hara and the others danced the most classic section of its title song "Mamma Mia".

What does it mean to be professional? You don't forget to seize every opportunity to promote wherever you go. This is a professional idol. Seeing this, everyone stood up and gave warm applause to Goo Hara for this impromptu performance.

At this time, Zhou Jing put him on the head, because he knew that Goo Hara's move was famous, and its official name was the declaration ceremony.

The declaration ceremony is a cross-section of South Korean culture. Whenever someone new joins a group or organization, the new member needs to express respect and courtesy to the old members in order to unite the relationship.

The simplest way is to treat guests, and the other is the method used by Goo Hara, performing personal skills in public, singing, dancing or telling jokes, so as to gain a warm welcome from the old members.

In fact, the "Roommate" family doesn't necessarily require guests to do a confessional ceremony. The problem is that now that Goo Hara has started, I'm afraid it won't work if Zhou Kyung doesn't do something later.

Sure enough, variety shows are full of pitfalls. Zhou Jing subconsciously looked at Sunny next to him, hoping that the other party could help him out. Unexpectedly, Sunny raised his eyebrows cheerfully. The meaning was obvious. How about they do it too?
Come on, my sister, Zhou Jing's forehead was immediately covered with black lines. It's not too big a deal to watch the excitement, right? At this time, everyone's eyes had already passed Goo Hara and focused on Zhou Jing.

"Minyu, is that Goo Hara's assistant? Why did the VJ photograph him?" Ohtani Ryohei asked in confusion.

It's no wonder that Otani Ryohei couldn't recognize Zhou Jinglai. He was dressed in casual clothes and a baseball cap. He was following Goo Hara like an assistant. If you don't believe it, look around and see that all the staff of the program team look like this.

However, not everyone is as blind as Ohtani Ryohei. Park Minyu was immediately shocked when she heard it, and hurriedly pulled Ohtani Ryohei to bite his ears.

Are you kidding? You dare to say that a national hero is an assistant. If you broadcast this, you must not attract the whole Internet. Besides, Otani Ryohei is Japanese. In today's atmosphere, if you are not careful, you will arouse the sensitivities of Chinese and Korean netizens at the same time. nerve.

Fortunately, Otani Ryohei just didn't realize that Zhou Jing didn't know anything about him. After Park Minyu reminded him, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Then he stood up and bowed to Zhou Jing from a distance, as if the words he just said had already been It seemed that Zhou Jing heard it.

Little did he know that Otani Ryohei's move destroyed the suspense deliberately created by the program team. At this point, the others were still pretending to be stupid, so Zhou Jing witnessed with his own eyes what it means to be a drama queen.

"Oh it."

"Big hair."


In the front was the movement caused by Cao Shihao and Li Guozhu, and the surprised expressions could be said to be lifelike, while Lin Zhenna's voice in the back directly pushed everyone's "surprised and happy" emotions to a climax.

It's just that her reaction was a little too much. She saw Lin Zhenna covering her face with her hands and jumping in place, which was exactly the same as the behavior of fans when they saw their idol.

Zhou Jingzheng was walking towards the crowd with a smile. When he saw Lin Zhenna's little girly look, he immediately stopped in his tracks. If Sunny hadn't been behind him, he would have almost taken a few steps back.

What's going on? Zhou Jing had the illusion that the other party might pounce at any time. It was too scary. At this moment, Little Yang's soft explanation came from behind him.

"She is Nanaxi, and she is also a Rhodiola rosea. Do you understand? Huh."

Well, if it hadn't been for that cold snort, Zhou Jing would most likely have thought that Sunny was kindly helping him introduce her, but the current situation was clearly reminding or warning him to stay away from that woman.
In fact, Sunny's worries are unfounded. Zhou Jing may not be familiar with variety shows, but don't forget that the two guys in his family are frequent visitors to variety shows. Crystal and Shirley have long guessed that the show crew will use Lin Jenna to make a fuss.

Speaking of the most beautiful face in the world, Zhou Jing had to endure a lot of hardships for her. Once Xiao Shuijing got jealous, it was not easy to appease her. It not only took a lot of time but also a lot of energy, hehe.
However, since you have seen through the show crew's tricks, there is nothing to worry about. Others might choose to stay as far away as possible during recording, but it is hard to say whether this will have any effect. After all, there are all kinds of evil post-editing, so.
"Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Jing."

After Zhou Jing made up his mind, he first strode to everyone and said hello with a smile, and then walked straight towards Lin Zhenna, completely ignoring Sunny's murderous gaze.

When Lin Zhenna saw Zhou Jing coming towards her, she was suddenly surrounded by great joy. Her pretty face turned red to the naked eye, and she didn't know where to place her hands. However...
"Nanaxi, Nanaxi, this is the first time we meet. I have put a lot of burden on you due to misunderstandings. I would like to express my solemn apology to you and send Hamida off."

"Guilty, huh?"

Lin Zhenna woke up instantly as if a bucket of cold water was poured on her head, and she vaguely guessed Zhou Jing's intention, so her eyes quickly turned sad, but it was a pity that Zhou Jing seemed not to notice, and his words were still there continue,

"Besides, Xiujing always said that she would be mistaken for you Nanaxi. It's actually her honor, haha." "Pa" Zhou Jing's words made everyone present feel as if they could hear the sound of heartbreak in their ears. One person was stunned. Lin Jin Na, the other one should be PD Park Sang Hyuk from the show team.

Only Little Taiyang smiled happily and said in her heart, Oppa, you did a great job. The line was drawn as sharply as Panmunjom. She brought out the crystal straight to the point. How could Lin Zhenna get up to her again in public?

It's just that Sunny thinks Zhou Jing might be too direct. This seems to be different from his usual style, which is a bit strange.

That's because she didn't know that Zhou Jing had also been reflecting recently, whether he was too soft-hearted towards other women in the past, which caused constant trouble. Now that the relationship has been made public, it's time to make some changes, otherwise Crystal will be hurt.

In Zhou Jing's opinion, as long as he is cruel, those women will naturally retreat, so he is an out-and-out straight man. You must know that not all women are like crystal.

For example, the Lin Zhenna in front of her originally just had ordinary admiration and admiration for Zhou Jing, without any relationship between men and women, because Lin Zhenna, a Virgo, is very rational about feelings and is by no means a romantic.

What she longs for is a romantic and flawless love, where the other half belongs to her completely and completely. This kind of idea is absolutely a fantasy in the entertainment industry, where there is a lot of entertainment and entertainment, and a lot of scumbags are caught.

Lin Zhenna has no shortage of suitors. She is not called the most beautiful face in the world for nothing. There are quite a few men who are not only dating, but even married. However, it is the first time that someone like Zhou Jing can tell the difference when they first meet.

In terms of figure and appearance, Lin Zhenna thought she was no worse than Crystal, but Zhou Jing not only turned a blind eye but even fed her a mouthful of dog food. So while feeling sorry for herself, she was shocked to find that her heartstrings had been plucked inadvertently.

He really shot himself in the foot. Zhou Jing would be very upset if he knew that things would develop in the opposite direction as expected. But at this moment, he just felt that Lin Zhenna's eyes were a little complicated and weird, which made him confused for a while.
Coincidentally, at the same time, there was a Pisces who was also in a lot of tangles. Kim Taeyeon was lying on the bed in the bedroom of her home in Jeonju, staring at the bright moon outside the window in a daze.

The room was dark. After a long time, she turned her eyes away and hugged her knees, then gently rested her little head on them. Why not turn on the light? Maybe Taeyeon didn't want to see her embarrassed look. Looks like it.

"Ah, "Say Your Wish" is obviously for birthdays, how could I think of swinging my legs, Axi." Taeyeon suddenly scratched her hair and muttered to herself after a while.

It's really embarrassing. Taeyeon thinks it's enough to have those 19-forbidden dreams. Ever since she almost kissed him by the Han River that day, some situations no longer only appear in her dreams.

Otherwise, why would the team leader's first reaction when Zhou Jingyang said the title of the song be to throw his leg? Wait, if he really wants to see the kick, then should she perform one in front of him? Kim Taeyeon held her hands up Ji once again fantasized about a certain scene.

It's just that the heroine in my mind is not her but the Sika cat. I saw Jessica smiling sweetly with her eyebrows in pink, swinging her high heels and flying out. No, it wasn't just the high heels that flew out.
"Oh, what's wrong with me?" Taeyeon groaned in pain, holding her head in her hands.

Why, why can't I forget him? He is Douding's father. Sika and Xiaoxian also like him. How can she join in the fun? But
"I can't do it, Oudok"

"If there's anything you can't do, just sleep with him."

"is this OK?"

"Maza, I quite want Oppa Zhou Jing to be my brother-in-law, hehe."

What the hell, Taeyeon thought it was a battle between heaven and man in her head, but the voice was too real and familiar, so she turned on the light and sure enough, there was someone else on the bed.

"Ah, Jin Xiayan, when did you come in?"

"That's when you were talking about swinging your legs."

"Did you say that he fell asleep just now?"

"Yeah, Ernie, what's the big deal? It's just that little thing." Jin Xiayan replied nonchalantly.

But she didn't notice that Ernie's face had turned livid at this time, and a moment later she heard a sheep's roar, "Ah, why can't you sleep? Jin Xiayan, is this what you, a high school student, should say? "

"What's wrong, it's true, Ernie, I don't even understand what you are struggling with all day long."

"I want you to take care of it, Ani. Do I need you to teach me?"

"Haha, you deserve to be an old maid."

"Yeah, yeah"

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