my wife is the queen

Chapter 442 As long as it is Fangcun Zhuji's decision, I support it

Chapter 442 As long as it is Fangcun Zhuji's decision, I support it

Obviously what Wang Zhou said is right, no matter who it is, it will be compared uncontrollably, and once the comparison is made, if the refurbished form cannot pull away too much from the previous classic version, then some things may cause some netizens to be angry. Hot discussion, even being sprayed by trolls.

But the classic version of that year has become a classic and has been branded. It is really not so easy to change and surpass it.

"Then what do you mean?" Xu Qingzhu was taken aback, and he looked at Wang Zhou with some confusion.

According to what Wang Zhou said, their previous plans were all problematic.

Xu Qingzhu couldn't help but patted his chest, as if he was lucky enough to talk about it with Wang Zhou.

If they followed their previous two plans, then things would be troublesome.

"What I mean is... Does Mrs. Zhang have famous songs? That is, did she have famous songs before she fell into a trough, and there are more people who are familiar with it and can sing it." Wang Zhou looked at Xu Qingzhu and asked.

"Ms. Zhang was very popular back then, and she still has many famous songs, but the most classic one should be the song "Heartbeat"... At that time, this song was popular all over the Internet, and I was still studying at that time. I really liked it. It's a song." As soon as Xu Qingzhu mentioned "Heartbeat", his whole body became restless.

"Then if Teacher Zhang were to sing this song at the concert now, would you like it?" Wang Zhou looked at Xu Qingzhu, and then continued to ask.

"Of course I like it, and it's not an ordinary liking. This is my youth, it's my memory..." Xu Qingzhu sat up happily from the bed, looking very excited.

clap clap clap!
Du Lan applauded.

Xia Yiwei was stunned, do you understand what Bao Cheng means?
"Honey, he is..."

"You mentioned Mr. Zhang's famous song "Heartbeat" just now, and you couldn't help but move. He saw that he just sat up from lying on his stomach, and the most important thing is that he is in a mood at the moment. It’s hard to get excited, when he mentions "Heartbeat", he seems to have a lot of memories, and he doesn’t have much to say about that song... Are you right?" Du Lan looked Looking at Bao Cheng'e outside the video, smiling.

Xia Yiwei nodded vigorously, agreeing with Du Lan's words.

"So... the song "Heartbeat", does he think there are few fans like him?" Du Lan paused and asked again.

"Less! Very few! At most, it covers your generation, except for people like Mr. Wang who hated listening to music."

Being 'sarcasm' by Xia Yiwei, Du Lan showed an awkward smile.

I hate listening to music, I just listen to music, okay?I've heard the song "Heartbeat" before, it's too popular after all, even if he wanted to hear it, in this day and age, that song is played everywhere in the streets and alleys, what makes him passive is to listen.

"So...if they repackage the song "Heartbeat" and put it on stage again, he thinks it will destroy their nostalgia for that song, or this good memory. No matter how good the adaptation is, their Do you still think it's better?" Du Lan continued.

Du Lan didn't directly agree with anything, but guided Bao Cheng'e to follow my rhythm little by little.

"Then..." Xia Yiwei was taken aback, then sat under the bed and thought about it quietly.

A moment ago, Xia Yiwei looked at the phone camera. "Husband, what he said is wrong, it is indeed like that... If it is re-adapted and staged, people of your generation may really buy it."

Bao Cheng nodded. "Yes, maybe I will buy it, I will definitely buy it. The more cold the song is, the more it makes people nostalgic, people... As the age increases, the nostalgia for youth, yes The remembrance of memory... is very persistent. As he said, this is all his youth!"

Xia Yiwei nodded. "What does this husband mean?"

"You mean...nostalgia!" Du Lan smiled and said confidently.

"Nostalgia?" Xia Yiwei immediately understood the meaning of Du Lan's words, almost understood what Du Lan wanted to express.

"Husband, he must mean that he wants Teacher Zhang to sing "Heartbeat" as it is?" Xia Yiwei recalled, looking at Du Lan in surprise.

Bao Cheng'e felt that Du Lan should have meant that, but it was Du Lan's idea that surprised Xia Yiwei.

"Although the song "Heartbeat" was very cold back then, there should be too few people listening to that song now, especially the younger generation, but Xu Qingzhu's fans are already adults, and they have already married and established businesses. , I have long lost the tenacity of chasing stars back then, so..."

Du Lan nodded, smiled and shook her head again.

"He is right and right. In fact...the word nostalgia! It is the memory of your generation's youth. Once people get older, they will become more and more nostalgic, especially when Mr. Zhang re-sang the song "Heartbeat" ", you will make your generation feel that their youth has come back... What does he think?"

When Xia Yiwei heard Du Lan's words, she nodded repeatedly. Now you agree with the meaning of Du Lan's words.

"Honey, he's right, just follow the plan he said. You think that plan is weaker than the two subsequent plans."

"Yes... But whether we can achieve the goal depends on Teacher Zhang's performance off the stage..." Du Lan nodded.

"Yes." Xia Yiwei was also very excited.

"There is no bright spot yet." Du Lan said again.

"When Mr. Zhang sang the song "Heartbeat" back then, did he wear any custom-made clothes on the stage?"

"No, of course not, it's student attire." Xia Yiwei yelled out casually, the stage left a deep impression on you.

Xia Yiwei was very obsessed with chasing that song back then, that is when you chased the star Xu Qingzhu, it made Xia Yiwei think that you became Xu Qingzhu's boss by accident.

"This allows Teacher Zhang to perform the song "Heartbeat" on the first stage, wearing the same student clothes as back then." Du Lan immediately made a final decision.

"Then... Mr. Zhang's age..." Xia Yiwei hurriedly reminded Du Lan and Xu Qingzhu that they were already old when she heard Du Lan's words, and Xu Qingzhu was already in her 70s. Student attire, this... Xia Yiwei didn't have any imagination, and even thought it might not be a little hot-eyed.

"That's why he is worried. You have met Mr. Zhang face to face, your skin is very good, and your overall mental state is also very good, so if you wear a student uniform, you think there is definitely a problem, and it even makes people feel a little nervous. The first is the visual impact of the old male god." Du Lan said in a very sure tone.

When Xia Yiwei heard Du Lan's words, she immediately gave Bao Cheng a little thumbs up.

"Honey, he's still the best."

Du Lan smiled.


"Is the flight booked for tomorrow?" Du Lan chatted with Xia Yiwei for a while, and then asked about the business.

"It's already booked. I will fly to Yuandu tomorrow morning, and it will land less than ten o'clock. You asked Fatty to send him the specific flight information." Xia Yiwei nodded repeatedly, and you are looking forward to meeting tomorrow.

For Bao Cheng'e, is there anything more important than seeing your future in-laws tomorrow, and all announcements need to make way for tomorrow's itinerary.

"Okay, then you can drive to pick him up." Du Lan smiled at Bao Cheng'e.



Du Lan and Xia Yiwei chatted coldly for a while, and the two hung up the video call. Xia Yiwei needed to communicate with Zhang Xiaoxiao and Xu Qingzhu's team to inform Bao Cheng's thoughts.

"What?! That's really what Teacher Wang Zhou Qishan said?" Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at Bao Cheng'e in disbelief at the moment.

"Zhuzi, it must be that he lied about the military situation under the guise of the teacher 'Bao Chengqishan'. The teacher 'Wang Zhou Qishan' in your impression is the kind who throws out a new single as soon as he agrees... How could it be possible for Teacher Zhang to sing your earliest famous song!"

At this moment, Bao Cheng'e's team, including Zhang Xiaoxiao and Bao Cheng, are all here, and we are in the video conference mode.

Therefore, when Zhang Xiaoxiao mentioned Bao Cheng, he always used the teacher "Wang Zhou Qishan". After all, everyone present knew that Du Lan was "Wang Zhou Qishan".

Of course, those who dare to question Xia Yiwei so recklessly are probably Bao Cheng'e and Feng Ming. Even Xu Qingzhu would be so casual when talking to Xia Yiwei. And especially Bao Cheng'e is very grateful to Xia Yiwei, if there is Xia Yiwei, there will be no glory for you now.

Xu Qingzhu was very vague, now that you can return to the attention of the minority, Xia Yiwei brought you.

" really want to, but the key is whether you have that ability." Xia Yiwei gave Bao Cheng'e a scornful look, and then smiled.

"What is this 'Wang Zhou Qishan' teacher thinking?" Bao Cheng looked at Xia Yiwei suspiciously, and you were a little confused.

Although Xu Qingzhu said nothing, but you are frowning slightly at the moment, you can still see that Bao Cheng'e is not a little entangled at the moment.

Bao Cheng'e went to 'Bao Cheng Qishan' very much, but you went to 'Wang Zhou Qishan' from the bottom of your heart.

But at this moment, "Bao Chengqishan" proposed that you directly use the classic old song "Heartbeat" as the first song on the stage of "Songs from God", and still use the image ten years later, which made Xu Qingzhu feel a little entangled. After all, even though the song was popular, this is an era ten years later, and I am afraid that in that era, many people would hate it.

"Teacher 'Wang Zhou Qishan' said that..." Xia Yiwei smiled when she saw the expressions of the people outside the video.

In fact, Xia Yiwei can understand our simple mood at this moment, because you just did not, even though you have 100% trust in Bao Cheng, you still have a little doubt.

Xia Yiwei then shared with everyone what Du Lan just said to you.

After listening to Xia Yiwei's words, everyone in the video conference room fell silent, Feng Ming applauded, Zhang Xiaoxiao applauded...

The two of you have been in the entertainment circle all these years, and you are still very unfamiliar with the music scene, and you can understand Du Lan's plan at the slowest speed.

"That..." Xu Qingzhu was still not worried.

"Mr. Zhang, isn't he worried?" Bao Cheng'e saw the worry on Bao Cheng'e's face.

"You think that matter is not a bit risky. You can use actual data to share with Xiaojia. Your old song "Heartbeat" was recorded by Penguin Music, but they can go and see, the playback of that song The volume is very high. Although I thought about it, the fact is that the song is outdated now. If you come up with that song again to appear on the stage of "Songs from God", we will think that you are eating your money. Spoiled by the audience..." Xu Qingzhu was very worried, because the number of plays of Penguin Music's song was a fact.

Xia Yiwei, Feng Ming, and Zhang Xiaoxiao were banned when they heard Xu Qingzhu's words, and the three of you didn't even know how to explain it.

What Xu Qingzhu said was true. The song "Heartbeat" used to be a classic song, but after so many years, that once classic song has obviously been washed by the market, and it seems to have been eliminated.

Xia Yiwei frowned slightly, you also felt that what Xu Qingzhu said was unreasonable.

Judging from the current market, the song "Heartbeat" has indeed been eliminated by the market, so is there really no audience for singing "Mentality" under the stage of "Songs from God"?

At this moment, Xia Yiwei also had a question mark in her mind.

"Wait a minute, you ask the opinion of the 'Wang Zhou Qishan' teacher, first listen to what I have to say..." After Xia Yiwei finished speaking, she ignored everyone, then entered and exited the video conference, and then dialed Du Lan's phone.

Very slowly, Xia Yiwei went offline again.

"It's like that. Just now you told the teacher 'Bao Chengqishan'. That doesn't mean anything. The song has a high number of plays on the Penguin platform. It's unusual, and that song is indeed outdated. But being outdated does not mean that it will disappear. On the contrary, the song "Heartbeat" lacks an opportunity now, and that opportunity is the real stage. Once it reappears off the stage, it will definitely break the pattern. " The song "Heartbeat" will definitely be taken care of!" Xia Yiwei told everyone what Du Lan said exactly.

"What do you think, Teacher Zhang?" Feng Ming asked Bao Cheng'e after listening to Xia Yiwei's words.

Hearing Xia Yiwei's words at this moment, Xu Qingzhu still felt a little worried. After all, those were all inferred by the teacher 'Wang Zhou Qishan'. Once there was a deviation in the inference, it would be difficult to deal with the matter.

Xu Qingzhu still dared to make up his mind.

"That's make a statement first..." Seeing that Xu Qingzhu was still there, Feng Ming opened his mouth.

Everyone in the video conference looked at Fengming curiously, looking forward to Fengming's attitude.

In fact, we still have some choices. After all, everyone can control the direction of that matter.

"You doubt the teacher 'Wang Zhou Qishan', as long as the decision is made by 'Bao Chengqishan', you will support it conditionally."

Except for Xia Yiwei and Zhang Xiaoxiao, everyone in the video conference looked at Fengming with an incredible look. We all thought that Fengming would say those words. Was it the sensible Fengming we knew? ?
In our eyes, Feng Ming has always been based on facts, making any decision without data, but now...

We all seem to be getting to know Feng Ming for the first time, when did Bao Cheng become so emotional.

(End of this chapter)

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