my wife is the queen

Chapter 707 Teacher Wang Zhou is too cunning!

Chapter 707 Teacher Wang Zhou is too cunning!

"Then I'll say a few more words, just to be on the verge of excitement..." Seeing Zhang Yi nodding, Wang Zhou couldn't help responding with a smile, picked up the teacup handed over by his assistant, took a sip, and continued to prepare to start.

Xu Qingzhu gave Wang Zhou a thumbs up.

"Teacher Wang Zhou is Teacher Wang Zhou, full of confidence!"

"Then I'm going to be a senior and you're praising me..." Wang Zhou couldn't help but respond with a smile when he heard Xu Qingzhu's words. He didn't deliberately be modest, but he was able to make the [-] million viewers in the live broadcast room feel very real .

"It must be a compliment... No, it should be admiration, admiration to Teacher Wang Zhou! Teacher Wang Zhou's eloquence... I'm ashamed of the level of eloquence into poetry! It's amazing!" Xu Qingzhu and Wang Zhou also opened their mouths. joked.

"Friends in the live broadcast room, do you feel the same as me?"

Just now, the atmosphere of Wang Zhou's poetry was a bit strict, and everyone's nerves were tense, so Xu Qingzhu and Wang Zhou used this method to make the atmosphere of the whole live broadcast room more relaxed and active.

Xu Qingzhu did not forget to start interacting with the audience in the live broadcast room at this moment.

And with Xu Qingzhu's influence, the fans in the live broadcast room also started to move, and the comment area became even more lively. The atmosphere in the live broadcast room just now was indeed serious enough, and now at this moment, it is completely boiling.

But when I look at the barrage in the comment area...they are all 'yes'!
All 'have'!None of the alternatives...

As if negotiated, well-trained...

Wang Zhou was a little confused.

If Wang Zhou didn't know about this, he would have thought that Bamboo Music asked the audience in the live broadcast room to do this in advance, and unified the standard.

But Wang Zhou knew it and didn't.

No one would be so idle as to be so bored.

Wang Zhou looked at Xu Qingzhu and couldn't help but give her a thumbs up. "Senior sister, don't drag your huge fan base to overwhelm me anymore, I dare not speak..."


Xu Qingzhu was amused by Wang Zhou's pitiful appearance.

The [-] million viewers in the live broadcast room were also amused by Wang Zhou's actions. They all knew that Wang Zhou was very casual and didn't have any airs, but at this moment, the grievance Wang Zhou showed made them unable to bear it Laugh out loud.

No, even Xu Qingzhu couldn't hold back, so don't blame them for not holding back,

"I'm dying of laughter, how can Mr. Wang Zhou be so funny!"

"Senior Wang Zhou's aggrieved look makes me want to laugh..."

"That is to say, if Sister Zhuzi can take on Senior Wang Zhou like this, other people may not be able to hold on to Senior Wang Zhou... So, I still say that senior and senior sister are a match made in heaven, there is no one... "


The comment section of the live broadcast room exploded again.

This also made the originally tense and serious live broadcast room agitated. They were all amazed by Wang Zhou's talent just now, and they all worshiped Wang Zhou. Yes... But Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu's back-and-forth jokes instantly made everyone realize that Wang Zhou is a mortal just like them, and the reason why Wang Zhou can speak well is because of his continuous accumulation over the years. And precipitation!

Kang Borui and Xu Jinkai were both worried about one thing. Wang Zhou's talent is really showing off now. If he kept releasing it, he might be placed in a high position in the literary circle. At that time Every move will be watched by everyone, and the slightest carelessness will be criticized by others, so...

The two of them haven't figured out how to solve it yet, but what they didn't expect is...Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu solved it quietly by themselves.

And still use such a brisk method.


Xu Jinkai and Kang Borui picked up their mobile phones almost at the same time, and sent two identical words to each other at the same time... they received letters from each other almost at the same time.

Seeing the two words sent by the other party, Xu Jinkai and Kang Borui couldn't help laughing.

The two put down their mobile phones, and didn't say anything, just quietly continued to wait for Wang Zhou's "manifestation" moment.

In fact, as far as Kang Borui and Xu Jinkai are concerned, they are actually looking forward to Wang Zhou's next works. They believe that since Wang Zhou dares to speak, then he must have confidence. A few sentences are poor, but the first few sentences are all classics. Xu Jinkai, Kang Borui, and the big names in the literary circle in the live broadcast room all praised...

"Student...that, do you want to continue?" Xu Qingzhu raised the brush in his hand at this moment, and then tried to ask Wang Zhou.

Wang Zhou smiled and nodded upon hearing this. "Of course...continue..."

"Senior, is it okay?"

"Of course, as long as you can, I'm fine. I just write a few words, but you have to consume hundreds of millions of brain cells... Well, it's only [-] million..." Xu Qingzhu and Wang Zhou started talking again. Just kidding, she likes it like this.

In fact, Xu Qingzhu is thinking that if they wait for the day when the two of them make an official announcement, they can talk freely in the live broadcast room together, with their arms crossed, snuggled together, drinking tea together, chatting, and even It was Wang Zhou who wrote the song while she sang...

This feeling... really romantic.

This is the life Xu Qingzhu wants.

Of course, what Xu Qingzhu wants is exactly what Wang Zhou expects...they are going in both directions, and each chooses the other.

"The sword..."

Wang Zhou coughed twice, and then said two words.

"Sword? Is it the weapon 'sword' in your martial arts novel?" Xu Qingzhu was taken aback, looking at Wang Zhou suspiciously.

After all, Wang Zhou popped up two words without going to the village or back to the store. To be honest, no one could understand what Wang Zhou meant.

Wang Zhou nodded.

"Yes, it is the sword of Jianghu..."

"The sharp edge of a sword is sharpened..." Wang Zhou continued.

Xu Qingzhu was taken aback for a moment, she immediately understood what Wang Zhou was thinking.

And the audience in the live broadcast room were also stunned by Wang Zhou's words, and they all followed suit.

"What a 'treasure sword sharpened from sharpening', this is indeed... an apt metaphor... in place!"

"Mr. Wang Zhou is worthy of being the originator of martial arts novels. Even poetry can be written so chivalrously and courageously, with a strong flavor of the world!"


"The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold!" Wang Zhou just paused, and after Xu Qingzhu finished writing these seven characters, he immediately said the next sentence.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone in the live broadcast room sat up straight.

"It's a good sentence, 'The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold', this... is absolutely unique!"

"God, please give me a brain of the same style as Mr. Wang Zhou..."

"I don't need the same style, I only need one-tenth of the imitation version of Mr. Wang Zhou and I'm satisfied. I'm not as greedy as upstairs."



Netizens became lively again, they were all joking with each other, but there is one thing that everyone agrees on, that is, Wang Zhou's talent is endless, and you can't find the source of Wang Zhou's talent exhaustion at all...

"Okay, these two sentences are good..." Xu Qingzhu looked at the fourteen words he had written, nodded and commented vigorously.

"Sister, do you mean that you write better, or I sing better?" Wang Zhou couldn't help joking with Xu Qingzhu at this moment.

Naturally, Wang Zhou knew that Xu Qingzhu was praising Wang Zhou for writing these two poems.

"Then do you need to say it? No matter how good my writing is, can I have your authentic work? Naturally, your two poems are well written, wonderful, wonderful... easy to understand, the key is still so domineering! "Xu Qingzhu praised Wang Zhou without hesitation, and gave a very high evaluation to Wang Zhou's two lines of poems.

In fact, Xu Qingzhu also empathized with these two poems.

"Thank you senior sister." Wang Zhou dared not dare. "However, I dare not be..."

"That student, I think you have to do it again, I always feel that I can't write that taste..." Xu Qingzhu dipped the brush in the ink, then handed it to Wang Zhou, suggesting that he should write the fourteen characters again .

"I'm good……"

When Wang Zhou heard Xu Qingzhu's proposal, he couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately understood what kind of plan Xu Qingzhu was planning, and immediately agreed.

The big bosses in the calligraphy circle in the live broadcast room thought they were a little bit disappointed that they didn't see Wang Zhou's handwriting, but at this moment they became happy again, and they sat up straight one by one in an instant, almost stuffing their eyes into the computer screen, or Gone to the phone screen.

Wang Zhou took the pen from Xu Qingzhu's hand, and the assistant wanted to go forward to change the rice paper. Xu Qingzhu wanted to stop it, but he never thought that Wang Zhou would be one step ahead of her, and stopped the assistant's move in advance, nodded to her, and signaled unnecessary.

"I'll just write on the rice paper my senior sister has, and I don't need to take a new one." Wang Zhou picked up the pen and wrote it in one go, and the fourteen characters jumped out on the paper.

In the eyes of laymen, these fourteen characters and Xu Qingzhu's fourteen characters are definitely written by the same person, but in the eyes of insiders, the difference between the two versions is not as simple as a realm.

Xu Qingzhu's fourteen characters are at best well-written, but Wang Zhou... that is a kind of artistic conception. You can watch and emulate Wang Zhou's fourteen characters, and you will definitely have insights, even insights into life. , and Xu Qingzhu can't reach this level at all.


Xu Qingzhu stood aside at the moment, and did not forget to remind Wang Zhou.

"Payment?" Wang Zhou pretended not to understand what Xu Qingzhu meant. Since they wanted to act, they had to be more realistic. They couldn't do what Xu Qingzhu asked him to do. He just obeyed unilaterally, and the audience would definitely notice something was wrong. place.

"I want to collect this calligraphy. At least I can use these fourteen characters to find out the difference between my calligraphy and yours. Only in this way can I have better room for improvement." Xu Qingzhu said calmly in the live broadcast room In front of [-] million viewers, she expressed her thoughts without any suspicion.

This is Xu Qingzhu, so real, so casual and calm.

"As long as you like it..." Hearing Xu Qingzhu's words, Wang Zhou shrugged and said with a smile.

He responded instinctively to Xu Qingzhu, and he didn't have any defensiveness at this moment.

And it was Wang Zhou's seemingly casual response that immediately made the audience in the live broadcast envious, and everyone started to drool with envy in the live broadcast.

"Mr. Bamboo is too 'cunning'!"

"If I were Teacher Zhuzi, I would definitely have the same thoughts as Teacher Zhuzi."

"This is the authentic work of Mr. Wang Zhou. It's a pity that we are not Mr. Zhuzi. Who told Mr. Zhuzi and Mr. Wang Zhou to be friends, and there is no other need for their relationship..."

"I'm so envious!"

"Mr. Bamboo's hand is too rusty, this is simply a textbook version of picking..."


The audience in the live broadcast room became envious of Xu Qingzhu.

Wang Zhou's characters are not something that anyone can get if they want them. Up to now, few people can have Wang Zhou's characters, but Xu Qingzhu can "loot" anytime and anywhere...

The key is that she can speak so lightly, and still use the tone of 'command', but Wang Zhou is not dissatisfied...

This is how friends get along.

The audience in the live broadcast room was really envious.

"Let's be together, if we don't, I'm going crazy."

"The upstairs is right, and I am too. If we are not together again, I will go crazy."


Wang Zhou left his name seriously, and then took out his seal to stamp it.

Xu Qingzhu smiled happily when he saw Wang Zhou finish this.

"Perfect." Xu Qingzhu nodded and commented as if no one was there. She seemed to have more than 2 million viewers watching in the live broadcast room.

"Sister, don't you want to keep your signature?" Wang Zhou put the seal aside at this moment, then clapped his hands, clapped his hands around his chest, and asked Xu Qingzhu curiously.

"Me? I'll pay? What should I pay for?" Xu Qingzhu looked at Wang Zhou in astonishment, she was also pretending.

Because Xu Qingzhu naturally knew what Wang Zhou wanted to do, and they both thought the same thing.

Du Lan and Xia Yiwei could no longer watch or listen to it. Both women were about to collapse.

"Sister Lan, don't stop me, I'll go up and tear that girl Zhuzi apart..." Xia Yiwei whispered to Du Lan with all her teeth and claws.

"Not only you think, but I also want..." Du Lan also said angrily.

"Then we'll keep this picture for her after we take it down later." Xia Yiwei suddenly thought of something, and suggested to Du Lan with bright eyes.

"That's a good suggestion, let's do it this way." Hearing Xia Yiwei's suggestion, Du Lan immediately snapped her fingers and nodded in satisfaction.

Just like that, Du Lan and Xia Yiwei were also slapping their little Jiujiu below. They were waiting for Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu's performance to end so that they could get the work into their pockets.

"But how do we divide?" Du Lan looked at Xia Yiwei curiously.

"Us?" Xia Yiwei was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"We... let's just sell it... we will invite Qing Zhu and Teacher Wang Zhou to have a meal..." Xia Yiwei suggested with a sly smile.

"This proposal is dead, let's do it..." Du Lan and Xia Yiwei hit it off immediately.

What the two of them didn't see was... Xu Qingzhu had already seen the two of them whispering there from the corner of his eye. Although he didn't know what they were planning, according to Xu Qingzhu's understanding of them, it was definitely a calculation her big deal.

Xu Qingzhu couldn't help laughing, she had already guessed something.

(End of this chapter)

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