my wife is the queen

Chapter 719 Sun Qianying's Love for Wang Zhou

Chapter 719 Sun Qianying's Love for Wang Zhou

"Cough cough cough... This topic is over... Let's continue with the next content..." Wang Zhou realized that he seemed to be overplaying, so he hurriedly braked and couldn't continue, otherwise he would definitely not be able to stop.


The students in the class were all amused by Wang Zhou's actions.

The audience in the live broadcast room also started booing in the comment area. They also kept talking there, and many people shouted there.

"Teacher Wang Zhou, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Mr. Wang Zhou, is your girlfriend Teacher Xu Qingzhu..."

"We are looking forward to the combination of Teacher Wang Zhou and Teacher Xu Qingzhu!"

"I dare to bet that Teacher Wang Zhou and Teacher Xu Qingzhu are a couple. Even if they are not now, they will definitely be in the future. I bet that if they can't get together, I won't get married in this life. "


"Mr. Wang Zhou, the friends in the comment section of the live broadcast room are playing a bit too big..." At this time, Zhang Yiyi looked at Wang Zhou, covered his mouth, and said with a smile.

"Playing big?" Wang Zhouyi was taken aback, looking at Zhang Yiyi with a look of astonishment, not understanding what Zhang Yiyi was talking about.

Everyone in the classroom also looked at Zhang Yiyi, expecting Zhang Yiyi's words.

"That thing is like this... Many netizens in the live broadcast room are betting... If Senior Wang Zhou and Senior Sister Zhuzi can't get together, then they will bet that they will never get married in this life, so ...This game is a bit big, and there are a lot of people booing, and many people have joined this team." Zhang Yiyi really couldn't hold back her smile, but she tried her best to control her emotions and not let herself laugh and collapse.


All the students in the classroom laughed.

At the same time, applause rang out.


"Together with!"

"together together together!"


The students in the classroom are all excited, and they all look forward to Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu being together, which is the wish of all the teachers and students of Shanghai University.

Wang Zhou stared in astonishment at the booing students in the classroom, even his teacher Kang Borui... at this moment, he was also booing with Dean Yang and the others.

Wang Zhou completely lost his temper.

Xu Qingzhu is also watching the live broadcast at the moment, and Kang Wanyan and Sun Qianying are beside her, and they also saw this scene in the live broadcast room at the moment.

"It seems that the netizens are looking forward to you being with Teacher Wang Zhou... But if you don't want to, you can help me get a line. I am very interested in Teacher Wang Zhou. Although I am a bit old, But didn't it say on the Internet that the sister's kindness is the real kindness..." Sun Qianying looked at Xu Qingzhu at this moment, and she also began to tease Xu Qingzhu.

Of course, Xu Qingzhu knew very well, not to mention Sun Qianying, there were many people who were eyeing Wang Zhou covetously, and they all looked forward to Wang Zhou very much.

"Then you can give it a try... I didn't stop you..." Xu Qingzhu looked at Sun Qianying calmly, she knew that Sun Qianying wanted to get her to talk more.

Sun Qianying kept staring at Xu Qingzhu, trying to see something from Xu Qingzhu's expression, but in the end she couldn't see anything.

Sun Qianying looked astonished. She originally thought that there was a problem with Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu, but every time she tried it, she failed every time, and she couldn't find one, two, three...

"Director Kang...what do you think? How about we compete for Wang Zhou?" Sun Qianying looked at Kang Wanyan. Now Kang Wanyan is director Zhang Yiran's assistant, so Sun Qianying has always called Kang Wanyan as Director Kang.

"I'll leave it to you, I'll forget it, I'm living well alone now." Kang Wanyan and Xu Qingzhu looked at each other, then said to Sun Qianying with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite. Don't regret it then." Sun Qianying looked at Xu Qingzhu and Kang Wanyan and reiterated.

Sun Qianying emphasized over and over again that the main purpose was actually to stimulate Xu Qingzhu. She just felt that there was something wrong with Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu, but she couldn't see anything from Xu Qingzhu's expression and demeanor. This was the biggest problem.

"Then you have to work hard..."

It was rare for Kang Wanyan to joke with Sun Qianying. Normally, Kang Wanyan seldom joked. After all, this matter involved two parties, so she was very happy.

Kang Wanyan didn't forget to glance at Xu Qingzhu when she spoke, and Xu Qingzhu also smiled happily, she really didn't say much.

Xu Qingzhu knew very well that Sun Qianying was deliberately entertaining him, not because she really liked Wang Zhou...

"Okay, wait for my good news..." Sun Qianying nodded seriously, and did not forget to wink at Xu Qingzhu triumphantly, which meant provocation.

Xu Qingzhu still didn't change his expression, but looked at Sun Qianying with a smile on his face.

Sun Qianying was a little discouraged at the moment. Judging from Xu Qingzhu's expression, she really didn't see anything, which made Sun Qianying suspicious.

"Could it be that little girl Qingzhu has nothing to do with Wang Zhou? It shouldn't be... I always think they have something to do, but..."

Sun Qianying began to doubt herself.

Sun Qianying was really puzzled.


"This...betting...I am not responsible...don't blame me if you don't get married by then, if you can't find a partner, I didn't take the initiative." Wang Zhou immediately blamed him. Xuan's decision, so nothing can be revealed yet.


The students in the classroom were all amused by Wang Zhou's words again, and the audience in the live broadcast room were also amused. They didn't expect Wang Zhou to forcibly throw the blame to such an extent.

Although they all know that even if Wang Zhou is really with Xu Qingzhu, he can't admit it under this situation. After all, under the strong atmosphere in the live broadcast room last night, neither Wang Zhou nor Xu Qingzhu accepted If so, let alone today...

"Don't force me... If you force me to admit that I have a relationship with my senior in the live broadcast room, then when the senior comes back from the 'Zhudian' film and television city, I won't be able to stand it. Who of you will stop me? A gun?" Wang Zhou also began to joke at this moment.


"And I……"

"And I!"

"Count me in too!"


The students at the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room were booing one after another.

Anyway, they all knew that if Xu Qingzhu really came to kill him, how far they ran, how could they help Wang Zhou block the gun, and it was impossible for Wang Zhou to let them block the gun at that time, so now they all Even booing is an indifferent attitude.

"You are just not afraid of big things." Wang Zhou couldn't help laughing as he watched the crowd booing in class.

"I'm not going to be fooled by you, and you don't want to succeed in your tricks..." Wang Zhou waited for everyone to laugh, and then said with a smile.

"Okay, that digression is over, let's continue our class..." Wang Zhou paused, then nodded and said with a smile.

Hearing Wang Zhou's words, the class fell silent instantly.

The comment area in the live broadcast room also stopped, and the comments also stopped.

They are all looking forward to Wang Zhou's surprise next...

"The ancients did not see the current moon, but the current moon once illuminated the ancients.

"Wang Zhou turned around and wrote fourteen more words on the blackboard.

Still the same as before, everyone followed suit.

Wang Zhou is Wang Zhou, and every sentence he writes can always bring surprises to people.

Wang Zhou didn't let them go on, he just explained himself.

"People today have never seen the moon in ancient times, but today's moon travels through time and space, shining past and present."

The audience in the classroom and in the live broadcast room listened very carefully, and they all listened to these words in their hearts.

"Do you have any thoughts?" After Wang Zhou finished speaking, he looked at the students in the classroom with a smile, and asked lightly.

Soon, many students raised their hands.

They are very clear that no matter what they say is right or wrong, as long as they express it, it is their courage, and in Wang Zhou's class, there is no right or wrong, but the angles and ways of thinking about problems are very different.

After everyone finished expressing, Wang Zhou immediately began to make the concluding remarks.

"Yes, you are all right. The moon is the same moon, but time moves forward, people are constantly evolving, and the level of social culture is constantly improving. Don't look down on the ancients, but don't look down on yourself , let alone look down on our future."

"is not it?"


The students in the class applauded enthusiastically and responded loudly at the same time. They were all infected by Wang Zhou's words.

In Wang Zhou's class, there is always something to gain, and you can feel the impact of some strong philosophies, which can make people enlightened.

"The universe is infinite, but human life is short. If human beings can integrate their limited life into nature, they will be infinite."

Wang Zhou paused and continued.

At this moment, the students in the classroom and the audience in the live broadcast room began to think deeply, carefully chewing on the taste of these two sentences, savoring the connotation and charm of them.

"Okay, let's continue..."

Wang Zhou paused, did not give everyone too much time, but continued to start.

"First come to be the king, and then to be the minister!"

Wang Zhou wrote eight words on the blackboard.

"Who will tell..." Wang Zhou took the initiative to ask the students in the class to express their understanding and attitude this time.

Several raised their hands.

Many people wanted to raise their hands, but after thinking about it, they finally put their hands down. Some of them felt that their understanding might be different, and they were still struggling.

"Senior, I think the meaning of this sentence should be that the person who arrives first can be the emperor, and the person who arrives later can only be a courtier..."

clap clap!

Wang Zhou applauded first.

Afterwards, everyone in the classroom applauded accordingly.

The applause stopped, and Wang Zhou spoke slowly.

"Actually, the meaning of this sentence is this... It's very simple and superficial, without too many twists and turns, it's just so direct and popular."

"Then put this sentence a little more directly, and put it in a more general way. Only by walking ahead of your opponent can you gain the upper hand and win in the end. In fact, it is somewhat similar to "the early bird catches the worm"... Do you feel right?"


Everyone in the class responded enthusiastically, and they all resonated greatly with Wang Zhou's explanation.

"The early bird catches the worm...that's a real classic."

"Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books... If this is the case, I spend two hours a week listening to Mr. Wang Zhou's live broadcast. Very candid."

"It's true that every time I'm in Teacher Wang Zhou's open class, I'm full of anticipation, and my heart is full of agitation."


Kang Borui and Dean Yang looked at each other and nodded in approval. They both thought so.

"Do you think time is faster in modern society or in ancient times?" Wang Zhou smiled and continued to ask.

"Of course it is the same." Everyone replied.

"But... how about you think dialectically?"

"That's Hyundai Express!"



Everyone was thinking about the problem following the rhythm of Wang Zhou.

Wang Zhou nodded.

"That's right. If you think about it through dialectical thinking, it's modern society. Why?"

"Everyone should be aware that the competition in all walks of life in society is very fierce now, coupled with the relatively advanced technology, the news is transmitted very quickly, and a few minutes may determine a person's success or failure. A person may fall from heaven to hell in an instant , It is also possible to enter heaven from hell in an instant. Therefore, in today's society, the thought and meaning of "first come to be the king, and then to be the minister" are more worthy of our study."

clap clap clap!
There was applause in the classroom, and they all understood what Wang Zhou was trying to say at this moment.

Obviously, Wang Zhou's words are very direct and clear, which can make people clearly understand the true meaning that Wang Zhou wants to express.

I also understood the true meaning of the so-called "first come to be the king, and then to be the minister".

"Then let's continue... There is still some time before the end of get out of class!" Wang Zhou paused and continued without saying anything.

Wang Zhou turned around and wrote a paragraph on the blackboard again.

"Mo Daojun walks early, and there are more early walkers. Don't believe in the straight and the straight, and must guard against benevolence."

Twenty words, in one go.

Wang Zhou is so serious.

"Come on, read it together."

Wang Zhou changed the way this time, and started to invite everyone to read together. Before, they asked everyone to read silently one by one, but now he wants everyone to read together.

"Mo Daojun walks early, and there are more early walkers. Don't believe in the straight and the straight, and must guard against benevolence."

Immediately there was a chorus of voices in the classroom.

"Who will interpret it?" Wang Zhou and others asked with a smile after they finished reading.

"I come!"

A lot of people started raising their hands and expressing their views.

Wang Zhou took a deep breath, then smiled, and continued.

"This sentence tells people, never think that you act early, there may be people who move faster. Therefore, don't procrastinate in doing things, rather one step earlier than one step later. There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people. The pace of rushing to be the first cannot keep up with the time There will always be someone who walks in front of you and one step ahead of you. Therefore, there is no need to be so frustrated in life. After all, there are many things that cannot be achieved only through hard work. It is up to people to plan things, and it is up to God to achieve them. As long as you do your best Personnel, the results don’t need to be too concerned.”

(End of this chapter)

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