my wife is the queen

Chapter 729 Industry bigwigs show up together to help confer the gods

Chapter 729 Industry bigwigs show up together to help confer the gods
Not only Zhou Shengsheng felt like he was in a dream, but some old fans who had been following Zhou Shengsheng were also stunned by this statistic.

They also stared blankly at the data, full of astonished expressions.

"It's worthy of bamboo music, it's worthy of being the work of 'Fengming Qishan', and it's worthy of being the prince of love songs..." Netizens began to discuss it on the Internet.

"Although I cry every time I listen to it, I really can't help it, but I want to continue listening after listening to it every time, just want to play it on a loop."

"Me too! But this data is really shocking!"


Many netizens saw the refreshed data on some platforms through Penguin Music, and were shocked by these data, but the real data is even more impactful.

An hour later, Penguin Music's official platform and Bamboo Music Platform released the real-time data of the song "Twilight".

""Twilight" has exceeded 650 million views in one hour, and 480 million downloads...Congratulations to "Twilight", and congratulations to Mr. Zhou Shengsheng!"

The two platforms announced the data officially at the same time, and then the two platforms did nothing but simply released the data.

And the netizens had been waiting there for a long time. After seeing this data, they were all shocked, and their hearts were also greatly shocked.

"This data... I am afraid that besides the singer of Bamboo Music, who else can do it?"

"My God, it's really unbelievable. Are you sure this data is true? I feel that it's more fake than fake... This data is a bit too perfunctory..."

"Hahaha... The host is right, I think this data is a bit too fake. But only Bamboo Music can make this data look so indistinguishable! I really feel incredible..."

"In fact, I never thought that Mr. Zhou Shengsheng could become popular, because the gimmick of 'Memory Killing' has been used badly. Although Mr. Zhou Shengsheng has the blessings of 'Fengming Qishan' and bamboo music, this gimmick that is so bad on the street must be It’s impossible. Teacher Zhou Shengsheng encountered the worst timing, but I still didn’t expect it after all the calculations... Teacher Zhou Shengsheng not only became popular, but also produced such a beautiful answer sheet and data, it’s simply unbelievable If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, if I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't have believed it was true..."

"That's right, this data is really too impactful! It is definitely a data that even a proper super singer can't create..."

"If the data at the beginning was due to the blessings of Teacher Zhuzi and Teacher Fengming Qishan to attract fans, but the stamina of this data has not diminished at all, and many viewers are playing it repeatedly, this shows another fact. Zhou Shengsheng This song "Twilight" is really amazing!"

"Yes, that's right. The song "Twilight" is amazing, it's amazing!"

"I really want to cry when I listen to it... But this can't conceal the quality of the song "Twilight", it's too high-end!"


"Today's evening sunset, the sunset is very dazzling. The sunset is very beautiful and purple, which is different from other places. But the sunset disappeared in an instant. Listening to the song "Twilight", I have a special feeling at this moment." Netizens are sitting on the top of the mountain at the moment, watching the sunset on the west mountain, looking at the dusk at dusk, and listening to the song "Twilight", they have a special feeling in their hearts.

"This song is a typical bitter love song, that kind of bitterness is bitter, that kind of bitterness is bleak, and the bitterness to the extreme can form a kind of resonance in the listener's heart, coupled with the melody of the teacher's 'Fengming Qishan' It is very good, and it is also very catchy, which makes the work deeply rooted in people's hearts and becomes a unique label. It is really a perfect match for Mr. Zhou Shengsheng! Teacher 'Fengming Qishan' is indeed a master of lyrics and music, contemporary music With the existence of the leader in the world, he can always perfectly match the song with the singer, and can be perfectly integrated. This is the real strength, unparalleled strength, and this is the real tailor-made."

The famous music critic 'Lun Hai' also reposted the song "Twilight" and commented on the song. Although there are not many words, every sentence is classic.

'Len Hai' said the teacher. "This "Twilight" is a provocative and tender song. From the melody of this song, the listener can deeply feel a poignant, melancholy, and sad emotion. The two paragraphs of the climax of the song The confrontation is neat, like a man's desperate call, as if Zhou Shengsheng is recalling the situation when she left... Cough, cough, who is taking the liberty to ask, who is this song based on? Teacher Zhou Shengsheng? Or "Fengming Qishan" 'Teacher, I'm really gossip!"

"Teacher Lun Hai is right, we are also very gossip!"

"Support Teacher Lun Hai's gossip!"

"Whether it's Mr. Zhou Shengsheng or the prototype of Mr. Fengming Qishan, it doesn't matter, you will always have us! We will always support you! Believe us, we can always accompany you, accompany you all the way..."

"Always support Teacher 'Fengming Qishan' and Teacher Zhou Shengsheng! This song "Twilight" will be our promise together!"


Following the comments of teacher 'Lun Hai', netizens once again sparked heated discussions!
Of course, everyone is arguing about who is the prototype of the song "Twilight"?

Of course, everyone is guessing that it is either the teacher of 'Fengming Qishan' himself, or Zhou Shengsheng...Because according to previous cases, the songs tailored by 'Fengming Qishan' are based on the singer's own facts. , Therefore, netizens are speculating whether this song is based on the prototype of Mr. Zhou Shengsheng?Of course, they have never heard of Zhou Shengsheng's experience in this area, so netizens also began to point their fingers at "Fengming Qishan". After all, it can be written so realistically and with such a sense of substitution. It should have been thought out... It is difficult to do it simply by thinking without experience.

Of course, this topic was quickly replaced by another topic...

Although teacher 'Lun Hai' appeared, many bigwigs in the music industry showed up one after another and began to comment on this song "Twilight".

"I am a music student, and I have some knowledge of music theory. I have played "Twilight" three times in a loop, and I am still amazed by it. There is no other reason. The music of this song is too good." Some music students at the school commented on this The first "Twilight" made the ultimate evaluation.

They gave professional evaluation and praise to the lyrics and music of this song from a professional point of view, and they were also amazed by the song "Twilight".

Professor Song Lihong of Magic Music also showed up to speak out, and made a very professional evaluation of this song "Twilight". "The song "Twilight" repeats 613 almost throughout, and the chorus here is level 5, 63456. Within the framework of such chords, a melody that is astonishing as heaven and man has been built. To be honest, this is not simple. As music Professor of the department, I admire the teacher 'Fengming Qishan' very much. The reason why I say this is because writing songs in this relatively popular chord progression has very high requirements for melody, and the chord framework itself is very common. So once the melody is written in a cliché, the shortcomings will be multiplied. But correspondingly, once the melody is well written, its advantages will also be very prominent. "Twilight", or "Fengming Qishan" The teacher's work itself undoubtedly belongs to the latter. In this regard, I have to admire the teacher 'Fengming Qishan'. If the teacher 'Fengming Qishan' is interested, on behalf of Moyin, I welcome you to come to Moyin for guidance. At the same time, I look forward to the teacher 'Fengming Qishan' being able to join Moyin as a consultant of our Moyin. We sincerely welcome you to come! I hope my invitation can be seen by you... Please help me up , don’t let this post sink to the bottom! Song Lihong is here to thank you all!”

"Wow... Oh my god, Professor Song Lihong of the Magic Voice actually openly invited teacher 'Fengming Qishan' to join the Magic Voice. Is this an obvious stealing?"

"Teacher Song Lihong is a typical academic professional professor. She has always been rigorous in her professional field. In the music circle, she is a typical type of professor who only cares about academics, regardless of human relationships and positions...I didn't expect her to openly express her To the praise of teacher 'Fengming Qishan', at this point, it is obvious that teacher 'Fengming Qishan' has been sought after by the big names in the mainstream music industry!"

"Hahaha... With the support of Teacher Song Lihong, I would like to see if there is any other so-called professional professor who is not good at pointing at Teacher 'Fengming Qishan'. From now on, "Fengming Qishan" teacher is Standing at the pinnacle of the music circle, teacher Song Lihong is the platform for the teacher of 'Fengming Qishan', everything is going with the flow!
"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it... The first one to stand up was actually Professor Song Lihong, the most difficult to talk in the music circle, my God! What kind of fairy operation is this."


Immediately afterwards, Professor Li Huaihai of Diyin also gave a professional evaluation of the song "Twilight" from the professional field.

"The melody of the song "Twilight" is simple, but it is very memorable. The tune of "Twilight" is catchy and easy to remember. I believe that even if it is passed on for many years, "Twilight" can still be sung for a long time. This is the charm of the song "Twilight". The main and chorus of "Twilight" are basically a direct repetition of the same melody, which can well impress the audience and remember the most essential phrases. And "Twilight" also It’s not the kind of rudimentary, cheesy brainwashing where you can only remember the chorus and can’t remember the verse. It’s every paragraph that catches the ear, stunning, and not obscure. The lines of the verse are short first and then long. The chorus is just the opposite, well-proportioned and differentiated. This song is really amazing, whether it is lyrics or music, it shows the master's skills and literary talent of the 'Fengming Qishan' teacher."

"Damn, another big boss... God, if Professor Zheng Junmei of Shanghai Metropolis University said this, I think it is understandable, because Professor Zheng Junmei and teacher Xu Qingzhu of Bamboo Music are in a master-student relationship, so every time Teacher Zheng Junmei They will all stand up for the bamboo music platform. Of course, the music recommended by Mr. Zheng Junmei is very good, which has to be admired. But first Professor Song Lihong of Magic Music, and now Professor Li Huaihai of Diyin, too incredible gone."

"Professor Li Huaihai is definitely a well-known professional professor. He also judges people by his works in Diyin, and he will never judge his superiority by his position. Therefore, Professor Li Huaihai can stand up and criticize this song "Twilight". The evaluation, I personally think it is incredible. Because Professor Li Huaihai was my teacher when I was a graduate student. His temper is too weird. I have a deep understanding. I make this evaluation, which is definitely the most authentic evaluation. It is a real evaluation. Feelings are expressed, and they are absolutely true and appropriate.”

"What you said above is correct. I am also a student of Professor Li Huaihai, but I am an undergraduate student. The degree of rigor he treats the professional field is absolutely incredible. This is why he can stand up to the 'Fengming Qishan' "I still find it shocking to evaluate the teacher's "Twilight", of course not only me, but also many netizens, I believe that everyone who knows Professor Li Huaihai may find it incredible, right?"


Many netizens stood up and felt incredible about the evaluations of Professor Li Huaihai and Song Lihong, but it also fully demonstrated the fact that the song "Twilight" is definitely a classic.

Originally, there were some competitors of Bamboo Music who wanted to buy a water army to attack Zhou Shengsheng's "Twilight", but found that... this was worthless at all.

Song Lihong of Moyin and Li Huaihai of Diyin came out to stand on the platform in person. No matter how many sailors they hired, it would have no meaning and value, because Professor Li Huaihai and Professor Song Lihong are synonymous with profession. The two of them can give such a high evaluation to this song "Twilight", which means that this song is definitely worthy of this evaluation.

Soon, after Professors Li Huaihai and Song Lihong, the comments of Professor Zheng Junmei from Modu University also arrived as scheduled.

"I saw netizens calling my name, so I will not be polite. The tune of "Twilight" is very delicate and has a strong sense of picture. I know that Mr. Zhou Shengsheng has a title called "Prince of Love Songs". Different from the "Music Talent" promoted by the marketing, Mr. Zhou Shengsheng's title of "Prince of Love Songs" is well deserved and based on his strength. Of course, apart from Mr. Zhou Shengsheng's singing skills, he has to pay attention to the title of "Fengming Qishan" Give a very high evaluation. In this song "Twilight", "Fengming Qishan" uses a lot of minor chords and minor tones, which makes the song itself have a strong sense of picture. Even if you don't listen to the lyrics, the listener can still Feel: as if you are in the afterglow of the setting sun, slowly surrounded by the setting sun, and finally swallowed by the night, such an atmosphere.”

"Actually, I'm thinking, if it's a pure piano version, I can feel it, remove the lyrics, what it feels like to have an extremely beautiful melody."


As soon as Zheng Junmei's comments came out, there was an upsurge of heated discussions on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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