Tang Qi Tan

Chapter 20

Chapter 20
After bidding farewell to Ambassador Liang's residence, Jiang Tian failed to make the return journey to his former residence; instead, he continued to take another road in a carriage.

And this route seems to be extraordinarily long.Starting from Chonghua Square on the edge of the West Market, it walked southward along the towering city wall; the sound of kicking resounded for more than an hour before it stopped.

The bustling crowds along the way also change from the bustling crowds to the endless stream of people; , and appear to wither down.

"Jiang Sheng, Youtufang is here."

Then, Fan Shizi's familiar voice rang in front of the car:

And following Jiang Tian, ​​whose legs and feet were numb, he also slowly got off the carriage; in front of him stood a tall, simple and mottled three-story archway.And on the archway there is the word "Zhaoxing" as huge as a bucket.

And under the archway, several black-colored soft-pushed guards appeared out of nowhere, wearing arrow-clothed tube armor, and looked at them covetously; Step back into the shadows.

And after passing through this heavy archway, there is another two-foot-high square wall and a small blue-gray gatehouse, lying in front of Jiang Tian and his party.The sign above the gate tower has become "You Tu Fang".

In the interval between calling the door and waiting for the inside to open, Fan Shizi once again explained to Jiang Tian apologetically:
"Although the letter of amnesty has been issued, according to the usual practice, Jiang Sheng will be required to stay in Zuo Tu Fang for a while."

"It's okay."

Jiang Tian smiled slightly:
"I want to trouble you, and spend some time here with me."

"Don't bother, don't bother."

However, Fan Shizi hastily waved his hands and said:
"We're getting a little tired of guarding in the prison, so it's good to use Jiang Sheng's excuse to play in another place."

"Then please, I hope your family won't blame me for it."

Jiang Tian also said without being pretentious or polite: After all, although this person's strength is not known, it means that he is an official guard and protection.

"She dares?"

But Fan Shizi couldn't help but stare his eyes, then smiled and said:
"What's more, thanks to Jiang Sheng, I'm here to pay for the expenses, but she doesn't have to worry about her business trips."

After chatting with these few words, the heavy iron-gray door finally opened; it leaked out immediately, and after walking for a long time with the outside world, except for the wall or the wall, you can't see the tranquility and desolation of other people; the noise and fireworks are completely different breath.

And the officials in charge of the escort behind him also seemed relieved, and hurriedly retreated away, as if they were afraid of incurring some bad luck and taboos; The carriage departs.

And long before arriving, Jiang Tian had already understood the origin of Tufang.Its predecessor, the earliest can be derived from the founding of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Taizong, a sudden whim of a show; it is the so-called "Yi Shi Gui Prisoner" allusion.

("At the end of the Xin Dynasty, the emperor personally recorded that he was a prisoner. When he saw the person who should die, Min Zhi, let him go home, and he will die in the coming autumn. He still ordered the death row prisoners all over the world to be sent to the capital." "Last year All the 390 prisoners on death row in the world, no one supervised, all went to the court as scheduled, and no one died, and the superiors pardoned them.")
However, since the death row prisoner was pardoned by the emperor's golden words, he could not be sent back to the village casually; if there was a mistake, would it be a slap in the face of the magistrate or the eternal sage?So someone came up with a workaround.

Also on the grounds of the great grace of the emperor, these released death row prisoners were gathered together, and they were placed in a remote place in the south of Chang'an City, and their families were brought in as a safe place.Anyway, once the gate of the small town is closed, it is like confinement and residential surveillance in disguise.

This also became the origin of the first batch of residents of Zuotufang in Chang'an City.Later, those who were pardoned for serious crimes all followed this story, and many minor offenders who were not enough to be imprisoned were also sent to serve in it one after another, and the current situation came into being.

He even became some of the prisoners in the prisons in Chang'an, the only place where he could come out regularly to let some air and breathe, and even try to live a family life.Later, due to the increasing demand for overcrowding, a new area was built on the side, which expanded into Zuo Zuo Fang.

Later, during the Anshi Rebellion, as the official army counterattacked Chang'an, Cui Guangyuan, the former Jingzhao Shaoyin who pretended to surrender to the rebels, took the opportunity to open the door to greet him; the result was caught off guard, and An Lushan's adopted sons Sun Xiaozhe and An Shenwei, who were generals of the rebel army, were caught off guard. Back here.

Then it was burned and broken by the firearms troops belonging to the Longwu Army in King Qin's army.Therefore, in fact, the present Zuotufang is the product of reconstruction on the ruins of several nearby city squares, and it is only 80 or [-] years ago.

After the rebuilding, the Zuo Tu Fang is no longer a special supervision area, but more of a place for minor offenders to serve their sentences; and every few years, regularly or irregularly, personnel after the amnesty of the world will also be taken here. In the past period of time, we can see the aftereffect.This time, more people gathered together.

Therefore, the current Tufang is just like other districts in Chang’an City; there are self-sufficient rice noodle shops, cloth and clothing shops, restaurants and tea shops, workshops, and even morning markets on the streets after knocking on the door. , night market included; all internal functions and most facilities.

Therefore, as Jiang Tian gradually penetrated into it, except for the guards in armor and bows on the walls and watchtowers, and the occasional jailers and Marquis Wu who patrolled past; It seems that there is not much difference from the outside world.

As for the relatively tidy and flat part of the street, the depths of all kinds of cobweb-covered alleys, those jagged outcropping buildings, the messy piles of illegal buildings, and the remnants of the sewage flowing across the ground, ups and downs in the ditches The suspicious existence in the...

It also made Jiang Tian involuntarily feel a certain familiarity and intimacy instinctively again.Just like his predecessor in this era, he used to like to hang out and deal with those low-end places in the market place where he used to gather and visit as an excuse.

And on this small gatehouse, Murong Wu, the jailer who has changed into a new outfit, is also staring at the back of the Jiangtian Changjie; The ruffian general said:

"That's him. I hope your sons and daughters will put more thought into it."

"I'm guarding this field, and there are too many people coming to explain, and all kinds of notes have filled half of my closet."

This ruffian general laughed nonchalantly:

"But I don't know what kind of virtue and ability this fellow is, to actually work for you, an old goose, and come to explain the relationship in person? Is it true that you are so idle?"

"I don't know, are the Imperial Palace Courtyard and Dianzhong Province enough for you, Chen Guanshui?"

Murong Wu was unmoved and said:

"Forget it, then tell me the truth."

Hearing this, the ruffian general could not help restraining his face and said with determination:
"To what extent my son can do it, what kind of result will the grown-ups have to achieve."

"I can't tell you more inside information, and I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it."

Murong Wu was unmoved and said:

"As long as people are kept alive, other relationships and intersections that arise from this are what people want to see."

And walking on the long street in Tufang, Jiang Tian also had two temporary attendants by his side.One is Fan Shizi, who has a chest and belly, but judging by his smiling face, it seems that he doesn't have much opinion on the change of identity from a guard to a servant.

And the other one is an authentic native of Tufang, and also the guide Xiao Ao who was born as a local snake; it is said that he is an outcast born in Tufang, so he is used to and familiar with living in Tufang since he was a child, and he doesn't want to. Go back to the outside room again.

And he also has another part-time identity, which is an informant in the Gongmen, but he doesn't know how many are online.According to Xiao Ao's personal statement, he was assigned this time not only as a guide, but also to avoid unexpected accidents.

Therefore, after Jiang Tian stuffed him with a handful of copper coins, he became more talkative and talkative:

"Lang Jun, you should know that there are 28 miles and 41 markets in this Tufang, but over the years, I don't know how many have been built in private."

"Among these markets, household objects such as rice noodles and oilcloth are not much more expensive than those outside, and there are even cheaper ones. It's just the quality..."

"Mr. Lang should understand that the uncles of Marquis Wu and their helpers also have to support their families."

"If you want a good source of benefits, there are also some, mainly in those streets, but there is something behind it."

"If your husband wants to save worry and trouble, there are Quyuan, teahouses, wine shops, guest houses, etc. on the north and south streets;"

"As long as you have enough money in your pocket, if you enter one of them, you can order someone to run errands for other troubles."

"Of course, everything depends on that Adu object to be able to talk, and the little one has also waited on it."

Hearing this, Jiang Tian couldn't help but said: "But I don't know, there may be some kind of township gang association in it."

"What, why does your lord think so?"

However, Xiao Ao was surprised when he heard the words:

"Under the noses of Wuhou and the poor masters, how could such a thing happen?"

"It's my fault."

However, on the other side he pretended to be stupid, Jiang Tian just smiled; because of this, Xindao has relevant existence, as the gray offline and tentacles of those public officials to save management costs.But he still opened his mouth to explain:

"It's just that I naturally don't want to make trouble. It's just that I'm inevitably in it, and I want to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages to avoid some right and wrong, or I accidentally committed a taboo."

"Lang-jun is right to think this way, the villain doesn't know much; but I also heard some places that are inconvenient to go to..."

Although Xiao Ao did not answer directly, he also indirectly gave the answer and direction:

So, after Jiang Tian added a handful of copper coins, Xiao Ao changed his words again:

"I still know a thing or two about the places where the rough men and servants gather in the workshop..."

Of course, most of the time Jiang Tian is still a listener with a smile and no words.Of course he believed that most of what Xiao Ao, who was sent as a guide, could say was true, but he couldn't believe everything.

Because of such things as informants, after eating the host and the west, who would have known that this side would tell you, turn around and sell what you inquired about here?Let alone a complete stranger?

At least along the way, there were more than a dozen people who greeted him openly; there were more than a dozen inadvertent eye contact and face-to-face encounters.

Finally, after walking through a few streets, Jiang Tian and his party came to the depths of Tufang, which became more and more lively, and the buildings on the street became more tidy and clean; The shack has also become a small building with three or five floors.

And Jiang Tian's foothold in the next few months will be in this building called Happy Street, one of which looks very old and in disrepair.

 This was originally a chapter from last night, but I fell asleep after watching the Mid-Autumn Festival show with my children, and it was already early morning when I woke up
(End of this chapter)

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