Tang Qi Tan

Chapter 33

Chapter 33
Looking at the flames that sprang up in many squares one after another, it was like merging the Youtufang, which was peaceful during the day, with the other side where the demons danced wildly at night; and completely overturned the difference between day and night. Among the fireworks everywhere, the chaos became a pot of boiling porridge.

And beside Jiang Tian and Fan Shizi, they have already followed a group of people, a group of followers holding weapons.Surrounded by young and strong people on the outside, some women and children are hidden inside, but they are all pursing their lips tightly, or biting something, and follow closely in silence for fear of being pulled down.

And next to the leader Fan Shizi, there are two soap-clothed men on the left and right.It was the two who entered and searched at the beginning; only the young one had lost his head, and the other old one simply wrapped his head with a thick bandage.Holding a short knife and an iron ruler in his hand, his eyes were blood red from the smoke, and his body was also splattered with blood. It was very scary at first glance.

As the central command and advice, Jiang Tian, ​​who also serves as the reserve team, walks among the crowd.Shouting from time to time makes people slow down so that they can help and treat the injured, women and children with limited mobility; or during short breaks, assign people to collect supplies nearby in order to improve the situation.

Therefore, most of the young and strong people clustered around the periphery at this moment are holding window panels or shields converted from pot lids, and at the same time copying sharpened bamboo poles or sticks with nails in the other hand; The strong Gongren or Marquis Wu were holding iron hooks, forks, and bone-chopping knives, and they also tried to look vigilant.

And some young and strong without weapons are also responsible for carrying stretchers or supporting the wounded who can still walk.The women and children on the inner side were also not idle, either holding and leading the children, or carrying the burdens and bags of food and drinks collected along the way; and the leader was Chu Yu who met halfway.

At least for this kind of thing, Jiang Tian is quite familiar with it.As a member of a foreign aid medical team, he has worked as a security guard and a temporary consultant; he has participated in the evacuation of personnel from war-torn conflict areas more than once; he has never eaten pork and has seen walking.

Therefore, it is easy to arrange the young and strong, women and children in several orders according to the forward, squadron and rear; Observe the eyeliner at the back.

And the one next to Jiang Tian was a half-grown man with a bleak face. Although he could wear rags and paint his face black, his gestures and gestures were overflowing, that pampered style and invisible sense of superiority, But it couldn't be concealed at all.

Although Jiang Tian really wanted to find an opportunity to get rid of this trouble that seemed to be a hindrance.But the reminder that he couldn't stand in the field of vision suddenly fell on the pale boy who was using the voice changer.So, I can only take him with me.

However, it was also because Jiang Tian took the initiative to bring this weak chicken who would only hide in the corner shivering; as a result, many people nearby followed up.A few officials and family members who escaped from the North District, and many merchants and employees whose shops were destroyed.

Therefore, seeing that Jiang Tian was carrying this burden, he couldn't get rid of them for the time being; he simply turned back and used Fan Shizi as a force and deterrent, and after a little encouragement, he organized it simply; and formulated the basic rules with his fists and conditions.

As for this task target that had to be carried with him, Jiang Tian simply gave him a convenient image code name-"Kanda Duck".Because when Jiang Tian found him, there was only one servant who was seriously injured and dying, and the duck sat on the ground at a loss.

Of course, there is also a benefit after more people follow the action; although the streets are full of rioters and thugs who smashed, smashed, looted and burned, most of them are doing their own things; there are not many people who can organize them and temporarily form Some kind of synergy.

Therefore, even if we bumped into each other on the street from time to time, under the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, we would not easily dare to provoke such a large group of armed men who seemed to have a large number of people; After that, carefully spying on them, they slowly passed by.

Even if occasionally there are a few unscrupulous or dazed people who are robbing and rushing forward, with the mutual courage and support of their own people, it is easy to work together to turn them into dead dogs lying down all the way And very dead.

On the other hand, while taking corresponding risks along the street, you are not afraid of losing your way and having no way to go; because most of the thugs active in the neighborhood are not like the citizens of Paris in history. The consciousness of building barricades and renting roads at every turn.

Just as Jiang Tian was keeping vigilant and thinking, suddenly there was a rush out of an alley, and more than a dozen people carrying various objects came.The moment they met each other, the leader of the thugs with ring eyes and hooded hair suddenly uttered a ghostly cry and rushed forward with a knife.

However, he was randomly stabbed in many places on the body by the sharpened bamboo poles that were thrown out unevenly by the crowd, and he couldn't help but pause in pain.However, during this meal, Fan Shizi used his fist with a flattening iron ring to hammer his chin with sharp eyes and quick hands, and rushed to the street with his head thrown up and bleeding.

The rest of the murderers also seemed to have been frightened and intimidated by a KO blow; suddenly they all rushed, dropped the equipment and looted objects in their hands, turned around and fled back into the alley.

So, Jiang Tian tapped the dazed "Kudaduck" on the head again, and asked him to quickly use a charcoal pen to write down a long knife and two barbecue forks that he had seized on a make-shift ledger. A butcher's knife and a list of available items are registered.

However, due to the consideration of carrying weight, except for weapons, water and medicine; any excess burden including property is not allowed.If anyone dares to secretly pick it up and carry it with him, if he finds out, he will immediately drive out of this self-help group and die on his own;

This is also the existence value and meaning that Jiang Tian deliberately created for him.Otherwise, in this temporary group, when everyone is struggling to survive, it would be too eye-catching and inexplicable why Jiang Tian should keep this idler who has never met before.

At the beginning, Kodak was of course reluctant.That is to say, he was persuaded by Jiang Tian with (physics), and he was able to calm down after a few lessons.At least, Jiang Tian has learned some painful methods of capturing and subduing prisoners without causing substantial harm.

It’s just that when it turns its head away occasionally, this darling duck will still be a little reluctant, or mutter secretly, “Although you are very rude, but my lord has a lot of people, I don’t care about you”, and so on. words of self-comfort.

At this time, from the messy shops opened by the side of the road, several people appeared again, begging to be taken along with them.However, under the reprimand of Fan Shizi, who played the black face, he did not let them approach easily, but kept a distance to question him.

Because according to the temporarily designated rules, anyone who joins this self-help group along the way must have the guarantee of two or more people they know.It is only necessary to prove that you are a neighbor in the neighborhood and have the identity of the owner; otherwise, you will rush to the rear to follow whether you like it or not.

This is also for the sake of basic safety and vigilance; Jiang Tian has seen with his own eyes more than once those giant babies who were raised in a comfortable environment in the country and raised without vigilance. Strangers; and then suffered an example.

It is a trivial matter for people in these war-torn areas to steal and rob their belongings. It is not uncommon for them to be stabbed to death, stabbed to death, or kidnapped; The thorns make trouble, that's really terrible.

The so-called humanitarianism of later generations is also based on the relatively benefited general public; it is not to satisfy personal vanity and sense of accomplishment, the kind of performance art performances and regular photo-shooting activities controlled by Western private equity NGOs.

However, I broke out of the East District without any risk and came to the Central District with a wider range; I crossed half of the side street along the main street, and I saw the archway separating the South District and the Central District; Time; things suddenly changed again.

I saw a short and wretched-looking man suddenly jumping down from the room with agility.Jiang Tian immediately called Fan Shizi to go forward.Because this former habitual thief who was serving as a soldier in Tufang and had a family here is now an outpost of this team in a certain sense.

I saw him facing Fan Shizi and Jiang Tian nervously, and said in a hasty voice:
"Bosses, things are not good. The intersections ahead are blocked by people."

"There are also some people with knives who are intercepting and interrogating passers-by."

"But those who have lived since then, wealth, women, and equipment will all be left behind."

"If anything goes wrong, it will be hacked and killed, but it is very fierce!"

(End of this chapter)

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