Tang Qi Tan

Chapter 61

Chapter 61
However, Jiang Tian, ​​who revisited his old place this time, was a little unlucky.After walking to three scenes in succession, including the street where Jiang Tian had fought and was knocked down, nothing was found.

After all, in such a densely populated area, and in a place on the street, it is still possible to hide something so that it will not be discovered by subsequent search personnel; that is really too fairy.And it seems that the people searching and exploring here are more attentive than those in the abandoned village.

So not only the blood and flesh residue splashed on the wall was scraped away; even the large and small objects in the ruins of the buildings on both sides were carefully dug out and piled up by the roadside for the on-site personnel to identify their origins ; At first glance, there is no room for meddling.

Even the busy people present had a slight look at Jiang Tian who was attracted by Murong Wu.It seems that there are people everywhere, staring at the back vaguely; it seems that the people who are chasing the scene are not so monolithic.

However, Jiang Tian was not discouraged, and he was mentally prepared for this situation.Immediately, he asked to come to the street near the street where he was inexplicably knocked down, seriously injured and unconscious, on the observation tower of the only remaining Wuhou shop, and then asked people to spread out the few topographic maps.

Taking advantage of the bright sky in the afternoon, looking down at the layout of the street, we compared them one by one.Because I have been active in war-torn areas in the early years, in the absence of navigation equipment and electronic equipment, I need some small skills and skills in surveying and mapping with the naked eye.

For example, according to the distribution of craters, determine the specific model, direction, and shooting angle;Therefore, after looking at it for a while, and drawing a few strokes on a copy of the blueprint of the city, he suddenly spoke again:

"It really is so."

At this time, Murong Wu, who was in a somewhat complicated and delicate mood, finally broke the usual silence when he saw this, and hurriedly asked:
"What did Jiang Sheng discover?"

"I can't talk about the specific discovery, it can only be regarded as a little experience."

Jiang Tian nodded slightly and said:
"In that case, please do not hesitate to order."

Murong Wu immediately said seriously:

"Send someone to these places to investigate for a while; no matter what you encounter or see, you must come back and explain the situation carefully."

Immediately, he pointed to the three sites that were specially circled on the drawing; there were also several streets marked with ink lines that communicated with each other; and the closest common intersection surrounding these streets, he said:

"it is good."

Murong Wu nodded and said yes: Immediately, he named several followers who followed, and asked them to divide into groups of two or three, and went to the designated place according to the plan to investigate the situation.And Jiang Tian also sat down cross-legged on the floor slowly, and sorted out his thoughts with his eyes closed.

Any creature has a relatively reasonable range of activities and the corresponding basic law of physical energy consumption ratio.Therefore, appearing on these streets for no reason, the probability of mass killing is very small; it is more like an active clearing of the scene and clearing the way when something cannot be done.

Therefore, what I am looking for right now is the possibility of this possibility and the clues that have been missed; according to the target in the initial guess, it should have a considerable body shape; cover and hiding place.

Afterwards, the people who were dispatched also came back one after another.Among them, the No. [-] site was excluded because it was completely burned on the spot, and there was nothing left at a glance; Jiang Tian didn't think that this target could withstand the damage of high temperature and smoke.

Then at the No. [-] meeting point, a butcher shop that survived the fire and the related deli shop were found; Jiang Tian temporarily marked it as a key observation and search.Because this kind of place seems to be the most suitable for destroying corpses and covering up blood.

Then the reply from the third location was also temporarily excluded by Jiang Tian.Because, that is where a Wuhou shop is located; it is also the place where people come and go most intensively.The existence of this kind of huge body that needs a lot of food is difficult to hide well under the eyes of everyone.

Finally, the No. [-] location, which is the farthest away, also took more time than others before replying belatedly.Because, there was a flower shop that was mostly burned down.Therefore, those who went to investigate inevitably spent more time inside to conduct preliminary searches.

Therefore, Jiang Tian took the initiative to come to the second location, the slaughter shop that was marked; however, he gave up after observing inside and outside.Because the specific site is too small, and the neighbors are all multi-storey buildings with shops next to homes, it is easy to be seen from the inside.

Then, he came to the flower shop again; from a distance, almost half of the street was occupied by this large building that could still be seen from the past under the smoke and fire.This is also a place that provides various entertainment activities similar to Goulan and Wasi in later generations.

Therefore, compared to the facade occupying a width of more than ten feet along the street, there is also a rather large courtyard inside, and various buildings with different functions are distributed therefrom.Whether it's the usual eating, drinking, listening to music, storytelling and watching theatre, or the romantic games and romantic games that red sleeves attract.

Even, in addition to traditional games such as cockfighting and dog racing, there are rumors that there are also semi-public gambling houses and private rooms.Therefore, this is also a special place that has a great relationship with the management organization of Youtufang.Chu Yu, the dancing girl from Qunyulou, escaped from here.

And Jiang Tian, ​​who just came to Youtufang, also heard him mention it several times in the mouth of Kuaijiao Xiao Ao; but for the sake of being wise and safe, he didn't have the chance to come to understand it for the time being.Therefore, for such a large building complex, the dozen or so people alone are not enough.

However, Jiang Tian seems to have underestimated the relationship and influence of the matter here.Afterwards, under the leadership of the censor Guo Chongtao, hundreds of people arrived here; and then, with an order, they stomped on the ruins and rubble all over the ground, and searched them with ease.

And he also brought more, sorted out patterns as promised; in the still partially intact front hall of this flower shop, set up seats, desks, and cabinets to set up a temporary office site.This inevitably made Jiang Tian feel a clear sense of pressure and urgency.

In fact, Guo Chongtao's scene of mobilizing teachers and mobilizing crowds naturally cannot be hidden from others.Soon, people came to spy or ask questions one after another, and then returned one after another to report.In the face of such a battle, Guo Chongtao also made it very clear:

"To tell the truth, Jiang Sheng, my investigations in other places have hit a wall one after another, and there is nothing to investigate. If I can't find anything now, I'm afraid there will be no reason to pursue the last point. If it is changed to other People come, I'm afraid it's not..."

"Then you think highly of me; it's just a possibility to discover something here..."

Jiang Tian smiled bitterly and said:
"It's enough to have this possibility! Others may not even be able to grasp this possibility."

Guo Chongtao shook his head quite firmly and said:
"But no matter what, I have to take care of all of this. The big deal is to go out and do a few years as a censor after the fact. It won't involve Jiang Sheng, just those old things you want to find I'm afraid I won't be able to help you much."

Now that the other party's powerful analysis has made it so clear; Jiang Tian naturally can't be silent.Immediately, he said directly to the left and right:

"Can you find out the pattern of the distribution of ditches near here first; at the same time, can you fill in the positions where there are pools and wellheads?"

And not far from the scene of the flower shop, with the constant gathering of people coming in and out, there are also people who are secretly pointing to Jiang Tian's location:

"Is it him?"

Another quivering voice said:

"That person is not a living person! Not only did the villain see it with his own eyes, but he came back to life out of thin air amidst the broken limbs and bloody mess. It's really frightening to just put on clothes and get up indifferently." also."

 This one is from yesterday. I accompany my child to prepare for the half-term exam review. I am really tired. I find that my knowledge is not up to date with the times.

(End of this chapter)

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