Tang Qi Tan

Chapter 83 Live

Chapter 83 Live

"Ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

An official in a vermilion robe waved his hands with an unwavering expression and shouted loudly:

"At the scene of my Jingzhao Mansion handling the case, when will it be someone's turn, and people who have nothing to do will come and intervene indiscriminately."

"Li Canjun, speak carefully!"

Immediately, someone scolded, "It's Guo Chongtao, one of the highest ranking censors present."

"This gentleman is co-organized by my banker at Yushitai, and he has co-handled several major and important court cases at the moment; how can you allow criticism?"

"Li Canjun, Mr. Jiang's ability is something I have seen with my own children from You Street, and even General Zheng Lang, so you can rest assured."

Li Chonggu, another Jinwu Street envoy judge who was present, also spoke:

"Li Canjun, what do you mean!"

Then someone came over and scoffed:
"Such a big incident happened in Pingkangbeili, and you couldn't get a clue when you were transferred. Could it be that others are not allowed to investigate? Isn't there something else to say?"

"Then... forgive me for not being able to accompany you!"

Li Canjun couldn't help but change his expression when he heard the words, because the last person who spoke was the order of the East Municipal Department of Taipu Temple and the owner of the square where Pingkang Sanli was located, Liu Wenzhi.Although he is only an official of the eighth rank, he belongs to an authentic internal official.However, the next moment, he pretended to be angry and waved his sleeves away.

However, after he walked out all the way with a face full of indignation, he came to a carriage without any signs, and then said in a respectful voice with a low eyebrow:
"Please report back to your superior, the subordinate officials are really powerless."

"What a waste. Even a former prisoner can't move. It's useless to push you to make up for the lack of Facao!"

In the end, the carriage had no choice but to throw out such a female voice, and then kicked away.

It wasn't until the carriage completely disappeared at the intersection that Li Chonggu raised his head and turned around, showing a faint sneer and a mixture of contempt, but quickly restrained himself.Then someone came forward and asked for instructions:

"Cao Zheng, what should we do now?"

"Naturally, do whatever you want! Do you understand business affairs?"

Li Canjun was a little impatient and said:

"Then, what about the instructions from above?"

A subordinate asked cautiously:

"Confession is also confession. Could it be that Laozi is going to go against Yushi, Jinwu and Taipusi for a little bit of their colleagues' righteousness?"

Li Canjun said even more angrily:

"Then we?"

The subordinate asked again:
"Of course it's not easy for me to show up, but isn't there still you?"

Li Canjun looked worried and said:

"Naturally, send someone to keep an eye on me, and report to me at any time if there is any trouble. I also want to see how far that disaster star, which has even collapsed the Jingzhao Mansion, can do."

At the same time, Jiang Tian, ​​the catastrophe that Li Canjun mentioned, was also invited to another crime scene, the Wu Yun Building where the murder happened first.As for the various objects and traces inside the scene of the tragic murder, the public who had already been rushed to explore and mark them.

All kinds of people who escaped from the same floor were also intercepted and controlled from the outside, and were initially interrogated.Therefore, as a fan of reasoning and suspense with half a bucket of water in later generations, Jiang Tian could not be more professional and experienced than these public officials who have been handling criminal cases for many years.

Therefore, when there was no response from the portable system, he could only go through the motions and pretend to focus on the first-hand records of the on-site investigation and autopsy; time and sequence.

In fact, they found it immediately based on the remaining blood, abandoned and hidden murder weapons in the corners and crevices; and based on the lying position of the corpse and the angle of the injury, they preliminarily judged the perpetrator's height and general strength, and restored process of the attack.

But for the case investigators, the biggest problem they are facing now is that the doors and windows in this residence are closed from the inside out and are safe as before; there are no signs of being damaged or dismantled, forming a A closed environment like a secret room killing people.

Therefore, they are more suspicious that it is the cannibalism of insiders; at least it is also the result of crimes committed by people who are very familiar with them.Because there were more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground, all of them were stabbed to death one after another without warning, or the result of cutting their throats; and there were hardly any sounds from outside.

However, there was no damage to the property checked at the scene, and even some jewelry and money tickets chained in the bed cabinet have not been touched; it is not like an ordinary means of killing and extorting goods.Therefore, it is also initially characterized as a deliberate and vendetta that is familiar with the internal situation.

Therefore, the target of suspicion inevitably fell on the only woman/concubine who survived and called for help.I believe that if no more clues can be found in the next period of time, the focus of those officials' investigations will naturally fall on her suspicion of murder by internal and external cooperation.

Therefore, before Jiang Tian was invited to the scene, everyone on duty in the garden knew about Niangzi Guanguan, and they also made a special trip to greet and pay a visit.In addition to expressing some kind of apology and gratitude, and being willing to do everything possible to cooperate with everything needed; it also implied the hope that he could help the concubine and get rid of the crime and suspicion.

After all, as one of the few mid-to-high-end entertainment venues located in Pingkang, such incidents of murdering guests by internal and external cooperation, even if it is just a rumored suspicion, is already a fatal blow.Jiang Tian naturally couldn't deny it, but he didn't directly reject the other party.

Because before, the woman who hid in the small building where he was inexplicably, who knows who sent him to frame him or make trouble for him.Even so, Jiang Tian's first suggestion was to have people hang lanterns inside and outside the building to illuminate the huge courtyard and outer walls.

Just talking about ordinary murder scenes, he can't be more professional than those public officials who have dealt with all the year round; but these ancients can't match the brains and imagination of killing people in secret rooms.Then, Jiang Tian, ​​who was originally on an errand, discovered some clues and clues.

On the casement that was temporarily ignored by the on-site inspection, Jiang Tian found a fresh friction trace because of the angle of light from the outside; then, following this trace to the outer wall, he found more dust trapped Scratch and rub off the position.

As a result, most of the so-called murder mystery in the secret room has been solved; the murderer who was familiar with many victims and was able to kill them unsuspectingly escaped from the window sill.It's just that the direction of his escape was not downstairs, but he was hoisted up to the upper floor through the traction of ropes.

Then, through the live rope loop knotted in the casement, pull it to close it again; pull the other end to loosen it and take it away.It's just that after pulling hard, it still inevitably left small strangle marks on the edge of the wooden casement.Not to mention the half footprint left by pedaling and borrowing force when climbing up on the outer wall board.

And when things have reached this point, Jiang Tian doesn't need to worry about it anymore.These traces left on the outer wall, those related people who claim to eat this bowl of rice, etc., if there are no possible suspects, etc., then there is really no cure.

Therefore, on the upper floor of the Wuyun Building, there was a lot of violent movements that were searched again, and the eyes of those officials who were amazed or saw ghosts, were inexplicably surprised or complicated; Jiang Tian was invited again The second scene, inside the Feiming Building.

 This one is from last night.Because of the sudden drop in temperature, the second child had a cold and fever again.

  So please take care of your health and don't stay up late to wait for the update; I will try my best to adjust the update time to a relatively warm day.

(End of this chapter)

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