Chapter 278
In principle, the magistrate of the county cannot replace the six-bedroom and three-shift class, but can only play the board, because many yamen servants are passed down from generation to generation.

However, there were special circumstances in Nao County and other three counties, and the yamen servants almost died.

Therefore, Huang Yi can leave manpower to serve as subordinate officials and yamen servants to control the three counties, and to take over the counties.

The remaining town governors and young musketeers Zhengbing still have a task. They must spend half a year organizing and training three to five hundred county security teams that are not weaker than the ordinary Ming army.

The victory report was sent up, but the result is still unknown. Chen Mengji knew that his life would definitely be saved, but he was not sure whether he would still be an official.

Of course he didn't dare to go against Huang Yi's intentions, fabricating identities and assigning positions to those left behind by Huang Yi.

However, the county magistrate's powers are limited, and he can only give the position of officials.

Such as Dian Shi and Master Book are officials even though they are not popular, and the county magistrate cannot give them.

Huang Yi doesn't care about these things, he believes that everything depends on strength.

In just half a year, Nao County has hundreds of armed forces that are not weaker than the Ming army, and the three counties add up to a thousand or several hundred.

The entire lowest level must be completely in the hands of the Xinghe Army.

Even if Chen Mengji, who has already been subdued, is not the magistrate, it doesn't hurt.

According to the rules of the Ming Dynasty, locals do not serve as local officials.

The county magistrates who have just arrived are all foreigners. They are not familiar with the place where they live, and they may not even understand the local dialect. They have no money, no food, and no soldiers.

How can this kind of three ignorant counties be obedient and obedient?

After the disaster, 3 people died in the three counties, and Huang Yi forcibly took away 3 people. The remaining population is less than 15.

Coupled with the disappearance of large and wealthy households, land conflicts are no longer acute.

It is possible to equalize the land, but it is impossible to exempt from taxes, and the tax is controlled at no more than half of the output of each mu of land.

charge so much?

In fact, not much, Huang Yi will issue a death order, and the cultivator must get half of the harvest.

If you have soldiers in your hands, you are not afraid that the food will not be harvested, but you must grasp a basic principle, the food reserves of the ordinary people in Shengdou must be able to survive.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, if the farmers could really get half of the harvest, why would they rise up?

In ancient times, the yield per mu was too low. In the north, a family who cultivated three to five mu of land would starve to death, and no matter what, they had to cultivate twenty or thirty mu of dry land.

The harvest is calculated on the basis of one shi of wheat or millet or sorghum per mu, and if half of the harvest is lost, there will be more than a dozen shi.

There are seven or eight people in a family, and each person only has two shi of grain per year on average. If you save some wild vegetables to supplement, you can live on.

After the Xinghe Army took over the three counties, the population was counted, and some of the captured grain was distributed to farmers.

Because many peasant households are extremely poor, they simply cannot survive the winter with their food reserves.

These grains are not free, but a loan, and must be repaid when there is a harvest next year.

However, young adults who have been selected as temporary members of the county security team after signing up can receive five buckets of wheat every month.

If he becomes an official team member after three months because of his good performance, he will not only be able to receive five buckets of wheat rations a month, but also five qian silver in military pay.

At the end of November, the Xinghe Army continued to advance to the southwest of Shanxi.

Wang Kunjian, the chief eunuch of the supervising army, was in the emperor's heart. If he came forward to negotiate with the prefectures and counties along the way, he would not only get food, but also some cattle and sheep rewarded by big households.

Therefore, the Xinghe Army does not need to consume the food it carries, but can use the food to take in hungry people, refugees, and refugees and transport them to the base area.

The farther to the southwest, the more refugees there are, many of them escaped from Shaanxi, and there may be spies of the rogues among them.

Because of the reliable information sent by the spies, Zijinliang, Huntianwang, Eight Great Kings, Lao Huihui, Shangtianlong, Mantianxing, Guotianxing and other [-] or [-] bandits joined forces and gathered tens of thousands to besiege Xizhou and Puzhou. .

The Xinghe Army marched fifty miles a day, which is relatively fast. It is impossible for civilian and military generals to impeach the Xinghe Army for laziness and passivity.

At this speed, it must be half a month before arriving in Xizhou.

When the spies sent out the information, the rogues were besieging Xizhou. Huang Yi estimated that at least three days had passed since receiving the information, and Xizhou should have been breached by the rogues.

What if the city is broken?
What can't be broken can't be built, let the rogues solidly educate those miser-like dignitaries, nobles, landlords and old riches is not necessarily a bad thing.

Those swarms of refugees, disaster victims, and displaced persons are easy to deal with, but those who have a small family are gathered and sent to the base area.

All young adults and young men who are alone are arrested and handed over to the auxiliary soldiers to supervise the labor.

There must be many spies among these people. It doesn't matter whether they have heard useful information or not, just make sure they can't go back.

Puzhou City is located on the east bank of the Yellow River and at the southern end of Shanxi. It was once the throat of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty and one of the six great cities.

It's a pity that because of the lack of military equipment, and because the rogues had sent men to lurk in the city in advance, they didn't defend for a day.

At this time, Wang Jiayin had been dead for several months, and the rogues regarded Zijin Liang Wang as their leader.

Taking advantage of the favorable opportunity of the freezing of the Yellow River, Zijinliang united with [-] or [-] rebels from Shaanxi to Shanxi to break through four counties and two prefectures.

Shanxi suffers from natural and man-made disasters better than Shaanxi. These four counties and two prefectures have not suffered from military disasters for many years, and there are many wealthy families.

Bandits cross the border like locusts, much more destructive than locusts, and 10,000+ households that were able to survive suddenly cannot survive.

In this world of ice and snow, there is no food and no shelter, only a dead end.

And all the food was looted by the bandits. If you didn't follow the bandits, and didn't obediently obey the orders, you would die from freezing or starving to death.

Therefore, there has never been a precise number of rogues. At the end of the fourth year of Chongzhen, the number of rogues that plagued Shanxi increased several times, and the total number may be hundreds of thousands.

In fact, the number of bandits is mostly an illusion. Even if there is no government army to encircle and suppress them, they will starve to death in just one winter.

The total number is 40, and 15 of them can survive until spring.

Zijinliang, Huntianwang, Eight Great Kings, Lao Huihui, etc. found that Shanxi's territory was to be snatched, of course they refused to retreat, and came towards Taiyuan.

Hun Tian Wang, Eight King Kong, Chang Tian Hou and other rogue leaders had bad luck. Their team just happened to meet Huang Yi's men.

Not a major outbreak, nor an encounter.

Xinghe military outposts scouted for a radius of fifty li, and the spies had already spread all over Shanxi, so there was no way they could not find the rogues who had engulfed tens of thousands of refugees.

To fight bandits, you must fight old thieves, but anyone who owns a horse and mule can be recognized as such.

Therefore, the Xinghe Army launched a cavalry raid. The cavalry and mounted infantry ignored the refugees all over the mountains and plains, and went straight to the team of one or two thousand mules and horses.

At this time, the fighting power of the rogue bandits was very weak. It was by no means the steel that was refined 15 years later in Chongzhen. At that time, even the famous Sun Chuanting was defeated and killed himself.

(End of this chapter)

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