Chapter 280
The rogue soldiers who grew up like a snowball approached Taiyuan in four ways.

Not only Zhang Zongheng, governor of Shanxi, is sitting on pins and needles, but Governor Xuanda is also in a hurry.

It was necessary to dispatch troops, and Geng Zhanghua, who was confronting Lin Danhan, also received an order to lead [-] soldiers and horses to the southwest of Shanxi.

At this moment, the governor of Shanxi saw the news of Huang Yi's victory. The Xinghe Army defeated [-] bandits, captured the bandit leaders Eight Kings, Maids, and Guotianxing, and beheaded more than [-] old bandits.

The reason why Huang Yi repaid his credit was because he wanted to get some food.

To be honest, there were too many captives. Although they could still survive with the captured grain, they would definitely not last until spring.

At this time, Huang Yi had to make a choice. He could only choose to send away some prisoners who were healthy, had no blood debts, and had complete families.

The rest was handed over to the governor of Shanxi or the local magistrate or county magistrate.

It was the time to employ people, and the governor of Shanxi needed the Xinghe Army to relieve his urgent needs, so he had to find ways to get food, and personally escorted it to the Xinghe Army's garrison.

The power of role models is infinite!

Now Shanxi and Xuanda's bureaucratic style is different, and they are all scrambling to do it themselves!

There is no way, the eunuchs who oversee the army are all fighting with the army, climbing ice and lying in the snow. It is said that their faces are dark and their hands are rough, and their appearance is almost the same as Qiu Ba.

Seeing is worse than hearing about it. Shanxi governor Zhang Zongheng, who delivered five thousand shi of grain to the camp of the Xinghe Army, actually dispelled the arrogance of the civil servants after seeing Wang Kun, and took the initiative to bow.

Sincerely said: "The prince is really a role model for my generation! I admire him very much."

There is no way not to admire, the emperor's close ministers, the big figures in Xuanfu, Datong, and Shanxi who say nothing, have cracked faces, which subverts cognition.

Finally seeing the big official of the frontier, Wang Kun, who had been suffering for more than three months, suddenly had the urge to explode.

Hearing Zhang Zongheng's words, I cursed in my heart: You are the one to be a role model, and your whole family should be a role model. The Sa family has to go back to the Xuanfu, and the Sa family has to go back to the capital. The Sa family has had enough...

well!It's a pity that he didn't dare to attack and could only endure.

No way, I could only squeeze out a smile and said: "The emperor's kindness is as great as a mountain, and the Sa family swears nine deaths to repay it."

Zhang Zongheng had to be polite to the chief eunuch of the supervising army, but it didn't mean that he would treat a small general in the same way, even when he was employing people.

What's more, he was angry at first, because Huang Yi blackmailed five thousand shi of grain by threatening not to enter the army if he didn't see the grain and grass.

Now that the governor of Shanxi personally escorted the grain and grass to the army, it was extremely unreasonable for Huang Yi not to go out of the camp for thirty miles to meet him.

What happened to Governor Xuanda's son-in-law?
The old man was offended, and even the son-in-law and the old man participated in the impeachment together.

They had already seen the supervising army, but the general hadn't shown up yet, so Zhang Zongheng couldn't help but ask, "Where is Huang Yi?"

"General Huang has been in the stable area for the past few days, chasing down the scattered bandits and destroying the local bandits. Sometimes he leaves early and returns late, and sometimes he doesn't return to camp for a day or two!"

Huh?Weizaiweizai?When did the eunuchs of the supervising army defend the generals under supervision in this way?

Zhang Zongheng couldn't understand it, and asked: "Please ask Wang Gonggong, the Xinghe Army is really facing a shortage of food, and can't they march in if the food is not delivered?"

Wang Kun said without hesitation:
"It can be said that the main problem is that there are too many captives, there is no food, and these people will rob everywhere, so we can only resettle some of them locally and evacuate some of them.

When your lord is here, you don't need to worry about these things. After the food is delivered, the Xinghe Army will immediately march to Xizhou to ensure that Xizhou and Puzhou will be conquered within seven days. "

Losing the city and losing the land is a great crime for the governor of Shanxi. The most urgent thing now is to conquer the city that was taken by the rogues.

Seeing that the chief eunuch of the supervising army stated that the army would move out immediately, Zhang Zongheng didn't worry about where Huang Yi had gone, and why he didn't come to kowtow.

He nodded and said, "That's great!"

An hour later, the Xinghe army pulled out their camps and set up their camps. Zhang Zongheng was dumbfounded because Wang Kun actually took away all the food and left him more than [-] refugees.

The purpose of his coming in person is to participate in regaining the lost land, to win the evaluation of being brave to do things.

Fortunately, the official was crushed to death at the first level. He ordered the Shanxi chief envoy and the procuratorate to cooperate with seven county magistrates and two prefects to do this.

They also arranged for people to post safety notices everywhere, with the seal of the governor of Shanxi stamped on the notices, saying that no ordinary people would starve to death.

The governor of Shanxi made a high-profile propaganda that people would not starve to death to gain fame, so the officials under him had to find ways to get food.

They will definitely cheat, starve to death and bury them secretly without reporting.

No way, Huang Yi is not a philanthropist. His food is limited and cannot be used to support useless people.

Therefore, only more than [-] people were selected to be transported to the base area, and the rest could only be handed over to the governor of Shanxi.

I just didn't expect Zhang Zongheng to catch up with the Xinghe Army with more than 300 soldiers from the Fubiao Battalion after explaining the matter.

Huang Yi would not bow down to anyone, but after seeing Zhang Zongheng, not only did he not kneel down, but he also set rules for the Fubiao camp.

This is domineering to the extreme, how can Zhang Zongheng bear it?

It's just that Wang Kun unequivocally supported Huang Yi, and told him frankly that, let alone the Fubiao Camp, even he, the eunuch who supervised the army, ate and lived with the soldiers without any preferential treatment.

He also sternly warned the generals of the Fubiao Battalion not to take the discipline of the Xinghe Army as a trifle, and endure it as much as they can, otherwise, they will inevitably be beheaded!
During this period, the town governor and musketeers screened and selected more than 2000 young and middle-aged Latin men from the surrendered bandits and refugees.

An auxiliary soldier of the Xinghe Army leads three strong men who have been transformed from "rebellious people, rogues, and vagrants".

There are more than 6000 strong men in this team, and all five thousand strong men wear blue vests with thin wooden boards or shoe soles on the front and back, and hold spears measuring one foot and two feet long.

Since more than half of the auxiliary soldiers use flintlock guns, this team can carry out effective long-range attacks, and its overall combat effectiveness exceeds that of the old battalion of rogues.

The cavalry and mounted infantry of the Xinghe Army gave full play to their advantages of strong mobility, and constantly deviated from the main marching route to attack the bandits and bandits discovered by the reconnaissance cavalry. They captured and seized them every day.

Seeing the Xinghe army fighting more and more, Wang Kun hated Huang Yi, but he had to admire him. He was full of confidence in the next battle.

In fact, he didn't want Zhang Zongheng to be in the army.

well!The embarrassing appearance of being shouted and shouted by Huang Yi was seen by civil and military generals outside the Xinghe Army system. Where should the eunuch's face be placed?

So Wang Kun frightened Zhang Zongheng and angered Zhang Zongheng, hoping that the governor of Shanxi would go away.

It was strange, the more he spoke ill of Huang Yi, the more Zhang Zongheng refused to leave.

He also held his head up to the sky and laughed loudly, expressing his position: The emperor's close ministers can endure humiliation for the sake of state affairs, and can endure untold hardships. How can he, a two-ranked Jinshi who has read poetry and books, be afraid of hardships and hardships?

(End of this chapter)

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