I am one year older than Chongzhen

Chapter 328 New Chapter 308: Saving people and killing people

The Xinghe Army searched for gold and silver treasures in a variety of ways, and they were mainly young student soldiers trained by Huang Yi himself, under the dual supervision of cultural teachers and town governors!

For example, interrogating the big and small leaders separately, doing ideological work to incite maids and slaves to report and expose, and tempting the bandit leaders to confess...

All in all, we will never give up until we can find the grain and gold and silver treasures buried by the thieves!

The enthusiasm of the teenagers is like fire, and their loyalty to Huang Yi can be described as fanatical. They really treat the gold and silver treasures as dirt, and no one keeps them secretly.

In the past two years, more than 30 soldiers have been beheaded for illegal possession and seizure, and none of them were young soldiers who were personally educated by Huang Yi.

This is of course the power of Huang Yi’s role model.

During the battle, he rushed to the front and killed the enemy soldiers with heads rolling. When giving lectures, he talked eloquently, and his astronomy, geography, local customs and customs were fascinating.

Not only teenagers worship him fervently, but even Mongolian soldiers believe that Huang Yi Batulu is a god descending to earth, and they are very pious when worshiping him.

With a strong army at his disposal, Huang Yi is more confident to change history!

Propaganda is very important. Goebbels has a famous saying: "A lie told a thousand times becomes the truth!" The ancients said: "Three men become a tiger."

The main purpose of the Xinghe Army in fighting bandits and bandits was to steal food and gold and silver, and rescuing people was just a side job.

This is actually the black man eating the black man, the big fish eating the small fish!

However, the Xinghe Army must establish a positive image and must package the evil and evil as righteousness!

The slogans of Zhang Dong, Bao Zhide, He Shiyuan, Yu Shaoshan, etc. are:

"The Xinghe Army suppressed the bandits and put down the rebellion for the people!"

"The Xinghe Army would rather starve to death than harm the people of Shengdou."

"The Xinghe Army comes from the people of Shengdou and loves the people of Shengdou!"

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time. Eliminating the bandits is only one of the goals. Seizing all the food and gold and silver treasures accumulated by the bandits is the complete merit."

"Seizing one more ration can give one more person a way to live, which is better than building a seven-level pagoda."

"Seizing it privately is tantamount to murder and you should go to hell!"

"Those who are greedy for ink will be killed without mercy! They will implicate the whole family's labor reform!"

The Xinghe Army rescued people and killed people at the same time. Of course, they were saving good people and killing heinous gangsters.

However, people will change. If you have a solid warehouse, you will know etiquette; if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace.

When food and clothing are scarce, good people can turn into mobs in the blink of an eye, and mobs who kill people and see blood can gradually turn into heinous gangsters!

Production in Denglai territory has been basically destroyed, and the grain confiscated from the lairs of bandits and bandits alone is not enough to feed tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of war refugees.

The gold and silver seized must be put to use.

Sun Yuanhua, Song Guanglan, Zhang Tao, Wang Yu and other criminal officials who were sent to the army by the imperial court were summoned by Huang Yi.

The power of the official family of the Ming Dynasty should not be underestimated!

All wealthy businessmen have protective umbrellas, and their livelihood is even the property of other officials!

Why is Huang Yi using his own money to buy grain to relieve the poor people in Jiaodong Peninsula?

Of course, Sun Yuanhua, Zhang Tao, Wang Yu, Song Guanglan and other criminal officials spared no effort.

Listening to his words and watching his actions, Wang Xi, a scientist, originally despised all warriors.

After several months of hard labor in the army, he had changed, and at least he took a good look at Huang Yigao.

He was originally discouraged and found motivation again.

He had already begun to study the artillery carriages of the Xinghe Army, and was amazed by the steel wheels and bearings.

Knowing that Eucommia rubber tires were difficult to produce and the output was extremely low, Wang Xi came up with a method of wrapping the wheels with cowhide and has already made trial production.

The scientist also knows how to boil beef tendon and has begun to develop solid beef tendon tires. In addition to asking Sun Yuanhua to contact Jiangnan merchants to transport grain to designated locations, Huang Yi also contacted Li Weida and used the Li family's connections to buy grain.

Also, my father-in-law, Geng Ruqi, is also a prominent family in Shandong. The Geng family is located in Dongchang Mansion, not far from Linqing, a large canal city.

Ask the Geng family to buy grain from Linqing and transport it to Denglai to get twice the result with half the effort.

In troubled times, human life is as cheap as a dog, so what are gold and silver treasures?

In order to buy food to feed more people, Huang Yi did not hesitate to spend all his money!

However, having over 10,000 strong soldiers and coming back after all the money is spent is no longer a dream but a reality!

Huang Yi didn't even think about contacting or negotiating with the rebels, but the rebels came to his door with a look on his face!

The rebels were defeated, and "Capital Marshal" Li Jiucheng's dream of separatist control of the Jiaodong Peninsula and living a free and easy life was shattered.

He and Mao Chenglu, Kong Youde, Su Yougong, Chen Shishi, Wang Zideng and other old generals from Dongjiang Town saw the combat effectiveness of the Xinghe Army.

They finally knew that the troops that the Ming Dynasty could fight were not only the Guan Ning cavalry but also the Xuan Da border troops.

Li Jiucheng and Mao Chenglu began to pay attention to the Xinghe Army and studied the behavior of the generals of the Xinghe Army.

After some discussion, Mao Chenglu, Chen Sometimes, Chen Guangfu, Kong Youde and others came to a conclusion.

The commander-in-chief of the Xinghe Army was not loyal to the Ming Emperor. He probably had many small thoughts.

Wealth and silk moved people's hearts, and the rebels had a lot of stolen gold and silver in their hands.

It's a pity that they broke the ecological balance of Denglai, destroyed the free economy, and scared away merchants, making it impossible to buy daily necessities with gold and silver.

Of course, the vast majority of local merchants could not escape and turned into corpses.

The wealth they had accumulated was taken away from them, and their lovely wives and concubines were...

Without a market, what is the use of the gold and silver in your hands?

Why not try to find ways to talk to General Xinghe?

Li Jiuzheng and others started to have dreams again!

Maybe the commander-in-chief of the Xinghe Army has already had enough of the oppression of civilian officials and is waiting to rise up!

If the Xinghe Army also joins the rebels, it is possible not only to separate the Jiaodong Peninsula, but also to take over Shandong!

Even if you can't persuade the general of Xinghe Army to rebel, as long as he agrees to work without any effort, it will be worth it!

Who wants to contact Xinghe Army?

Prince Qian, the former president of Dongjiang Town, came forward!

Heroes in troubled times!

Prince Deng is ambitious and wants to achieve unparalleled achievements!

After more than half a month of confrontation with the Xinghe Army, the rebels always suffered losses. They always stayed late at night and sentries and cavalry were rounded up.

But the rebels were not without gains. They discovered that the propaganda slogans of the Xinghe Army were true. This frontier army from Xuanda really did not kill anyone who put down their weapons and surrendered.

Wang Zideng had already seen his scouts being captured alive by the Xinghe Army from a distance.

So he thought about how to ask for help and the general, and was not worried about dying unexpectedly.

Soon a group of rebels who were marching toward the Xinghe Army camp under white flags were captured by the Xinghe Army's sentry cavalry.

It is not accurate to use capture, because this group of rebels did not resist at all and kept shouting loudly:

"Brothers of the Xinghe Army, we have no ill intentions!"

"Brothers of the Xinghe Army, don't get me wrong. I, Wang Zideng, am the former General Manager of Dongjiang Town, and I am here to ask for an audience with your general!" (End of Chapter)

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