Although compared with those big projects that often cost trillions of dollars, this hundred billion dollars is not that much.

But for Gu Qing, with a capital of 100 million, he can participate in a market worth tens of billions. He will not only use this 100 billion in semiconductor projects.

As for the use of funds and financial supervision...

When working with Jiuzhou Technology, the financial situation is the most transparent and easiest to check.

But it is also the project that is least likely to find problems, because Jiuzhou Technology’s technical cooperation has always far exceeded the technical valuation of its peers. Whenever a project manager expresses doubts about this, the person in charge of Jiuzhou Technology-related projects will Come up with the earnings and market value of listed companies with similar technologies.

With endorsements and controls, financing costs will be even lower.

After watching Li You's simple video report of attending the summit, Gu Qing took out a document from the drawer and wrote with a pen on a blank page: "Vigorously promote the overcoming of key core technologies, in integrated circuits, 5G, Intelligent connected cars, biomedicine and other fields promote the overall supporting and coordinated development of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain.

Build an innovative ecological chain, provide talent support, and develop a talent development system that pays equal attention to introduction and education.

At the same time, funds will be channeled to the aerospace department in proportion, striving to complete the list of special projects as soon as possible and achieve a complete success of the moon landing project. "

The official lunar landing project of Daxia is only a small project of lunar exploration, and it is divided into four phases.

Since the launch of the Chang'e-1007 lunar exploration satellite in 1013 of Xiayin ephemeris, Chang'e-1018 achieved the first leap detection of an asteroid three years later; Chang'e-, which was launched in of Xiayin ephemeris, even carried the "Jade Rabbit" "Chang'e-" lunar rover realized the dream of landing on the moon, and the Chang'e-, launched in the year of the Xiayin celestial calendar, was the first time that humans achieved a soft landing on the back of the moon.

Subsequently, the Chang'e-1731 probe brought grams of lunar samples back to Blue Star, some of which were sent to Jiuzhou Technology, which gave Gu Qing hope for many projects to advance in the future.

Especially for the Chang'e-1024 mission launched in Xiayin , Jiuzhou Technology has not yet obtained the samples it collected from the far side of the moon, which also caused Gu Qing to have many doubts.

Daxia officials must have discovered some special information, otherwise it would be impossible to give even one gram to their own company.

This time, Li You attended the summit and represented Jiuzhou Technology Semiconductor Department to bring out many cutting-edge technologies for cooperation. It was true to make money, and it was also true to show the value to Daxia officials.

Only if Daxia officials clearly understand that the Blue Star Semiconductor industry now looks at Daxia Semiconductor, and Daxia Semiconductor looks at Jiuzhou Semiconductor.

If this is the case, Daxia officials are still unwilling to give away some of the samples collected from the back of the moon...

Thinking of this, Gu Qing's eyes became firmer.

"I want to get the ones on the front side of the moon. I will get the ones on the back side of the moon myself. There is also a detailed investigation of the environment and resources at the south pole of the moon. If water can be found, then the control of the moon base will no longer be something you can easily say. It’s within reach.”

After making up his mind, Gu Qing did not stay in the office, but took his own special elevator alone and arrived at a secret experiment in the underground research base.

In this laboratory, there are no smart robots and smart devices everywhere, and there are no researchers or engineers with perfect academic qualifications.

Only Gu, who was wearing SR1 glasses, and a well-preserved and neat one with the energy core taken out, the structure was slightly rough, and many metal components could even be seen being removed from other mechanical equipment. A robot that undergoes magic modification.

Looking at the robot that he had dismantled a lot of mechanical equipment in the basement with a hammer, stove, and welding gun, Gu Qing took a deep breath.

He sighed in his heart: "You are the first intelligent robot, but even now that I have read through the basic knowledge of science and technology, I still can't understand why your nuclear fusion energy was stabilized so easily. Is it really a mystery? Is it the unfathomable and unknowable dimensional radiation in the underworld?

Or is it that my system really has a function similar to the wishing stone, and I completed this miraculous creation with its help?

And why does your circuit board also have special programming after taking out your energy core?

Is this wisdom or coincidence? Or is it a so-called miracle? "

With emotion in his heart, Gu Qing did not walk into this shoddy robot that was sealed by layers of special glass and even had micro bombs installed in every part.

He stepped into another room made of lead sheets.

There are still no intelligent robots here, and no second human being exists.

In the corner of this room, an energy core with a faint blue luster is slowly rotating.


Gu Qing took a deep breath, looked at the energy core close at hand, and finally shook his head, snapped his fingers, and said goodbye to it.

"Xuanwu, tighten the power lines of the control system and strengthen the defense module of this laboratory by 30%."

"Yes, sir." The reply did not come.

Xuanwu's middle-aged male voice with a slightly mechanical feel replied calmly: "Sir, the defense module in this laboratory can no longer be reinforced by 30%. After tightening the power cord of the control system, according to the spiritual realm ecological experiment For the simulation of the laboratory, we can only strengthen the defense module of this laboratory by 15%. If this limit is exceeded, this laboratory will bring greater pressure to the support structure.

Unless we upgrade all the reinforcement materials in the underground experimental base, the support mechanism will be in danger in the event of a nuclear attack or earthquake. "

During this period, it was the first time for Gu Qing to hear Xuanwu say so many words.

After understanding its meaning, Gu Qing sighed.

"Forget it, overpowering is not sweet. Sometimes safety issues are too forced, but unexpected accidents are prone to occur. Now that it has been determined that this energy core will not have any adverse effects on those of us who have been optimized, Then keep it that way.

By the way, a lot of unusual things have happened in Neon Island recently. Xuanwu, what do you think are the main reasons? "

Hearing Gu Qing's new and totally different question, Xuanwu didn't freeze like a human being.

This intelligent program AI, which has spent the most time with Gu Qing, is like a wise wise man. The mechanical voice has a hint of plainness that has seen through the changes in the world, and said: "The Neon Island Country is in an earthquake zone, coupled with frequent sunspot activity and active mantle, It is extremely easy to produce geological disasters.

And now Blue Star is in a special time of technological transition. Under the influence of geopolitics and economy, they cannot be stable. "

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