Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 1596 Cargo Spaceship No. 2


Jiuzhou Technology used the JZ404 modified carrier rocket at the Anxi Satellite Launch Center. This specially modified rocket successfully launched the No. 601 satellite into the sky. The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit. After two hours of successful operation, the Anxi Satellite Launch Center announced the launch. The mission was a complete success.

"This satellite is mainly used to carry out electromagnetic environment detection and related technology experiments. It is also equipped with some maintenance equipment and can repair and replace equipment on some Jiuzhou communication satellites in the space environment..."

Zheng Xiazhou, the person in charge of the Anxi Satellite Launch Center, sounded calm when being interviewed by reporters.

As the person in charge of the second commercial satellite launch center officially opened by Jiuzhou Technology, Zheng Xiazhou not only has a brilliant resume, but his background has also made many forces think about it.

Without him, this middle-aged and elderly man who looks like an old scholar in work clothes was once an engineer of some strategic weapons. Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to go to other private enterprises to work in related industries after retirement.

But now, this uncle not only did it, but he also did it to a degree that shocked many people in the industry in the first shot.


When other cargo spacecraft return to the atmosphere from space, most of the external equipment parts of the spacecraft will be ablated and destroyed during the process of entering the atmosphere, and a small amount of the debris will fall into the calculated area, and try to avoid the production and production of humans and animals on the ground as much as possible. Impact on life and reproduction.

However, after the second spacecraft developed and manufactured by Jiuzhou Technology was controlled to enter the atmosphere, it only ablated and destroyed part of the outermost insulation material. Not only did no large-scale debris fall, but even when it landed rapidly in the black barrier area, The landing attitude of the spacecraft remained very stable.

This shows that the intelligent hull stabilization system of this spacecraft has been able to perform many complex flight tasks.

Of course, what is most unacceptable to the academic community is that when the spacecraft was still very gently one thousand meters above the ground, it started running smoothly and slowly flew towards West Sichuan City.

Around Daxia Rongcheng, an "aircraft" that was much shorter than an ordinary science-level aircraft slowly passed over high-rise buildings and lakes, and then landed vertically on a flat apron in the Xinke District.

This is a picture captured by a long-distance camera, because many dynamics in the Xinke District cannot be scanned and sensed by radar.

"Aliens? Space technology?"

"Jiuzhou Technology picked up an alien on the space station!"

"The Jiuzhou Science and Technology astronauts swallowed space fruits, causing body mutations, and have returned to Jiuzhou Science and Technology Xinke District for recuperation." "The security personnel in the Xinke District Security Inspection Area have all put on radiation-proof suits that can isolate radiation. Recently, the Xinke District's Radiation values ​​have increased."

Because Jiuzhou Technology and Daxia officials did not block the video of the No. 2 cargo spacecraft landing, nor did they block the accounts of ordinary users who spread the video, rumors began to spread in just one day.

There are also many commercial spies taking advantage of the loose review of this video to transfer and sell more detailed video materials and photos captured by it to other forces and corporate institutions.

Elites from fluid mechanics engineers, materials engineers, and other related industries in Neon Island Country, Korea Peninsula, and other places were invited to different places to "understand" and "discuss" the technical content of this cargo spacecraft.

Although the places are different, their expressions are very similar.

"Amaterasu, this is simply a miracle. Kyushu Technology must have obtained alien technology."

"We on the Blue Star ground will definitely not be able to develop and manufacture this special material. Kyushu Technology and Daxia officials must have obtained some secrets."

"Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, the disasters we have encountered within a year make me think that there must be a weather controller running, and it is probably an evil device developed behind the scenes by Kyushu Technology."

Various jokes that once sounded like fantasy and idiotic dreams, as well as things deliberately exaggerated by Daxia netizens, after more and more surreal technologies appeared, engineers in places such as the Koryo Peninsula and the Neon Island Country also They began to believe this unreliable speculation, and many professors even dug out articles they had written casually during their undergraduate years, and included terms such as "alien", "alien civilization", "ancient civilization fault", etc. After a while, the words Street Stall Literature Bermuda were drawn, and then the article was submitted.

Some people even lamented: "It turns out that my idea was right. We humans have always been under the control of aliens, just like watching livestock in a pig pen, multiplying and developing, and according to current research, pigs are actually He is also very smart and clean."

"When Jiuzhou Technology first emerged, I happened to work in the research institute. At that time, I asserted that this company would definitely take off. As evidenced by my diary, it seems that what I said was true."

"Being able to ignore the violent friction of the atmosphere, land on the ground with all tail and tail, and even fly back to the nest, Kyushu Technology's technology is absolutely impossible for us to develop. Perhaps if we are like sending envoys to the Tang Dynasty, Send scientific research elites to Kyushu Technology. After five or ten years, these scientific research elites may return to China and receive the technological inheritance that has allowed our neon island country’s industry to develop rapidly. They may even enter Kyushu Technology and interact with the outside world within Kyushu Technology. The Stars made a deal..."

"Jiuzhou Technology's Titan Park has become a paradise for many rich people and scientific research elites. It is very likely that there are aliens in this park. They make friends with humans, or conduct research through some special methods. Analyze the races of people with different skin colors, otherwise it is simply not clear why Kyushu Technology would let these people live in the Titan community when it was at its peak development?

Moreover, the mortality rate among middle-aged and elderly people within the Titanium community is extremely low. It can even be said that there has not yet been a rich man or technical elite who has died in the Titanium community. "

I wonder if Jiuzhou Technology deliberately made a joke to these people. While these engineers were still speculating wildly, Li Jian, one of the chief aerospace engineers of Jiuzhou Technology, stood up and answered many questions from the media.

"The No. 2 cargo spacecraft is a spacecraft that is jointly developed by an organization of our Jiuzhou Science and Technology Aerospace Department and a department of Titan Star to transport supplies to the Jiuzhou Space Station."

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