Chapter 1620 Teacher NA

A talented netizen launched a theory about the moon: "There was Chang'e in the Great Xia before, and now there is Kyushu to explore the moon. Today, we will cut 20 kilograms, and tomorrow we will cut 30 kilograms. Then we have to sleep overnight and look around the world, and the Blue Star people have arrived again.矣0.o”

Someone else said: "Our ancestors once said that everything the sun and moon shine on and rivers reach are all Han lands. So the eight planets in the solar system have been owned by China since ancient times!"

"It flew up in a snap, so fast! The staff at the launch site didn't do it randomly, they were obviously prepared. But why not live broadcast?!"

"I'm afraid you don't know. This time Jiuzhou Technology's lunar exploration project is really tight on the outside and tight on the inside. The airport where the lunar exploration equipment landed has been very strict for several days in a row. Knowing that it is lunar exploration equipment, no matter how tight it is, When I knew it, I thought some big shots were having a meeting in that lumpy place."

If those aerospace experts enter the research state, they will subconsciously ignore other importance. After netizens saw the announced results of Jiuzhou Technology's lunar exploration project, they were inspired.

For example, right now, a post in the Jiuzhou community has been ranked on the global hot post list.

Because Jiuzhou Community provides users with multi-language real-time translation services, netizens around the world can understand the content of this post.

[Hello friends, I am Uncle Sam’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA.

Just now a friend asked me what happened to Mr. NA’s kidney. I asked him what happened and sent me some pictures. I took a look! Alas, it turns out that a small company called Jiuzhou Technology successfully went to the moon.

One of them said that my new six-shooter exploded in Wenchang. Mr. NA, can you teach me aerospace technology, short... Please help me reset my little question. I said yes. I said you were engaged in state-owned aerospace and it was not easy to use, but he was not convinced. I said to CNSA: Your funding for ten years is more than my funding for one year. He can’t compare. He said it's useless for you. I said that what I am doing is useful, and it is capital. Commercial aerospace is about capital, and we need to ask Congress for money. The Angara A770, which weighs more than 5 tons, is no match for my F9.

Two months later, I was crying and holding the money in my hands, I said Tingting. Then two months later, two months later, it will be fine. I said that in a small institution, you don’t understand martial ethics, and he said, Teacher NA, I’m sorry, I don’t understand the rules. Ah, I am... He said he was shooting randomly, but he was not shooting randomly. The new manned spacecraft, Kyushu space station, and Kyushu lunar module were all arranged in an orderly manner. Later, he said that he was also working on a manned moon landing, ah. , it seems that a bear is coming!

This Jiuzhou Technology does not respect martial ethics! Come to cheat, come to sneak attack, my sixty-two-year-old aerospace agency, okay? This is not good. I advise this new rocket rat tail juice to reflect carefully and not to commit such cleverness again in the future. Little cleverness, ah, uh... aerospace should value hegemony, practice martial ethics, and not engage in peaceful development. Thank you, friends. ! 】

Under this post, there are also many memes and emoticons created by netizens.

The reason why the success of Jiuzhou Technology's lunar exploration project has aroused the enthusiastic participation of so many netizens is also closely related to Daxia's past experience.

In the last century, when Uncle Sam started the International Space Station project, he brought many countries with no technology, and even some countries that did not even have a space industry foundation, to join.

However, NASA rejected Daxia's active application.

Until thirteen years ago, NASA banned Daxia researchers from participating in all academic seminars it led on the grounds of safety.

When Daxia hoped to get the lunar rock samples that Uncle Sam brought back from the moon, the arrogant Yingjiang thought for a long time and finally chose to be generous, showing kindness and fraternity.

How much was given?

1 grams.

And how many lunar soil samples did NASA's spacecraft bring back from the moon?

383000 grams.

Although these samples are all NASA's own achievements, when they are presented to major national institutions around the world, the minimum amount of 1 gram is given to Daxia. Is this a gift?

This is humiliating!

And not only NASA is like this, but the European aristocrats are also arrogant and shameless.

When Daxia joined Europe's "Galileo Project" and proactively invested huge amounts of money, manpower and material resources, the European aristocrats directly set up obstacles to block technological cooperation and development, allowing Daxia to provide money and resources. But there was no reward at all.

Now, Jiuzhou Technology has no live broadcast, but it has declared its success through local space agencies such as Daguo, Korea, and Brazil. On the Internet, because of the "security and freedom" of the Jiuzhou community, the style of painting has long been different from before.

Of course, in addition to making jokes, there are also netizens in the professional field who are popularizing the unique features of these photos and videos of Jiuzhou Technology’s moon landing.

"Let me tell you why there are white mist coming out from several places before launch. It's because the fuel tank is no longer cooling after being filled with fuel. It relies entirely on the insulating material hard top. The liquid oxygen inside is constantly evaporating and needs to be discharged at any time. Otherwise, the pressure inside will be too great, which will cause the water vapor in the air to condense, and you will see white mist.

Because the fuel itself has a very low temperature and is liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, the place where you see white smoke is the fuel injection port.

In order to avoid evaporation, filling is done before launch, and filling is stopped two minutes before launch. "

"This launch looks like it is still a JZ-404 series rocket. It is not clear whether Jiuzhou Technology has made any changes or optimizations inside the rocket. After all, this rocket has been undergoing high-intensity work. I think Jiuzhou Technology Rocket Branch built this rocket. , should already have the most mature manufacturing team in the world.

Rockets and aerospace engines are the same. These aerospace equipment are never mature upon completion of design and production. Continuous experiments and actual flights are required to gradually mature the optimized ratio of various technologies and materials.

Any country in the world that has the ability to manufacture aerospace engines has followed this path. For example, the performance of the F15 engine is extremely powerful, but due to various problems after mass production of the engine, the F15 has been the queen of the hangar for many years. The entire engine has been flying continuously for ten years before it is truly mature.

The Daxia Aerospace Group has had several launch failure accidents, which will cause a lot of people to mourn. They open their mouths and shut up their keyboards and say that the designer's rocket is not working. This needs to be stopped or that needs to be replaced. If you really want to listen to these keyboard warriors, I am afraid that everyone will It is impossible for Xia Aerospace Group to successfully land on the moon so quickly.

Although Jiuzhou Technology has no examples of launch failures, I hope everyone can view Jiuzhou Technology’s moon landing mission rationally.

Success, we applaud.

If we fail, we should not add insult to injury.

Finally, I plan to apply for a job at Jiuzhou Science and Technology after getting my PhD in dynamics. I hope everyone wishes me good luck. "

(End of this chapter)

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