Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 1629: Living on the moon is not easy

Every cunning rabbit has three caves, let alone Kyushu Technology, which is currently developing on thin ice.

5 kilograms is the announced weight of the sample, but placing the lunar exploration rover on the moon and the originally designed manned cabin space is not small, so Jiuzhou Technology engineers ingeniously designed two cargo compartments.

The top cargo hold contains ordinary moon rocks, lunar soil, and lunar ice.

The cargo compartment below is loaded with lunar rocks and some metal minerals excavated from the deepest part of the lunar exploration module's drilling hole. It also contains stored lunar "glass beads", lunar ice, and other materials deep in the lunar soil. , as well as some samples of lunar garbage and so on.

However, the lunar real estate and lunar base that Wang Teng muttered during his "sickness" were also considered by Gu Qing.

Looking at the latest test report, Boss Gu tapped his right thumb on his desk unconsciously.

The sound of clicking echoed in the office.

"The lunar surface is covered with regolith, a layer of powdery dust and broken rock, while lunar regolith is primarily composed of silicate minerals, similar to a sticky powder made from shards of glass.

The moon lacks an atmosphere, making it vulnerable to the solar wind, a stream of charged particles from the sun's upper layers. When these ions hit the moon, they charge the soil with static electricity, which causes lunar soil debris to stick to spacesuits.

And because the moon is often directly impacted by meteorites, billions of years of meteorite activity have stirred up a large amount of jagged lunar dust. Among the lunar dust particles collected this time, the average diameter is only 0.07 mm, and there are even individual plates. The average diameter of lunar dust particles is smaller than 0.06 mm. If a complete base is not built, this dust may damage machines and equipment.

Even after the astronauts' survival time on the moon is extended, they will be exposed to more equipment failures, and their physical health will be affected at all times. "

Gu Qing's thinking was not too out of the ordinary. After all, he himself planned to stay on the moon in the future, so he would definitely need to consider the safety aspects of these facilities one by one.

And this is actually a problem that all current Blue Star aerospace agencies, regardless of their power or strength in the aerospace industry, have not yet solved.

During NASA's Apollo 11 mission, they placed a seismometer on the moon, but the instrument soon malfunctioned and crashed due to the pervasive erosion of lunar dust, causing the module to overheat.

The first team of the current lunar exploration project, the Yutu lunar rover developed by Daxia Aerospace Group, also experienced movement failure shortly after landing on the moon, and subsequently "no such vehicle was found."

Moon dust is like a demon that works silently and corrodes all foreign objects.

Therefore, in order to resist this devil, the lunar base must be built into a sealed environment so that lunar dust cannot easily penetrate and corrode equipment and machines.

However, after all, he had the knowledge inheritance of the Dimension Empire, so Gu Qing quickly made arrangements.

He opened the communication channel and gathered together the leaders of the aerospace project such as Li Jian, Zhan Kunhu, and Sun Changzheng, and then "shared" the latest lunar soil detection report. Although there is no "burn after reading", in this sharing state, everyone will be supervised by Xuanwu and Haezhi to ensure that they cannot use other electronic products or software to shoot or copy the content.

Then he brought up the idea of ​​a moon base.

Under Gu Qing's control, when current Jiuzhou science and technology executives discuss technology-related projects, they will not speak out at the beginning, but each company will express its opinions. If an accurate and excellent plan cannot be obtained in the end, Gu Qing will end up.

An engineer said: “This first phase of our lunar exploration project is mainly to prepare for the establishment of a lunar scientific investigation base.

Only after we actually obtained the data, we discovered that the lunar environment is even worse than imagined. The lunar soil is fluffy, the lunar rocks are unstable, and meteorite impacts are also a big problem. "

"Yes, if you want to build permanent base houses and other permanent facilities, you must conduct deeper lunar exploration, dig through the accumulation of lunar soil and lunar rocks, and find relatively stable rock layers, or It is a safe area that has not had any collisions, and foundation piles and metal supports must be added to ensure that the lunar scientific expedition base can maintain long-term operation.

Only the lunar scientific expedition base can operate stably. Only if we build the lunar base in the future can we get more resources from more forces. Although we can build a lunar base without relying on the help of other external forces, if we dispatch a large number of unmanned intelligent robots, If the problem of lunar dust is not properly handled, the gains may outweigh the losses. "

When the two engineers were communicating, another doctor who abandoned literature and science also said: "Once a large number of unmanned intelligent robots are sent to the moon, even if the resource investment required for the load does not need to be calculated, we must also consider The large-scale use of unmanned intelligent robots to carry out various construction projects, and even participate in transportation, experiments and other work projects, will have a huge impact on Blue Star's industrial society.

If we fail to guard the technological moat, once some companies begin to abuse such precision-controlled intelligent robots for production work, workers will inevitably carry out a new round of revolution.

I have never doubted that the rapid development of science and technology will trigger a new wave of revolution, but the real problem is that the current political environment and military environment of Blue Star are already in danger. Is our Jiuzhou Technology ready to ignite that flame at this special moment? preparation.

This flame will bring not only hope, but also the destruction and darkness that may occur after the firewood is burned out. "

This is a "frequent story" that happens when the technical executives of Jiuzhou Technology have discussions.

It was originally said to be a gathering of men in science and engineering, but with the development of science and technology, the company's influence on the world is growing. These engineering geniuses, whether young or old, will involuntarily study the humanities and think about the industry and human beings. s future.

Gu Qing's eyes lowered slightly.

He glanced at this doctor who abandoned literature and studied science. Perhaps it was because he had a profound cultural accumulation when he was a child. Therefore, after transferring to science and engineering, this person often noticed technical products and humanistic society before other high-level technicians. possible problems.

Lin Jinli is full of flowers and polite.

Li Jian, Zhang Tianhao and others also fell into thinking after hearing the doctor's speech.

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