Chapter 1657

The whole month of December, 1026 in the Xiayin celestial calendar, was extremely lively.

When the employees of the public relations department of Jiuzhou Technology were busy cleaning up the spam and public opinion information on the Internet, the star calendar turned to a new chapter.

The year 1027 of the Xiayin celestial calendar has arrived.

Although Daxia Kingdom does not have the traditional custom of celebrating the Lunar New Year, Blue Star's global financial and financial circles are paying great attention to this month, because in the first quarter of the new year, all listed companies have to release their own company's financial reports, that is, the financial reports of these companies. financial report.

It records the main financial indicators of the company's operations and is a written document that reflects the financial status and operating results.

Among them, the "three statements" of financial reports, namely balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, are the most important official data of a listed company in the new year.

The income statement reflects the company's operating results over a period of time and records three major pieces of information: revenue, costs and profits.

It's just that the income statement is prepared according to the accrual basis. That is to say, if the goods are sold, even if no money is received, an operating income will be recorded in the statement, and the natural profit will also increase. , but many companies will do some "addition and subtraction" on this project.

Therefore, it is not an easy task to judge whether operating income is real.

If their financial report data is true, then Daxia Manufacturing has become a manufacturing giant larger than the European manufacturing industry and the American manufacturing industry alone.

In the end, no one expected that it would be this elite analyst's farewell that would make this small group of VIP customers excited.

There was no outrageous news about the collapse of the U.S. stock market, nor was there any praise for other companies. It was just a few straightforward sentences, plus a few not-so-confidential data charts.

In addition, I personally suggest that VIP customers can check as much as possible the latest situation of the Daxia Financial Market. After reviewing the financial reports of some listed companies in the Daxia Financial Market, our team discovered one thing.

I originally downgraded Dell's rating from 'outperform' to 'market perform', but now, I will downgrade Dell, Nvidia, and AMD's 'market perform' to 'underperform'.

There is a rich man in the group who is worth tens of millions of dollars. He liked the group leader and sent a big red envelope, asking: "Are you optimistic about the Daxia financial market and are you planning to fight for it?"

Morgan Stanley, as one of the top giants on Wall Street, at the end of January of Xia Yin 1027, an elite analyst from Morgan Stanley issued a small warning message in the high-end VIP client.

In addition to using the data in the cash flow statement, many financial practitioners are also required to actually go deep into the industry to investigate and collect evidence. .

If it is said that some rich people's money comes from nowhere. As an elite analyst at Morgan Stanley and an elite leader in the industry, some of his developments represent the latest developments at the forefront of the financial industry.

This question was not answered.

May God bless every kind person, Amen. "

"This month, I will complete the work handover, and this group will be changed to a user chat group. I will go to Daxia to seek relevant jobs.

"Western semiconductor companies remain pessimistic about the prospects of the IT hardware industry within five years. Hardware budget cuts are becoming more and more likely, hardware profit increases have peaked, and further multiple compressions are increasingly possible.

In the official list of Jiuzhou Alliance, listed companies with excellent or above evaluations all have extremely good profitability. "

When other people saw this situation, they immediately followed suit and sent out red envelopes, and then raised their own questions.

"Do we still have a chance to enter Daxia's financial market now?"

"Will the U.S. stock market and European financial markets usher in a black spring?" "Is Jiuzhou Technology planning to be listed on the Daxia financial market? Is that why these companies are pessimistic?"

"Hello, I have read your information carefully. Although companies such as AMD and NVIDIA have lost the Chinese market, they have received more budgets for official procurement projects than before. Does this mean that they are Receive an official blood transfusion?”

I don’t know if it’s because too many exclusive red envelopes are given out, or if these rich people like to use it too often.

After dozens of questioning messages were sent, the elite analyst's account flashed and sent a short message.

"Thank you everyone for the red envelopes. Due to professional confidentiality regulations, there are some things I cannot say more about.

At the beginning, I once advised everyone in the group to allocate their assets reasonably. They should not put all their funds in US stocks. They should also look more at the financial markets of Asian countries such as the Daxia Financial Market and the Daguo Financial Market.

Although I can’t say much, I can finally give you a piece of advice.

When a storm comes, the tallest trees may be destroyed, but the moss, mushrooms and vines at the base of the giant trees are best protected.


May God bless us, Amen. "

It can be seen that this elite analyst is a devout believer, and every time he speaks, he cannot do without blessing Amen.

It was after this message was sent that all the big red envelopes were received one by one.

Later, no matter how other rich people sent red envelopes, he stopped responding.

The rich people immediately panicked in the group.

"Hey, hey, hey, respond to us quickly!"

"We have invested so many US dollars in Morgan Stanley, and this is the kind of service?!"

"When handing over work, shouldn't we hand over to analysts?"

It's just that these rich people don't know that as members of a small group, they are not in Morgan Stanley's real rich group.

They are just some of the big fish and shrimps that the analyst himself has found in his investment list.

Compared with those wealthy people who frequently invest tens of millions or hundreds of millions, their status is still "smaller".

February 1st.

The "New York Times", "Los Angeles Times", "Washington Post", known as the "three major newspapers" in the United States, as well as the "Chicago Daily News", "Christian Science Monitor", and other newspapers, as well as columnists from Bloomberg, Started to publish some information about stock market investment like crazy.

"The turning point of technology manufacturing industry has arrived", "Semiconductor companies have ushered in the wind of recovery", "NVIDIA and AMD have ushered in the second boom", "The Eastern Lion has not yet completely awakened", "Technology: Breaking the Global Monopoly" "Hegemony"...

As before, there are still overwhelming media publishing articles, and there are experts with countless titles on TV to explain the industry. In addition, many influential reporters have begun to appear in front of the TV. Promote good news for the stock market.

(End of this chapter)

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