Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 1659 "Investment"

Chapter 1659 "Investment"

Truth will not change the final result because of human will.

When Nvidia, Pingguo Technology, Intel, and Microsoft, which were once the ace companies in the U.S. stock market, all fell into a collapse in asset value with no possibility of recovery, the crime rate and gun homicides in the American continent seemed to have been beaten. Hormones are normal and rising rapidly.

And this time is different from previous financial crises.

The superficial manifestation of the financial crisis in the past was that there was a "rain of people" (people jumping off buildings) on Wall Street, factories discarded goods at will, and workers had no money.

But this time, Western industry wasn't actually producing much, and it wasn't selling to the global markets it once had.

This is because Daxia's manufacturing industry has long passed the stage of rapid growth in output, and with the help of Jiuzhou Technology, Daxia Science and Technology Institute, and other technology companies and research institutions, it has completed the technological upgrading of core industries.

Daxia now has both high-net-worth high-end manufacturing and low-value industrial production areas in remote areas. What stands out is that an adult needs them all.

High-quality products and high-volume products are being sold crazily to markets around the world, and they are also willing to exchange resources and build factories in other places around the world to help developing and extremely underdeveloped areas.

Therefore, after the U.S. stock market began to "discount at a higher discount", ordinary investors in the U.S. stock market were surprised to find that they could not find a truly high-quality manufacturing company among the local companies listed on the U.S. stock market!

Although there was once a manufacturing company that produced and sold electric vehicles, solar panels, and energy storage equipment, it was also considered a high-quality technology company.

A lively big party is being prepared in Daxia's financial market.

A technology company that relies on buying all its shared patents and shares junk patents, but wants to trap the excellent patents of other companies.

But over the years, under the influence of a series of adverse events such as the electric door incident, the braking incident, the battery incident, and the satellite out-of-control incident, the company's performance has not been as good as it once was. The reason why it has not been delisted is entirely because This company seizes on a certain hot spot every year for business speculation, and Wall Street capital and other global capital institutions from Blue Star invest in this company.

That is, there are many procedures for overseas funds to enter the Daxia financial market.

It's just that under the wave of this financial crisis, although Tesila investors have not withdrawn their capital, institutions in the financial market have begun to withdraw funds from investing in Tesla stocks and use their channels to transfer funds Move away from U.S. stocks and transfer to the Daxia financial market step by step through the offshore market.

Because the funds have not yet been received, I can only stay in the US stock market.

It's just that many people were invited to this party, except Uncle Sam...

But now, because Daxia officials have reformed the financial market and further opened the door, funds from all over the world are pouring in.

There is another important reason why it has been able to survive until now from the perspective of fund transmission.

Yes, this company is the famous Tesila.

Small batches of funds are easy to enter, but it takes a lot of time and patience for large batches of funds to enter Daxia's financial market without anyone noticing.

More and more economic experts and scholars are aware of the instability of people's minds and have begun a new round of harvesting.

Of course, they are not trying to harvest users like they once did. After learning from the past, they started the "Law of Compassion."

On a financial investment program on Fox TV, an analyst from Morgan Stanley has become adept at facing the camera, using his emotionally charged eyes and magnetic voice to talk to the audience sincerely. "Yes, that's right. The financial crisis has indeed arrived. One of my colleagues is no longer able to work in the company because he irresponsibly and haphazardly announced this important matter.

Our expert team at Morgan Stanley knows that everyone is worried about future investment direction and planning, so in today's column, I will introduce to you a new investment channel, which is Daxia Financial Investment.

Unlike other irresponsible investment company solutions, we at Morgan Stanley were the first to launch small business orders and investment funds with capital for cross-border investment.

We have developed a small investment fund for users. The investment direction of this fund will only target outstanding companies in Daxia, including listed companies such as Suiren Company, Lianxiang Company, Xiaxin Technology, and Ningde Times.

The income obtained will be distributed one by one to the customers who purchased this fund based on scientific principles. Small-amount business orders also support users to invest them in a certain enterprise or institution after purchasing. "

That's right, Morgan Stanley, the big rat, after solving the problem of reallocating some of its huge and deep assets, chose to open an intermediary business. It has already treated the middle class who are suffering from no investment projects as the things in the pool. , a lamb to the slaughter.

In their plan, all the money from this fund will be used to invest in the Daxia enterprises they control.

As for whether the company is excellent?

As long as the financial report is good-looking and can provide users with sufficient benefits in the early stage, it will be fine.

And although it is a "small amount", the starting threshold is one million US dollars, which still makes many local investors deeply painful.

Of course, smart American investors quickly found a solution.

If one person's banknotes are not enough to purchase this fund, then find a few more people, and everyone can pool their money and buy it together! Just wait until the income comes in, and then distribute it according to the amount of investment.

With Morgan Stanley taking the lead, financial capitals such as Goldman Sachs Capital and Meili Bank naturally followed closely behind.

As for investing in Uncle Sam’s companies and institutions?

This task has long been supported by special U.S. debt. What these financial capitals need most now is to continue to make huge profits in another place!

In this way, some groups in the middle class and lower middle class began a massive cross-border investment boom.

In the Daxia financial section of the Jiuzhou community, more and more overseas IP users are speaking.

"Xia Yuan has actually maintained its appreciation for ten years. It's incredible."

"Why can't Daxia open investment immigration? Do we have to marry or marry a Daxia resident in order to get a green card as quickly as possible?"

"Why hasn't Jiuzhou Technology been listed on Daxia Financial Market? Isn't it a Daxia independent brand enterprise?"

"Netizens in the South, we really hope to invest in Jiuzhou Technology. Are there any channels to invest in such an excellent company?"

(End of this chapter)

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