Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 1682: Abnormal Experimental Data

Chapter 1682 Abnormal Experimental Data (4K)

The careful plan made the professors and academicians in the observation room nod one after another.

The reason why they are gathered here today is that they attach great importance to the nuclear power experiment, especially the control party of this experiment is Jiuzhou Technology.

If the experiment succeeds, a new era is already approaching.

It has to be said that even though Gu Qing worked hard to suppress the time for technological development and iteration, he could not stop the strong thirst for knowledge of the group of engineers he trained.

Although it is still nuclear fission, with the current size and technology research and development capabilities of Jiuzhou Technology, what will it develop into in the foreseeable future?

The professors and academicians present asked themselves, but they didn’t know.

They only know one thing, no matter how high they think of Jiuzhou Technology, it is never too high.

There is a large amount of helium-3 on the moon. When these materials can be collected, it will be a period of rapid development of controllable fusion.

The nuclear fission reaction continues to occur inside the device. Naturally, these professors and academicians sitting here cannot observe the nuclear fission reaction with the naked eye. They can only evaluate the nuclear fission process through the real-time data changes on the display screen on the wall of the observation room.

Fission reactions require precise control of the fission chain reaction in the reactor to maintain the proper fission rate and power output.

But where they can't see, the control system developed by Liu Xiangjun and others is operating stably according to the system settings.

Nuclear fission control rods, neutron sources, and control material valves are all participating in the reaction in an orderly manner, controlling and adjusting the intensity of the fission reaction at all times.

Nuclear reactors generate a large amount of heat energy during the fission process, and a cooling system is required to control the temperature and take away the heat energy to prevent the reactor from overheating.

The cooling system, a branch of the control system developed by Liu Xiangjun and others, was jointly developed by engineers from the Titan Star Department and some nuclear project engineers who had been established by Jiuzhou Technology in Neon.

There is no other reason than that these engineers are very experienced in this area.

The coolant, cooling circulation system, and heat transfer equipment operate according to the predetermined power.

Because the nuclear fission process produces radioactive radiation, it is necessary to have shielding walls and isolation modules that are strong enough to isolate radiation and made of special materials.

As for other safety protection equipment and safety control measures, there is actually no need for Gu Qing to tell these academicians. Liu Xiangjun and others have tried their best to develop them.

Nuclear fission is a form of nuclear reaction in which a heavy atomic nucleus is struck into two lighter nuclei. When the reaction occurs, high temperatures are produced.

At the same time, only extremely high temperatures can cause the nuclei of heavy nuclei to fission and release huge amounts of energy.

Different nuclear fission reactions correspond to different nuclear fission temperatures. The nuclear fission temperature of uranium-235 is about 2 million degrees Celsius, while the nuclear fission temperature of plutonium-239 is about 3 million degrees Celsius.

The temperature on the display kept soaring.

One hundred degrees Celsius passed by in the blink of an eye.

One hundred thousand degrees Celsius is like a fleeting moment.

At one million degrees Celsius, it has reached the extremely terrifying state of hell.

The boiling point of ordinary natural water in nature is one hundred degrees Celsius under standard pressure.

The melting point of metallic iron is 1535 degrees Celsius, and the boiling point is also 3000 degrees Celsius. Even the precious metal "gold" has a melting point of around 1064 degrees Celsius, and although its boiling point is higher, it is only 2856 degrees Celsius.

At this moment, the temperature at the core of the nuclear fission reaction device is already soaring at tens of millions of degrees Celsius.

If a scalpel made of tungsten steel were placed at the core of the device at this time, it would probably boil instantly as soon as it appeared, and then be smelted and disappear without a trace.

No matter whether it is the various materials made by humans or the substances existing in the nature of Blue Star, they cannot easily withstand this high temperature at present.

But at this moment, the simplest and simple "junior high school knowledge" has become an important basis for the success of this device.

A steam engine requires a boiler that boils water to produce high-pressure steam. This boiler can use wood, coal, oil or natural gas, or even combustible garbage as a heat source. The steam then expands to push a piston to do work.

Among them, if it were not for the presence of "water" as a coolant, the high-pressure steam boiler would have been burned out long ago.

The same is true after the nuclear reaction starts. The high-speed neutrons generated by the nuclear reaction must be decelerated into slow neutrons to maintain the stable operation of the nuclear reaction.

The former Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Polar Bear used graphite reactor technology. Many nuclear power plants in the neon island country used boiling water reactor technology. However, the nuclear power plant developed and designed by Liu Xiangjun and others used pressurized water reactor technology.

This is the advantage of latecomers.

Because of the Chernobyl incident, the huge hidden danger of positive cavitation effect in graphite piles was exposed. Once the reaction is out of control, the nuclear reaction speed becomes faster and faster, which can easily lead to explosion. Therefore, this technology was abandoned by the project team members invariably when seeking stability.

After using the neutron moderator to obtain slow neutrons and successfully sustain the nuclear reaction, the next step is to extract the heat energy in the reactor to drive the steam turbine.

The "pressure" in the nuclear fission pressurized water reactor technology used by Jiuzhou Technology this time comes from its closed first circuit.

This loop, which is directly heated by the reactor, is highly sealed, so in this case, the water does not vaporize at the boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius as in the natural environment, but will heat up to around 290 degrees Celsius to 350 degrees Celsius, and then be pumped Go to the secondary circuit to heat the water in the other circuit.

In this way, the second loop is equivalent to a "water bath heating boiler". The high-temperature water of the primary loop is used as a heat source to heat the water in this "boiler" to form high-temperature and high-pressure water vapor to drive the steam turbine.

Also because of the isolation of equipment, the pressurized high-temperature water in the first circuit will not penetrate into the secondary circuit, which will not cause nuclear contamination of the steam turbine.

At the same time, since the first loop is tightly sealed by special materials, the neutron moderator and heavy water will not be lost, which reduces a lot of work.

This is an advantageous route that has been traveled countless times by “predecessors”.

However, because of its "safety", the power of the steam turbine is quite limited, and the electricity generated is not as "violent" as the other two nuclear reactors.

The biggest problem is that since the first loop uses high-pressure hot water as the working fluid, the heat source temperature of the second loop is determined by the water temperature of the first loop. This results in the second loop not being able to achieve higher boilers like traditional boilers directly heated by fossil fuels. High temperature, and thus unable to produce more powerful steam.

So, that's the price of security.

However, this group of professors and academicians from Xia Ke Academy were very surprised when they saw the temperature data of the second loop of the nuclear reactor device of Jiuzhou Technology.

The water temperature in the second circuit is higher than the water temperature in the first circuit they have ever designed!

"The temperature of the first circuit has actually exceeded 700 degrees Celsius!"

"The temperature of the second circuit is higher than what we originally designed. Did Jiuzhou Technology use special materials?"

"So far, this pressurized water reactor has not had any problems. When the device is started, the core temperature of the device increases very quickly!" "As expected of Jiuzhou Technology, I heard that they were in order to develop overseas markets, and in order not to They left the possible nuclear contamination within our territory and actively chose to find nuclear energy talents from other countries. This was also their first nuclear fission experiment. Not only was it a success, but it also seemed to use a lot of technologies that we don't have. "

"Previously, the technological progress of Jiuzhou Technology has not occurred in the field I am focused on. Now it seems that this may be a blessing. If Jiuzhou Technology had entered the field of nuclear energy research from the beginning, I am afraid that our current nuclear fusion can be commercialized. "

Daxia's official nuclear fission technology is not only at the forefront of the times, but also extremely safe. Moreover, Daxia's official nuclear fusion technology also has major breakthroughs every once in a while.

Among the professors and academicians present, there are also people who have participated in nuclear fission and nuclear fusion projects, but they were unable to keep up with the progress of the projects, so they turned to the education front in order to cultivate more nuclear talents for Daxia and mankind.

It is precisely because of this that the look of surprise in their eyes has not subsided. Even because the nuclear test process is getting faster and faster, they feel more surprised, shocked, and even fear that they themselves are not aware of.

They have "crossed the river by feeling the stones" before, and their experiments sometimes failed. However, Jiuzhou Technology walked very steadily when they crossed the river by feeling the stones for the first time.

If Jiuzhou Technology can maintain this kind of research and development progress and efficiency...

"Nuclear fission devices generate electricity. As long as the control technology is mature, the power generated by nuclear fission explosions can be used to propel rockets into flight.

If you are so surprised just after seeing the experiment of nuclear fission power generation, it would be too much of a fuss.

However, the prospects of nuclear fission are still not enough. When a base is established on the moon, no one will supervise it, and then they can actively participate in the nuclear fusion project.

When nuclear fusion is successful, a certain amount of energy will be guaranteed in the solar system. I wonder if the system will provide antimatter engines or jump engine technology in the future? "

Gu Qing was thinking in his heart.

He has always understood the surprise of these professors and academicians who have been relegated to the second line of education, but behind the understanding, he does not take it seriously.

As long as the progress is controlled and this group of people is not made to feel that they are "unworthy of their talents," that will be fine.

Gu Qing was in the operating room, thinking.

Liu Xiangjun, Zhang Tianhao and others were staring at the screen in front of them. As long as the data in any section did not match the data collected by the virtual experiment, they would immediately take manual intervention to control it.

In Junfang's observation room, although He Zhifou was not an expert in the field of nuclear energy, he had done a lot of homework before coming, so he could understand how unrealistic the data he saw was.

Among them, there are also "anonymous" nuclear experts.

“The temperature is increasing so fast that the performance of the first loop, the second loop and even the subsequent turbine devices are all 30% higher than those of similar devices, and some data have even doubled.

This is simply unbelievable. If this control system is applied to nuclear weapons, the efficiency of nuclear weapons will probably increase by about 30%.

【雛】Element, he is also a nucleus?

Jiuzhou Technology is indeed the most evil company among the elites of this era. Moreover, there are not only a few nuclear crisis handling measures. In this set of procedures, there are some blocked links, which should be the key nodes of nuclear crisis handling equipment. Once a problem occurs, Jiuzhou Technology engineers will quickly solve it.

Incredible, incredible. "

The Junfang nuclear physics expert, who has two sets of "real identities", has been whispering "unbelievable" in his heart.

He didn't even know if the people above him would believe the report after he handed it in.

When the reactor core temperature of this small nuclear fission device soared to 60 million, the experts, professors, and academicians in these observation rooms no longer knew how to evaluate this device.

A small modular device can actually steadily increase the temperature to a high temperature of 60 million degrees Celsius under the condition of controllable nuclear fission.

Does this mean that as long as a group of nuclear engineering talents like Jiuzhou Technology are given enough space and resources, they can achieve a controllable temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius?

You know, this temperature is already an extremely high temperature for studying nuclear fusion.

Power generation continues.

three minutes……

ten minutes……

twenty minutes.

After thirty minutes, this prompt text popped up on all the display screens in the observation rooms.

[The first phase of the experiment is over. The reaction device will start to cool down in ten seconds. Seven, six, five, four...]


Experts, professors, and senior officials from departments such as Xia Ke Academy and Daxia Junfang seemed to suddenly feel their hearts beating.

The sound of banging and banging suddenly brought them back to their senses.


"Congratulations to Jiuzhou Technology. They have mastered stable and safe nuclear energy."

"Everyone, I think you have no other questions about the report of this experiment, right?"

In the face of a perfect nuclear test, what doubts could they have?

"We will communicate with the development team of this device later. There is obviously a problem with the data of the first and second loops, but we don't know how Jiuzhou Technology did it."

"If Jiuzhou Technology can reproduce it at least three times, then I am willing to approve Jiuzhou Technology's application plan."

"I still have too many questions about why there are so many strange data in this mature technology."

It stands to reason that if the experiment is successful, it is normal for the expert team who inspected the experiment not to cheer.

But Gu Qing didn't cheer, and neither did everyone in the experimental operation room.

Liu Xiangjun, one of the test leaders, said calmly in the voice channel: "The first test will run for half an hour. Please make sure that all data are collected."

Then, he changed the communication channel and typed a special encrypted character.

This is an encrypted language that very few people within Jiuzhou Technology can master. Through this language, Liu Xiangjun can issue commands to many special equipment and intelligent robots.

(End of this chapter)

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