Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 175 The snipe and clam fight, the fisherman wins

Chapter 175 The snipe and clam fight, the fisherman wins

The man who likes the accordion saw the media's promotion, so he picked up his mobile phone with a smile, turned on the phone skillfully and said: Thank you for my wisdom and martial arts.

In the comments, everyone shook their heads and dipped in the sauce, all kinds of brainless, cheering.

Because of the changes in the current situation, all non-foreign-funded high-end chip foundries in Daxia began to limit production capacity, adjust production orders, and negotiate product shipment dates with cooperative companies in order to survive the cold winter.

For the future development of the company's development, mobile phone manufacturers and automobile manufacturers that need to use these chips have begun to prepare to transfer future orders to foundries not opened by Daxia.

Such as Hanxing, TSMC...

Of course, these two also have their own special places.

In the category of storage chips, the performance and quality of Han Xing's storage chips are the best in the industry, even after the fire.

TSMC, on the other hand, is unique in the foundry of mobile phone chips and crushes its peers.

The orders of mobile phone manufacturers are generally large orders, but from the beginning of the project to the chip tape-out and then to the installation, it often takes the second year to get the finished chip.

It can be said that the blind behavior of certain forces this time not only failed to please them, but also allowed Han Xing and other large companies with chip foundry business to enjoy a "snipe (yu) and clam fight, and the fisherman benefits."

Naturally, the No. 1 chip foundry in the world, TSMC's stock has soared and soared.

The same is true for Hanxing Group Semiconductor Company.

The new CEOs are all on show, which is called a fortune, full of joy.

The former CEO, Mr. Li Jingan, disappeared without a trace after being demoted.

He hadn't done anything since Xiuyi took office. He had just sorted out the interior, and a great joy came. Daxia Semiconductor Company was sanctioned, and their lithography machines would become non-lithography machines in a few months.

Originally, there were some factional conflicts and interest disputes in the internal management of the semiconductor company that needed to be dealt with, but they were covered up under such excitement.

Seeing this, Du Zaixiu only felt that the people's hearts had been won, and the destiny was at hand, so he sent a report to the head office.

Taking advantage of the imminent desperation of Daxia Semiconductor, it hastened to reduce production capacity and purchase high-end lithography machines in large quantities.

You must know that AS-ML1 only sells dozens of mid-to-high-end lithography machines every year, and all of them have issued military orders in Xiuli, and they have to take more than half of them!Let others only have a mouthful of soup!
The leader, Li Jianxi, nodded and approved the proposal with a smile. Regardless of whether things are successful or not, this idea and energy need to be encouraged.

Du Zaixiu, who was overwhelmed by joy, contacted AS-ML, but was told that he could not provide so many lithography machines.

The reason is also very simple, the board of directors does not allow...

Although containment of Bactria is a strategic policy, it is impossible to feed only one dog.

My big beauty has its own dog pack, how can it tolerate a dog alone?

So Nihong Xiaoxiang expressed very lively: Wadaxiwa, Neon is vigorously developing the semiconductor industry and urgently needs high-end lithography machines.

The next day AS-ML company executives said: The revival of the neon semiconductor industry is a great boost to the global semiconductor industry. Our company will cooperate with...

Semiconductor industry companies outside Daxia are singing and dancing, you come and go.

The semiconductor industry companies on the Daxia side sighed, as if it was the end of the day.

Gu Qing read the news and sighed a little bored.

He is still waiting, the two sides calm down, and there will be no more troubles.

And he also believes that the inside of the opposite side is not of one mind, after all, when someone wins, someone loses.

The financial industry is too developed, leading to an irreparable hollowing out of the entity.

Bosses feel more uncomfortable seeing other people making money than losing money themselves, but the labor cost of Meili-Ken remains high...

So in the end, in the contradictions and conflicts, the two parties are bound to reach a certain degree of reconciliation.

It also takes time to replace the light source of lithography machines of other domestic manufacturers.

Although the problem of the light source has been solved, whether it is DUV or EUV, the power, energy controller, interface and system adaptation of the lithography machine will take time.

And this matter can't be done in a fair manner, it can only be done secretly.

If someone accidentally leaks the news, I am afraid that another item will be added to the semiconductor ban list.

Quietly enter the village, do not shoot.

Li You and Zhang Yantai were divided into two groups. One group stayed behind in the semiconductor department and was responsible for bringing in newcomers and manufacturing wafers in the factory, while the other group started a journey to the north and south.

From the beginning of wafer manufacturing, it has entered the middle reaches of the semiconductor industry chain, so companies with chip manufacturing business in Daxia are not disgusted with the current leading wafer manufacturing company, Kyushu Technology Company.

The chip manufacturing business is basically foundry.

It means that the fab will etch the large-scale integrated circuit on the large silicon wafer through a lithography machine according to the circuit drawing designed by Party A's chip to make a specific chip.

For example, Xia designed the Kirin chip for HiSilicon Semiconductor, and then placed an order for TSMC to manufacture the chip.

These two links are the midstream links of the semiconductor industry chain, and they are also the two links with the highest added value in the semiconductor industry chain.

In the entire semiconductor industry chain, the most difficult and most valuable are the chip design and chip manufacturing links.

(So ​​please don't think that designing a chip is easy)
In fact, Great Xia Kingdom has been catching up in the semiconductor field over the years.Although 55% of the entire semiconductor industry chain requires American companies to provide related equipment, technology, and raw materials.

But finally also walked out of a group of companies.

For example, Xiake Sugon is a leading company in high-performance computing in Daxia; Zihui Xiaxin is a listed company in the semiconductor industry under Zihui Group, and it is also a leading supplier of chip design and system integration solutions in China;

There are also companies that tackle tough memory chips, that is, companies engaged in hard disks and memory cards, such as Dajiang Storage, Hefei Xiaxin, and Furui Jinxia and other influential companies.

18年8月,大江存储发布king 3D NAND存储芯片架构。接口速度上比V-NAND(韩星)快两倍,存储密度只比竞品96层NAND芯片低10~20%。

According to internal information, Zihui Hongmao, a subsidiary of Zihui Group, has been able to carry out laboratory packaging, and it is expected that it will be able to conduct large-scale mass production of large-capacity enterprise-level 19D NAND chip packaging and testing in early 3, which means that the truly domestic Zihui brand ( UNIC) SSDs will meet with ordinary consumers in 19.

On this road that is doomed to be full of thorns, some people are going ahead and localizing related product technologies with extremely low profits or even losses.

Some companies have stood up for storage chips, and there are warriors fighting for the most core lithography machine.

After visiting several chip foundries, Li You and his team finally arrived at Pudong Microelectronics, the current leading manufacturer of lithography machine products in Daxia.

Founded in 02 at the beginning of the century, Pudong Microelectronics has devoted itself to research and development in the field of lithography machine manufacturing for 16 years.

Due to the experience and technical reserves of Daxia Kingdom in this area due to the cessation of the last century, the existing available technology is almost zero, so Pudong Microelectronics did not aim too high, but positioned its products in the low-end market.

There is also a reason for daring to do this. Because the United States has made more and more efforts to curb the development of Daxia in recent years, Pudong Microelectronics is not behind the ordinary capital investment.

The largest shareholder is now Xiaqi Pudong Electric.

And the chip process is from 90 nanometer technology to the next generation of 45 nanometers, the next generation is 28 nanometers, the next generation is 14 nanometers, and then 7 nanometers.

In fact, it is not "worthy of the name".

xx nanometers reflect the comprehensive performance index of the process, not the specific precision

In the past, 6 million R&D was carefully calculated to live a poor life, but now it is backed by Xia's capital, with sufficient fuel, and the R&D progress is getting faster and faster.


People are forced out, and the semiconductor industry is the cornerstone of the modern Internet economy. Daxia imports more than 3000 billion US dollars of chips every year.

Therefore, under such pressure, Pudong Microelectronics has mastered more than 2000 patents so far. Although there is no perfect supply chain system that can match AS1ML, it also has the full support of other companies with Xiazi background.

Today, Pudong Microelectronics welcomed another good friend who came to help the venue.

In order to reach a cooperation, Gu Qing personally led the team here.

Unfortunately, Xia Weiyu Chengdong still has some friendship with a certain manager of Pudong Microelectronics.

So the manager led Gu Qing and his party through the security check and investigation, and then entered Pudong Microelectronics.

Perhaps the temperature of the central air conditioner is set a bit low. When entering the company, one can clearly feel a solemn and slightly chilly atmosphere.

The employees passing by from time to time are either frowning or hurrying, and rarely see anyone smiling.

Even if they saw the executives leading Gu Qing and others, they just nodded their heads.

"Although we now have Guozi as a shareholder, it can't solve the technical problems, so the R&D team is still communicating with other technology suppliers to try to solve the light source problem."

The executive's tone was a little low.

"Is there a solution?" Gu Qing asked.

"Hey, it's impossible for this kind of thing to work hard. The excimer laser light source system made by the Institute of Optoelectronics of the Xia Ke Academy can only be said to be usable, but it is of no help to the latest research and development projects."

"The latest research and development project?"

"It's no secret that 90nm is the next step to 45nm.

The lithography machine that manufactures chips of this level is enough for the chip manufacturing of ordinary electrical appliances. "

Gu Qing sighed: "Those companies have patents that can be called a moat. When we first manufactured wafers and developed them, we fought alone."

"I heard that Mr. Gu wants to talk about the cooperation project of light source equipment,"

"Naturally, after years of research and development, our company has also produced results in light source equipment. Today I just want to see if I can help a group of friendly companies."

"That's what I wish for, I'll take you to the laboratory to have a look."

This executive is not a nerd. The Kyushu technology company is rising like a comet, but the technology is diverse and mature. If you use your brain a little, you know that the other party must have a deep background.

Although Pudong Microelectronics' laboratory is called a "room", its area is not that small.

Looking around, in a space of hundreds of square meters, large and small equipment are placed in an orderly manner, and many R&D personnel are working hard in it with reports and folders.

Zhao Xingxia, head of the laboratory at Pudong Microelectronics headquarters, is surrounded by a dozen young or old R&D personnel.

But none of them spoke at the moment, and they all focused on the instrument in front of them.

Gu Qing led the team to stop on the side.

It was obvious that the other party was at a critical moment in the experiment, and there should be no noise at this time.

After about 3 minutes.

Zhao Xingxia sighed as the value on the monitor fluctuated to zero.

"The light source is still not enough, other aspects have matured, alas!
Basic science, basic science, if no one can conquer our material science, when will the light source be qualified. "

Beside him, an old man patted Zhao Xingxia on the shoulder.

"Xiao Zhao, don't be discouraged. The comrades at the Xiake Academy are also working hard. I heard that several old friends have issued a military order to strive for qualified light sources within three years."

"DUV or EUV?"

Although this question was not loud, it was clearly audible in this quiet laboratory.

Zhao Xingxia looked over with a sad face.

I saw a strange young man standing in front of a group of people, with a green face but a calm demeanor.

"Where did the young man come from?" He asked the assistant beside him.

As the person in charge of the laboratory, it is naturally impossible for him to detail everything.

"Old Zhao, this is Mr. Gu of Kyushu Technology Company, and the R&D staff of their company's semiconductor R&D department."

At this time, the executive who introduced Gu Qing into the laboratory stepped up and introduced him.

"This is Zhao Xingxia, Professor Zhao, who is also the head of the laboratory and the chief engineer of the project."

The reputation of Kyushu Technology is not small now.

Zhao Xingxia came back to his senses, thought for a while and said, "Isn't your company manufacturing wafers? Are you interested in chip foundry?"

Then he said: "That's right, the cost is lower, and sales will definitely not be a problem."

Gu Qing shook his head with a smile, and after shaking hands with Professor Zhao, he glanced at the device display they had just focused on.

“There is a reason why the DUV light source is an excimer laser, while the AS-ML1’s EUV lithography machine uses a laser to excite a plasma to emit EUV photons.

The wavelength of the DUV lithography machine can reach 193 nanometers, while the wavelength of the EUV light source is 13.5 nanometers.

I believe Professor Zhao also knows that the gap between the two is very obvious, the shorter the wavelength, the higher the resolution that can be achieved.This allows EUV lithography machines to undertake the production tasks of high-precision chips.

Therefore, although DUV can do 48NM, it is too difficult and must be changed to EUV. "

Professor Zhao did not speak, but a young researcher beside him said: "The EUV light source has been covered by foreign companies, how can it be so easy for us to use the EUV light source."

"The German Leica lens, the Trumpf light source, and the patented technology of Germany, the United States, Japan and South Korea are indeed covered.

But it's not impossible for us to change directly from the source. " Gu Qing said.

The young R&D staff snorted coldly: "It's so simple to say, but it's not so easy to develop a new light source without more than ten years of theoretical derivation and basic research and development."

 PS: Thank you for your recommended tickets and monthly tickets. The last day of August is coming to an end.

  good night.

(End of this chapter)

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