Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 180 Luckily, Take the Bus Quickly

Chapter 180 Luckily, Take the Bus Quickly

(Written at the top, there is no cultivation of immortals here.)
Pieces of withered dead branches and petals are accompanied by the time of youth.

Gu Qing forgot how many times he looked into the distance in the wind and rain.

In his previous life, he was an ordinary person. He was ordinary when he was studying in school, and ordinary when he was looking for a job. He lived his life with stumbles. Although he went through a lot after rebirth, he worked hard for the foreseeable future.

The vicissitudes of life have already entered his heart and climbed up his cheeks.

So he will not be troubled by hair loss, nor will he stop studying day and night because of his poor physique.

Even in his heart, he felt that he might have come with a mission.

For the great rejuvenation of the Huaxia clan, for the mainland of China not to be invaded by foreign enemies, for the extraordinary dreams of those ordinary people...

Meditation always makes the thoughts fly away, and then the mind finally settles down.

After this period of conditioning, the body has gradually stabilized, but this is not enough.

After sorting out the thoughts in his mind, he stood up and took a tube of red reagent from the test bench.

Then drink it up.

"Xuanwu, record my body data at any time."

Gu Qing could clearly feel that the liquid in the reagent turned from cold to hot after entering the mouth, and the mouth was also stimulated by the sweet and sour taste, thus secreting a large amount of saliva, which together with the medicine went down the throat to the stomach.

Feeling the heat coming from his stomach, he sat down cross-legged, then closed his eyes slightly, feeling the changes in his body.

"It sounds like looking at the sea. This time, the body forging and foundation building of the Yuan Empire is still a bit like a fairy art, but the Chinese medicine extract is very scientific, but the century-old wild ginseng and tiger bone feel really unscientific... ..."

That's right, Mr. Gu is now starting the first step of "self-cultivation".

Keep in good health, take care of yourself.

Most of the precious Chinese medicinal materials such as century-old wild ginseng are collected by Professor Zhuang of Harbin Institute of Technology through the power of Harbin Institute of Technology.

If you don't have access, even if you have money, you can't buy it.

Some people hate the things of Chinese medicine, but some people can't put it down, and even want to take it for themselves.

But starting from reality, many prescriptions in Chinese medicine have wonderful effects, such as Angong Niuhuang Pills and Zhibao Dan.

According to the version made by the old prescription, the effect of the medicine can be said to really save a life and bring the dead back to life.

And once the scientifically identical substances such as artificial bezoar are used, the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced.

It's amazing.

Therefore, after the first and second batches of people passed the small batch test, he was arranging time to improve his physique.

This bottle of potion is a re-optimized version of the one that Thomson and others took.

Ascension at this time, the main concern is whether your body can bear it.

At the same time, he could also clearly feel the changes in his body. The medicine in his body was slowly affecting the viscera and organs, and he could even feel a warm breath slowly rotating in his body.

But for some reason, listening to my own breathing and feeling the movements in my body, tiredness permeated unconsciously.

The night is long and sleepless, and the autumn air is clear, and the candles are cut frequently.

The wind drives the torrential rain to the high city, the clouds press down lightly and the thunder sounds.

While Boss Gu was recuperating his body, the internal reorganization of Jiuzhou Technology Company was like a thunderstorm.

But this Huanghuang thunder is endless.

On December [-]st, the two middle-level managers who were still working in the office and were looking forward to how many year-end bonuses they could get this year, immediately turned pale after receiving a notification call.

The president's office that day could be described as dark and bleak, with endless pleas for mercy.

Gu Qing has a deeper understanding of human nature.

There are few people who rein in their horses before the precipice, but many people who forget righteousness when they see profit.

"It's still okay, just block those two raw material suppliers, and send a notification letter to other raw material suppliers by the way. If this kind of thing happens again in the future, it will not be as simple as terminating the cooperation.

Although there is no problem with the quality, the matter of giving kickbacks will be stuck from the source. "

After some tossing, the entire Kyushu Science and Technology Company, whether it is management or ordinary employees, has a lot of harmony between work and life.

In fact, the two suppliers were blocked because they were too good at doing business.

Doing business is all about human relations. When the quality of the goods is qualified, one party wants to have a deeper relationship with the other party so that the business can last for a long time.

It's all too human.

But Gu Qing thinks that when human relations are involved in business matters, the taste will change.

This is not a child's play house. If there is a problem with the quality of the goods, just use favors to stop it?
High-tech manufacturing companies cannot talk about human relations.

And Kyushu Technology can now be said to have led the robot upgrading revolution in the sweeping and dishwashing industries in Daxia.

Although this year’s Double Eleven, the price of the basic model of Titan Star’s small sweeping robot has not increased, and it is still 90 yuan.

But because the smart program and design are good enough, and no expense has been spared in stacking materials, there is still no one that can fight at this price in the market.

And after more than a year of word-of-mouth fermentation and the continuous expansion of the factory, this year's Titan Star smart home robot finally no longer has purchase restrictions.

However, this year's basic models of home robots that are purely expanding the market have finally experienced what the "Double Eleven discount" is.

As we all know, on Double Eleven, consumers can use red envelopes, consumer coupons, and discount coupons to buy products. Many of these discounts can be used by the entire audience.

This year, Kyushu Technology's Titan Star smart home products were all classified into home appliance activities.



Because these discounts and red envelopes are not paid by the platform to subsidize consumers, but directly deducted from the merchant!
It is equivalent to losing the interests of merchants, as a platform discount, allowing users to sell "welfare".

And this kind of activity is mandatory to participate, as long as you are the top three stores in the special category sales, you will be pulled into the list.

Merchants either raise prices in advance in order not to lose money, or limit purchases.

And Kyushu Technology Company will never raise or lower prices at will...

When taking advantage, most consumers don't care how much you lose.

On that day, the basic model of Titanxing small sweeping robot was sold out.

Usually, the daily sales of thousands or hundreds of units broke through 50 units on that day.

Dong Qi showed Gu Qing a report, the basic model, which is priced at 990, sold one, and the average loss was about 160 Xia Yuan.

In other words, Boss Gu lost 8000 million Xia Yuan in one day...

"Isn't it because I'm so lucky that I'm going to take the bus soon?" Gu laughed at himself secretly.

However, he takes a long-term view. Now Kyushu Technology Company cannot turn against some domestic capital tycoons, and both parties have problems in this matter.

One party is too domineering, and the other party did not say hello in advance or imitate their counterparts to raise prices.

One can't do things, and one can't "do things".

 PS: Let’s talk about the disadvantages of relying on the platform... Dig a small hole for the following plot.

  By the way, please ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets == please, this is still very important.

(End of this chapter)

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