Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 271 The Boundary Between Public and Private

Chapter 271 The Boundary Between Public and Private
In fact, many military and civilian teams are researching and developing projects such as coordinated control of flight-intensive areas, cluster cooperative situational awareness and sharing, etc., so the bosses in the audience are more thinking.

How much dry goods can this kid draw cakes?

Gu Qing can only say that he has a little understanding of the relevant units. Some military scientific research projects do not need to consider patent issues and cost control issues, so they are called a powerful and unconstrained style.

"Of course, you will know if it is a mule or a horse. Our company has been seeking cooperation with relevant departments recently, but Chengdu still has some scruples. Therefore, these technologies cannot be implemented for actual testing, and can only be carried out in our company's park. use.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, this system has a very good effect on public security and fire prevention. Since the establishment of the system, our company has achieved zero fires and zero criminal cases in the park, even in the titanium tank with many foreigners. The star park has also basically prevented bad incidents from happening.

I know that everyone here may not believe it. In order to prove the actual effect of this system, please watch the live recording video of some streets in our company park. "

Gu Qing pressed the controller, and the PPT on the big screen started to play the video.

The picture quality is very clear, and you can even see the texture of architectural details and the reflection pattern on the glass.

Some of the bosses here are specialized in mountain special operations, but some are also good at urban special operations. Seeing this urban scene, they naturally pay attention to it.

In the video, there is an intersection with vehicles passing by from time to time, and pedestrians passing by from time to time.

But everyone's attention is not at all on the tidy streets and the Titan star cleaning robots beside the streets.

What they care about is these pedestrians and vehicles, but the boxes that pedestrians and vehicles appear in the video.

"Five Zero Hongguang

Manufacturer: SAIC-GM-[-]
Level: microfacet

Fuel consumption: 6.5-6.7L
Displacement: 1.2L / 1.5L
Double U front face design and three-dimensional straight waterfall-style chrome-plated air intake grille, eagle-eye crystal diamond headlights and feather-shaped crystal diamond front fog lights.

Driver: Zhang San, employee of Jiuzhou Science and Technology Logistics Department

Co-pilot: Li Si, employee of Jiuzhou Science and Technology Logistics Department

Cargo: living materials in Titan Star Park.

Detailed situation, control vehicle, body specific situation scanning. "

Pedestrians walking around have similar boxes.

"Chinese name: Zhang Hao, alias: Mouse
Nationality: Daxia

Identity in the park: User of the sixth batch of bionic mechanical prostheses
Birthplace: Rongcheng, Sichuan, date of birth: May 89, 5

Occupation: Teacher

social relationship:……

Travel record: ...

Destination Forecast:  …

Safety level: four stars, no lethal weapons, has practiced sprinting for three years. "

Seeing these pedestrians and vehicles going away one by one, some boxes are enlarged from time to time to view more detailed information.

There are everything from character history, social relationship, hobbies, and past extreme behaviors. The bigwigs in the audience saw this scene, and their brows did not relax.

They are not young, they only see what protects the safety of citizens' property, what they see is "data privacy and security".

Although various major APPs now require user privacy information, at most these APPs sell or use these user contact information for themselves, but they will not really check the user's background.

It is actually not difficult to realize this function, but it is too complicated and difficult to investigate the people and things in the area in such a detailed manner like Kyushu Technology, which involves technology.

Gu Qing also explained on the side: "Through the powerful Internet of Everything and intelligent core system, using the data simulation in the server of Jiulong in the cloud, fast calculation, fast positioning, and fast response."

As for the reaction, Gu Qing did not say, because the picture has already risen into the air.

Under the white clouds, above the buildings there are swarms of drones wandering in the sky.

And this group of drones is not just flying over the buildings in a daze, they form a formation like migratory birds migrating, and fly between the high-rise buildings in the city, will there be a few individual ones flying away? .

Although the flying speed of this drone formation is very fast, these drones that fly out alone can still fly back accurately after a few minutes.

At this time, the camera showed a drone that had just flown out.

The picture is not trembling, and the sound of the drone's propeller is also suppressed.

Everyone saw that the drone that flew out alone flew out of the window of a building.

After scanning this area, a line of words appeared on the border of the screen.

"The residents of 1803, Building [-], District [-] did not leave the room. There was an open fire in the kitchen area but no one was taking care of it. You need to contact the property management staff for education and point deduction warnings."

It didn't take long for this line of words to appear, and the screen turned and came to the outside of an apartment corridor.

A few minutes later, staff wearing uniforms and holding devices knocked on the doors of nine residents of Building 1803...

There was a suppressed exclamation from someone present.

With this kind of efficiency, the open fire in the room can be quickly dealt with if left unattended for a long time.

There is basically no possibility of a large-scale fire breaking out.

When everyone was still thinking, the video ended.

Before Gu Qing stepped onto the stage, he spoke first.

"At the junction of public and private, we still adhere to the original idea of ​​building a boundary marker. In rooms with extremely private attributes, we do not arrange sensors such as cameras, but for private fire protection and residential safety, we use external detectors to Twenty-hour uninterrupted monitoring is carried out. Whether it is an open fire, domestic violence or burglary, it will be dealt with in the first time.

The video you have seen is a real shot video of our Titan star park.

Because there are too many foreigners in the Titan Star Park, their customs and living habits are different from ours, even if there are many teachings, there will be some problems, so this is one of the reasons why we implemented this system experiment in this park one.

Of course, the UAV fleets in the video you have seen are actually operated autonomously by the formation system of the UAVs. They can independently handle and control small-area events under a small range of authority. Of course, they can also be manually controlled or given instructions. .

This is one of the manifestations of the core technology of smart cities.

With the Internet of Everything, we can coordinate with all the devices in the city that can interact with information. These smart devices and unmanned devices can be used for civil security, fire protection, or military modification.

We are continuing to optimize this system, whether it is urban use or military use.

I hope it can be more perfect and land faster, thank you all. "

After speaking, Gu Qing bowed to everyone in the audience.

There was clapping applause, and there was even a sense of rhythm when listening carefully.

 PS: A huge and complex system, not just about drones, the next chapter will return to the city.

  Thanks to Mosen Yuhai for the 5000 starting point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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