Chapter 278
Xia Wei has already abandoned Android, so what are you afraid of.

Gu Qing on the stage was keenly aware of the firmness in Mr. Ren's eyes, and looked at other company teams. In comparison, only Xia Wei's team was the quietest.

Rice and his group were discussing, and some even argued in low voices with red faces.

The interests involved by the three brothers Opo, Yijia, and Viv are really too great, and if they are not careful, they will push the company into the abyss beyond redemption.

Manufacturers such as Meizu, although excited, are also considering supply chain issues.

They are now loyal users of Android, and have gone to the Kyushu technology camp. Will Google use its huge power to embarrass them in terms of supply chain?
After all, not everyone is Xia Wei, who can handle supply chain problems.

The discussion in the conference room was also silent to some extent.

Silence about choice.

Kyushu Technology's Gonggong system is known to be very powerful and even compatible with multiple platforms.

But this move is too difficult.

If you are not careful, you will block all your wealth.

Seeing everyone in such a state, Gu Qing threw out his final trump card.

"Pudong Microelectronics relies on the SS1MB light source provided by our company to develop a second-generation new light source lithography machine, which is now on Xiaxin Technology's new production line and can achieve mass production of 7nm process chips.

And our company already holds 30.00% of the shares of Pudong Microelectronics Company. If you have weighed the chip issue, you may be able to weigh it again. "


Hearing this news, except for Xia Wei's executives, the executives of other manufacturers present were all shocked.

The meeting room fell silent again.

The atmosphere is heavy like the deep sea.

Suddenly, a slightly old voice remembered.

"Xia Wei is willing to connect to the update installation portal of the Gonggong system."

Everyone should look forward to it.

Although Mr. Xia Wei and Ren had a signature smile on his face, his eyes were calm and his words were even louder.

"Android and Pingguo systems have been suppressed on our heads for so many years, we, Xia Wei, dare to accompany you and break the sky!
Although the Hongmeng system is temporarily inferior to the Gonggong system, I believe that in the not-too-distant future.

Through study and hard work, our Hongmeng will become an existence not weaker than the Gonggong system. "

Xia Wei stood up.

Suddenly there was a sound from a certain direction.

The boss of Meizu slapped the table, stood up brazenly and said: "Back then, we Meizu were tricked by companies like Google, but we still had to hold our noses to admit it and continue to use Android.

This matter is simply stuck in the throat.

Since Kyushu Science and Technology is so sincere, the Gonggong system is also used by us! "

Hearing what Boss Meizu said, Lei Jun blinked unconsciously.

He glanced at the calm and composed Gu Qing and the others, and then saw the Jiaolong X1 on Mr. Ren's desk, and his mind froze.

The Jiaolong series can do this with domestic components.

Does Rice still have to sit on Qualcomm's boat?Also, Han Xing's screen is really not as strong as that of Kyushu Technology.

China's revival has long been unstoppable, and only by keeping up with the pulse of the times can we stand at the real biggest outlet.

Thinking about this, he also stood up: "Our rice has also followed! Tnd, Android is getting less and less up to date, and our manufacturer has to spend a lot of money to help Google optimize it. Labor and management have long thought it is not pleasing to the eye."

Since it is not pleasing to the eye, why does your Mi family make MIUI so hard?

Of course, no one dared to say this in person at this time, they were just whispering in their hearts.

However, Rice's statement made the mobile phone manufacturers such as Opo make a decision.

Opo, ​​viv, and Yijia are originally born from the same root, and they naturally advance and retreat together.

Moreover, as Gu Qing said, the Gonggong system can be used as a similar second support system. In the general direction, they only need to explain clearly to the relevant person in charge of Google.

After giving up many rights and interests, the group of crocodiles finally couldn't bear to go ashore.

The final result was a bit of a reunion, and none of the companies withdrew.

Of course, Gu Qing also knows the thinking of these companies.

There will be many people who use the Gonggong system as a backup tire;

There will be many people who study and develop like Xia Wei;

There is also the foolishness of betting on both ends, and there will be no less.

But the young Boss Gu watched these executives board his own boat, would he let them off the boat so easily?

Unless one day the ship sinks.

But with him here, Kyushu Technology will sink?


And consumers vote with their feet.

Who doesn't want to use a system with a small installation package, powerful functions, and a good release of mobile phone hardware performance?

Everyone has expressed their opinions, and there is no second round agenda.

After confirming the intention, it is time to go through the contract signing process. The contract personally executed by the staff of Kyushu Technology and Xuanwu can only be said to be admired by the legal departments of other mobile phone manufacturers.

There is no loophole to take advantage of when you are really riding a horse.

Zhang Benyu, the person in charge of the software engineering department of Kyushu Technology, has been in high spirits today.

Especially when the meeting of the bigwigs was over, Gu Qing contacted the senior officials for the next round of meetings to coordinate work for future cooperation.

The cheers and applause of the crowd never stopped.

Most of them are young people in their twenties, and the names of companies such as Xia Wei and Rice were very popular when they graduated.

Even if you make your own system, but there are too few mobile phones to use it, even if you go out to brag, sometimes you feel almost something.

Of course, the most important thing is that the big one is coming!
Big money made again!
Other manufacturers kept it secret, but system support cannot be done by one or two executives, so some technicians were notified and arranged.

Then... one spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and finally all domestic mobile phone manufacturers will support the Gonggong system, and this incident broke out.

"Hold the grass! Is this true?"

"Don't believe in rumors and don't spread rumors. Everyone should be calm and calm. The Gonggong system has only been out for a long time, and it is not yet mature. This must be hype."

Ordinary netizens don't know whether the news is true or not.

But Google CEO Sandal knew that this was true, because the group of mobile phone manufacturers in Daxia had found Google.

Although they all said it was necessary for business expansion, as a mature CEO, he didn't believe in such nonsense at all.

Is the Gonggong system good?
He himself owns a Jiaolong X1, wouldn't he know?

Once those ordinary smartphone users use the Gonggong system, will they return to the embrace of Android?

"Let's hold a board meeting. We cannot remain indifferent to this matter."

Of course, in addition to this, Pinguokuke also received the news.

Considering the reliability of the source, he believed it.

This is troublesome.

The Gonggong system is no longer used by a small group of people, but is loaded into Daxia mobile phones on a large scale.

Can the Pingguo system beat the Gonggong system?


He now uses Jiaolong X1 in his daily life...

 PS: This is the last chapter for a scheduled release.

  Tomorrow, which is October NO.30, may have to ask for a day off.

  ==Don't panic, just give the warlock a day's monthly leave.

(End of this chapter)

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