Chapter 502 oh, god~
Facing the gamers who have been forced to wait for two years and the DIY market, there are not many of them.After all, if you do an imprecise math problem based on the computing power of the mining pool, there are more than ten million graphics cards working in the mines around the world, and these graphics cards should have been taken care of in the bedrooms and study rooms of gamers. pet.

And players have long lost trust in manufacturers such as Nvidia.

If Nvidia still has credit, Lao Huang can use the graphics card's factory date and network activation records as consumers' publicly available information to help consumers clear mines, instead of conniving at the mine owner to sell second-hand blood.Of course, there is no doubt that Nvidia has no motivation to do so.

That's why the players said in unison: so, nvidia, fxxk you!

Just the product of Titan processor is booming in Daxia District, and the price of graphics cards on second-hand platforms such as Xianyu has plummeted instantly. Only the major official flagship stores of online business platforms are still gritting their teeth and resisting the pressure. The high price raised by mining.

There was a whimpering sound in the industry.

And not only the merchants in the computer industry, but also the store managers and regional managers of the major business stores of mobile phone manufacturers have also felt tremendous pressure.

The mobile phone customization service provided by Suiren can be said to truly link mobile phone parts suppliers and customers through the service platform.

You can directly get the parts supply price close to the ex-factory price for a few hundred dollars, and then spend money to enjoy the world's top design and installation technology. Although there is still some time before the finished product, many users have already put their own The designed mobile phone concept map was put on social media platforms such as Moments.

From straight boards to clamshells, as well as curly folds, there are almost all kinds of forms, and the materials are exquisite and the design is novel.

Users can even set hollow patterns and transparent mobile phone cases by themselves, which makes Suiren's mobile phone customization service shine.

It is conceivable that after the first batch of customized mobile phones leave the factory and are handed over to users, as long as the quality passes the standard and the performance is superior, then how popular this customized service will be.

Mobile phone customization services and Titan processors are hot in their respective markets, but K1 helmets are somewhat neglected.

Some netizens also commented: "I also want to play the K1 helmet, but I don't have an empty room at home to make a game room."

For this complaint, Gu Qing expressed her understanding.

The current housing prices can be said to be very expensive, and the average price in first- and second-tier cities is tens of thousands of square meters. If there is room for the K1 helmet, the space is worth tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

It's just that his mind is not on this right now, because the big one is coming.

Yes, "the big one is coming" in the real sense. After the press conference on March [-], Dong Qi and others didn't sleep!

They are all here waiting for the performance of the product launch and the impact of the experience video after the ferment of the big storm.

Except for the heartless little boss Gu.

Sure enough, on March [-]nd in the Great Summer, the stocks of related technology companies in Europe and the United States plummeted, and the financial market was turbulent.

Even Metaverse real estate, which has been speculated at sky-high prices by a number of technology giants in the past two years, has also ushered in a cold winter for the industry.

Last year, on a virtual gaming platform, a piece of virtual land was sold for $430 million, setting a new record for real estate transactions in the metaverse.

Now, the market price of this piece of virtual land is only [-] US dollars.

As for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, because the mine owners can’t see the game players taking over, they have sold off their graphics cards and their own virtual currency, causing the cryptocurrency market to enter the point where the bamboo basket is empty.

Capital is naturally not willing to lose money, even if it is a large number of stockholders who die, this will not work.

Because this is their leek!
Therefore, after the turmoil on March [-]nd, Great Summer Time, Uncle Sam's military-industrial complex, technology enterprise capital, financial capital chaebol, and other capital forces came together extremely rarely.

Considering Kyushu Science and Technology's strong position in computer information technology, major forces have sent representatives to hold a meeting in reality.

The high degree of secrecy of this meeting can be imagined from the fact that even Xuanwu was unable to detect the specific content of the meeting.

After this secret meeting, the major forces began to move as if they had found their backbone.

Since ancient times, the exchanges between the enemy and us have always highlighted the fame of a teacher. Whether it is the righteousness of the family and the country, or washing powder, what is needed is a reputation.

The high-tech products produced and sold by Kyushu Technology over the years have become the titles that Western media need.

In a sense, the media has the right to speak and even to educate.

After all, a person's impression of a city thousands of miles away is often constructed in his mind from the information provided by newspapers, TV news and other media.

For example, "stereotypes" such as Maozi drinking vodka, neon people bowing, Koreans eating kimchi, etc., are often information expressed by the media deliberately or unintentionally.

It is well known that the West has been discrediting Daxia.Fortunately, with the development of the Internet, the products of Daxia people and enterprises are in line with international standards, and many smears have been shattered by facts.

But this time, the European and American companies that have been dug into the sore heels by Daxia companies represented by Kyushu Technology can no longer bear it.

On March [-]rd, the first day of the second month of the lunar calendar in Daxia, under the instruction of the master, newspaper and magazine reporters, TV program news anchors, self-media big shots and other media personnel from Western media groups expressed their concern for Kyushu Technology represented by the Titan processor. The product is insanely discredited.

The "Washington Post", "New York Times", Reuters, BBC and other media forces have published various highly instructive false reports.

"A country like a thief, a company like a thief, a product from theft!" "

"Disrespecting intellectual property rights is like Judas who betrayed God!" "

"My God, in such a beautiful world, there are still such a group of thieves. "

"Are They Thieves? NO!They are robbers!They are bandits! "

"Kyushu Technology?Steal technology! "

In addition to the efforts of the media, executives of high-tech companies such as Nvidia, AMD, Intel, etc., took the initiative to accept interviews with "media hired by themselves" after returning to China by plane.

"The press conference I participated in this time made me feel nauseous. The multi-core design and APU design are all products that we are using and will be successfully developed in the laboratory, but they were rejected by a company that has never had relevant product design and manufacturing experience. The enterprise got it out.

Maybe the developer of this Titan processor is God. He can make an enterprise leapfrog our decades of research and development in just a few years, I mean it.

It was so unbelievable that even now I feel like I'm still dreaming.

oh god~"

(End of this chapter)

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