Chapter 525 Billion
These three fires were burning like wind and fire, and the flames were raging.

The employees and managers who watched the excitement found that all the departments and their employees who were burned did not have any resistance.

Not only was there no resistance, what's more, in addition to offering assistance, the Titanium Star Department also sent a technical team focusing on virtual technology engines to station in the Entertainment Department to communicate and cooperate with them at any time.

Of course, in addition to burning the fire, Wang Teng's carrots also stunned many people.

Kyushu Science and Technology Entertainment Department will become an independent branch and be in charge of entertainment business!

This big carrot is so fragrant, crunchy and sweet, it makes the hearts of all the employees in the headquarters throb.

The previous subsidiary was Suiren Technology Company. Now not only is the business booming, but the employees in the past were promoted and their salaries increased. More importantly, there are rumors that Suiren is about to go public.

When Suiren goes public, the equity incentives, dividends, etc., will not be too comfortable.

Even if someone popularized the little knowledge about the difference between a branch company and a subsidiary company, it still failed to dissuade the enthusiasm of the employees.

In the headquarters, no matter how great a department is, there are still many high-level executives and constraints. However, if it becomes an independent company, the promotion channel for the management team will definitely be broad in the early stage.

Although the internal ascending channel of Kyushu Technology has always been clear, but the name of the ship of Kyushu Technology is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more bigwigs and elites come here attracted by it.

No matter how transparent it is, there are screenings. If a bunch of elites squeeze in, it will naturally be more difficult to get promoted than in the early days of entrepreneurship.

And the new company is like the early stage of Kyushu Science and Technology's entrepreneurship, and it can even be said to have a better start than the initial stage of Kyushu Technology's entrepreneurship. After all, the branch company has the backing of the head office, and even if it goes bankrupt, the headquarters will take care of the mess.

Just when everyone thought this carrot cake was big enough, another big carrot cake fell down.

This was a speech made the night before Wang Teng had integrated the resources of the department, and the Kyushu entertainment department was about to become independent and become a branch company.

"Mr. Gu said: In his opinion, the entertainment industry is now the cultural industry, games are the ninth art, the four major classics are also novels, classical music and popular songs now, our Daxia has a long history dating back to ancient times. Proud, but also ashamed of the current predicament.

He has lamented the current development dilemma of the entertainment industry more than once, and I also have this idea, so with the support of Mr. Gu, the company gave our branch an initial capital of 50 billion Xiayuan, and this is only the first phase of capital, and There is no requirement for profit, in addition to funds, there are technical assistance from various departments, and even as long as our business reaches a certain level, we can also establish our own software and hardware development department! "

There is no doubt that many people yearn for this 50 billion pie.

My family knows my own affairs, and the old employees of Kyushu Technology have enjoyed high benefits for so many years, and they have no doubts about Mr. Gu's generosity and investment implementation.

Mr. Gu said that the strong support is really strong support for resources and banknotes, and the future self-built software and hardware development department has given everyone endless reverie.

With such powerful resources and such a magical growth rate of the head office, what if the branch office also becomes a branch?
The big stick in front of them is shocking, and it actually helped Wang Teng coordinate all the resources of the department in a very short period of time. Of course, this is also supported by the list information given by the president's office. Otherwise, let Wang Teng investigate one by one. Let’s delegate power again, let’s not talk about it for a week, it’s enough to figure out and master the core personnel of the department in a year.

And the latter 50 billion and the establishment of a branch company are to make employees feel more at ease.

Originally, everyone thought that eating melons would end here, but they never expected that there would be bigger melons coming out.And this melon is not only for the inside, but also for the outside.

Kyushu Science and Technology Entertainment Company created a novel website, the name of the website is very consistent with the usual naming style, it is called: Kyushu Literature Network.

Later, Kyushu Manwang, Kyushu Video Network, and Kyushu Game Network were established successively...

And Kyushu Technology's social platform team reached an agreement with Kyushu Technology Entertainment Company to provide omni-channel push services for all products under Kyushu Technology Entertainment Company.

This big melon was released by the official accounts of Kyushu Science and Technology official platforms such as Kyushu Community and Jiebei Community, which naturally shocked everyone at home and abroad.

"I always thought that Kyushu Science and Technology was a technology-based enterprise devoted to technology, and the executives were so stupid? So you also wanted to come to the entertainment district to cut leeks?"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter how many bowls of noodles you have in your stomach at this time, how about it? Gu Qing is also hungry, right?"

"Does Mr. Gu also have plans to debut? Wow, Mr. Gu's good looks, I can do it!"

"One thing to say, if Mr. Gu starred in movies and TV shows, the appearance fee should be the highest. I don't know if he has the time."

"I took a look, and the layout of the website is quite good, but there is no specific content on it, no novels, no comics, and even no movies on the film and television network!"

"Visually, the major video website companies are going to fight again for the copyright of TV dramas and movies. This time I am optimistic about Kyushu. Boss Gu has made a lot of money in the past two years, hehehe."

"Upstairs, if you are optimistic, come and buy stocks with capital. I just made a small profit of [-] knives by shorting Biz."

"Is it really going back to the era of sky-high copyrights for film and television dramas? Help! I don't want to watch those Sima traffic dramas...unless it's starring Hu Ge!"

Although there was some noise, the melon eaters still underestimated the impact of Kyushu Technology's big hand.

The stocks and valuations of Daxia entertainment companies such as Bizhan, iQiqi, Youku, Yuewen Group, etc. have experienced a wave of shocks and declines, and the funds and indexes are also watching.

As for the staff and creators in the industry, their future plans have also undergone great changes.

First of all, the authors of the Singularity website under the Yuewen Group and various novel websites of other companies have seen such an announcement in the writer's section of Kyushu Literature Network.

"2022 Kyushu Essay Call for Papers - Phase One Billion Prize Pool Activity"

Submission Deadline: From the announcement release time to November 2022, [-] in Daxia.

Theme of the Call for Papers:

Words are used as a carrier to depict the fantasy in the creator's mind.

Different themes and plots have shaped the prosperous Daxia web literature world, and have profoundly affected our life, study and even our outlook on life.

In this call for essays, we do not limit the subject matter and the length of creation. As long as the content of creation is legal, as long as your work is recognized by readers, the cash prize of up to [-] million will belong to you.

(End of this chapter)

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